02-10-49 PC Minutes � � e� GOLDP� VlALI��EY PL9NNI�'G CON[MISSION Miautee of the Meet�ng of Februar� 10, 19�9 yThe regvlar meeting of tihe Golden� �alleg Planniag Coa�.ssion waa held �a�, 7t30. P.M, in the �illasge Ha11. The follo�rixig members Evere presentt H. M. B�ellaaes� H. W. Ha,mman 8. Pofa.h7. P. g. P�gghaueer M. A. Hetluad C. A�d,mark S. �rri.eksoa S. Jacobson C. Scherer R. W. Todd The meeting,wa.a called to order and roll �aas taken. The minutea of the last reg�.7.ar meetir�g were appro�e� as read. . Mr. Fred H. Ha.nover. Zt815 aolden �a11e� $oad, appeared to reu�uest re- zonir�g from Open Decelopmeat to Commercial District of the propert� . described 3z� la�.s request for rez.oaing to the 'PilZage Cov.n.cil a�ad tr�.n,s- mitted to the Plann3ag Ccmm3�aion. A motioa b� Pofahl, �econdecl b� Eng}�auser. to refer t�he ma,tter to the Zomtng Comnn�.ttee, iahicYi will re- port to the Planning Comm�ssion �t the next regalar meeting.,r,..a.e�ur�P-aCP. / Corre�pond.ence s�.race the Ja,nuary mesting �.ncl�,dedt 1. Letter from Y�.11age Clerk to Pla�nin.g CornID3asion, dated Febr�.a.rg 10, 1949, referring the Hanoeer rezo�.ng req�.est to the Plasiniag Comm3ssion � for recom�aeudation�. 2. Letter from Villa.ge Clerk to Planning Commiss�.on, dated xeferring petit�.on for et�ange of name of Held�aood Circle to the Planaing fommiesion for, recommendations. 3. 'Pov.cher from Morell, and Niehols, dated Jaauar� 1, lg�, �n amount of ��608.80. 4. Letter to seeretar� of Villa.ge of Cr�stal Plan.ning Commias�.on, from the secretary of the Qoldea Valleg Plann3ng Commi.esion, da.ted �'eb- � xv.arg 2, 1949, e�laining master pl�.n. being mailed to them. � 5. I,etter to 'Pilla,ge Clerk, from secret� of Golden �alley Plann- ing Coa��sion�, dated Jan�.ary 25, 194q, 3nfox°ming him of officers and . committees of Plaririiug Commiseion. 6. Letter of tha.nks to H. �d. I�a.zerte, from secretary of Pla�nniag Comm3.es3on, da,ted Janu�r� 25• 19�9. 7. Letter of thanks to P. 8. Olson, from secretary of P1a,nnin� C ommi ssi on, da.t ed Ja,�uar� 25, 19�F9. IIpoa eoffiplet3an of reading of communicat3oa� the Held�ood Circle renam3�.g petition was referred to the Street Renaini.ng Committee. Niotion bg Pofahl, seconded by Scher�, to reco�nend. �agment of the Morell and Nichols voucher w�e passed. Mr Nason presen�ed a sma11 map of the �illage prepared '6y Mr. �rickson �nd, after digcussion, a motion bg Todd, second.ed by Scherer, tha,t the Counc�.I appro�e preparaticn of a aimilar map in such �vantities as they ,� 'I ---'1 ��� � mig�t deem necessar�, possi'�1� ig quantities sufficient for public sale, �as p�.ssed.. Mr. Hipp, 3428 Q�lenwood A�env.e, t�ppeared before the Plann,3ng Commi�s3on for further discnssion of hia proposed plat. No actioa uras tak�n. �l.r. H3pp will rett�.rn to the surve�*ors for redraur7.ng of the p��,t. 9fter coasider�ble di�cussion, a H3gkiwe.y Commit�ee consiatiag of: M-. �. Hetivad — Chairma,a H. M, B�ellaness �. T. �dell 8. W. Tcdd w�s appoiated. to work primaxily toward furtlaeran.ce of Sixth �.v�aue b?orth ' imm�ooro�ement and Co�.nty a,nd State Sighwa.y imLoro�ement gener�a].1�, urit2�.ia the �illage limit�. A motioa b�r'Seherer, aecoaded by Pofa1�1., to autY�orize the committee to u�e Mr. Nason�s sesw'J.cee when they deemed it advisa�le, waa passed. The meet3.ng was ad�ouraed. � • � , �4%� �f ' C. , President g. Pofahl., retary