01-13-49 PC Minutes 11 �� ; GOLDIId '�ALLEY PZAN�TIRTG COMMISSION � Minut�s of' the Me�tirig of January 13. 19�9 � The regular meet3ng of the Golden '�a11eg Pla.nn3ag �Commission t�as held at 7:45 P. M. in the Village IIa11. The £ollotrring memebers were present: ' �� H. M. B�ellaness M. A. Hetlund C. E. Budolph � � P. g. Enghauser �d. �,� Moea E. T. Rydell 3. �ri ck�on g. Pofa�i.t C. �pd:mark S. W. Hamman L. J. R3egert R. W. Todd . The me�tin�; w�� o�l.Zed. to order by Mr. Rydmark and roll �►as taken. � Election of officera was held. Mr. Pofahl as Preaide�.t and. Mr. R�de11 as 0iee tresideat were nomiaated a,nd v,nanimousl� elected. Mr. Pof'a.hl off�red h3s resigaation ��h�.ch �r�,s accepted by the Commi�sioa. �Ir. Rydmark as t resideat and Mr. Pofah7. as Secret�ary were aomi�a.ted and ° unanlmously eleeted. . • The minu�es of the la,st regular meet3ng were approPed as read. �� Corres�ond:ence s3nee the December aeetin� consisted of a letter �rom the Village Clerk to Dr; �v.dol�h informing him af the ne�a a�upointeea �o the Commission. Mr. Hedmark s�oke in regard to the prelim3nary aceeptan.ce of the �lat of Mr, P. B. Olson. Motion by Enghau�er, secoaded by Rudolph, that �he Plat Comm�.t�ae report its findings directly to Mr. Olson. Motioa passed 'i urith prov3so tha� pro�ision for a turnaround. be assu�ed. � � � Mr. W. �'. Buckholz of the Thompson Lumber Co.� 3220 W. Lake S'treet, re— � quested informatioa about propose�. additione and alterations to the lvmber compan,y bu�.ldiag ad.�aceat to the '��.11age Hal1 . N'o action. w�,s t�ken. Mr. H3pp, 34�2g t3lend,�ood Aveuue, present�d a uon—demensioned tentati�e plat, to r. H. A. specifications, of a 60 aere tract ia the cac3nitg� of the southwest corner or" the intersectioa of the Belt Zine and the Golc�en Fall��r $oad. Motioa by Enghauser, seconded b� Moes, ,to refer this plat to the Plat Coinmittee was passed. " i Mr. Nason presented the i3n3shed master �lan oE the 'P31�.a,ge. The ; , ' Secretary axid Mr. Nason were instructed to carry out the mot3on of the December meet�.�.g to send copies of the map to the ad�o3ni.ng mun3c�palities, together w3th a Y�tter of egplan�tiou, upon ap�raeal of the proposed zoning by the Council. T�ie matter of sta,nd.3gg committeea was considerecl. Motion by Eng�.�.auser, ; � , aeconded by Rudolph, that the present committee�Mstana., i,rith new members to �ill vacan.cies, was passed. The Cha.�.r a�opointe� Mr. Todd to replace Mr. Hetlund oa �he Zon�.ng Committee; Mr. Bjellanese �o replace Mr. Moncha� on the Plat Com�3.ttee; ancl Dr. Rudolph to reLolace Mr. Pofahl on the Zoning Committee. The staa�i�.g committees now cons3�t of the followings Zoni�g Commi.ttee — Cha9.rman P. g. Eaghauser "� C. �. Rud.olph C. Scherer � C. Rydmark R. W. Todd � 1��2� Stre�t Beu�ming Comm3ttee - Chairrna.n W. A. Moes S. Erickson E. T. R�dell 8. C. Jacobson C. R,ydmark Plat Commi�tee - C?2a3rm.�,n. M. A. H�tivs�.d H. M. B�ellanes� L. J. $�.egert $, w, s� c. ��-�ii . Motion b� Enghauser, secoaded•'6�r Hudolph, to �ab1e the appoir�tment of a comu►ittee on industrial d.evelopment 3n the V111age, wa,s passed. Mot3on by Eng�aueer, secoaded b� Hetlund, that:.�he Secr�taxy '6e inatructe�. to Errite l�tters of thanka to those membera whose terms ha.4e expired, �vas �asse�. . The meet3n.g was ad.�ovxned.. . � � �' , C. R,ye �,rk, Pres3dent . Pofahl,. cretax�