03-10-49 PC Minutes , _ ----- -- — -- --- - - i � � Q� !; � GOZDEN 'P9T�I,.��y PLAiv°NINC� COP�'fISSION M�.m�,tes of �he Meetiag of March 14, 194�9 The regvlar meet3ng ox the Qol��n Pa11ey Pla,naiag Commi.ssio�. �ras held at 7s30 P.M. ig the �illage �all. The follo��ring members were prese�t: H. M. B�ellan,�sa R. C. Jacobson E. �'. �ge3.e11 P. IC. Enghauser g. D. Monchamp C. R�dmarl� S. Esiekson $. Pofahl C. a. Scherer � M. .�. Hetluna� L. J. R3.egert H. W. Todd C. E. Budolph The meet�.ng was called ta order a.nd roll was taken, The minutes of the la.st Y'B�.Z�.Z' ffiGBt�.IIg �aere approved �s rea.d.. Cor�espondeace since the Febr�,tax�r meeting includ.ed: � ' l. I,et�Ger to the �illa.ge Clerk �'rom secreta.r� of Planning �ommission, dated February 18, 19�9, referring to a petitio� for recoxrs3deration of �: renaming of Turner�s Croseroad. 2. T,etter to the �3.11age Clerk from secretar� of Plan.x�.ng Comm�.as3o�, d�,ted Februa,r� 2S, 194�9, �raz�sm3tt3ng 3n:Eormation of the �ebx�aary meeting. I'ollaw�.�g the readi�.g oF corresponder�ce the Comm3.ssion diacuesed th� 19� � Pla�n.ing Commissioa budge�. Motioa bg Rudol�h, second.ed b� Hetlund, to recommend a b�dget rec�ues� for �1,000 if �. bvc3.�et figuse were requested. b�r the Couricil, wa,s pa.ssed. , c✓ - The �oning Com�ittee re�iorted 2 in iavor and 3 aga�.n�t the Ha.nover �ezoning � req,uest. After consid�ration of the matter and after hear3ng Mr. Hano�er, a motion b� Jacobson, aecoacled b� Ruslolph, to accept th_e report of the committee and recommead aga3.nst tlae requested. rezo�ng, was pass�d.. ,; Mr. Hanover requested the orig7.na]. survey and rezoning request �o use in i his pre�entation, and ret�ned them Lahen he left tlae meeting. The Commission, I • therefore, 3a�aa no record of the origi�l rezoni.ng requeat or of the des– , cription of the propesty 3a�olned. ; A ].etter of trans�l.ttal from the Village Clerk to the Planning Commiasion referr�.rig �o-a petit3on in regard to reneming Yelly Drive ta�as read. A � motion '�� Jaco'�son, seconded b� Scherer. that the secretary '6e instxv.cted � � to send eacerp'ts from the origlnal letter by Mr. Noes to the Co�cil, aacl repeat3ng the Commiss3o�.�s approval of the orig�.ztia.l. re�ort of the 5treet Rer�am3ng Committee, was pa.ssed, � Nir. Pv.tnam appeared to read �, cr3.tieism of the Master Zon3ng pl�.n by several persons and to cliscuss the zonir�g plan generally. A movion 'b� I� � Itu.dolph, seco�.ded b� Hetiv.nd., that �he Comm9.ss3oa recommend the following '� I changes 3n the plan� ��as passed. � l. Om�.t from present consider�.tion the proposed rezon.ing �o Commvxu.t�r ; Store d3etr3et di the area at the intersection of Noble Aeer�v.� and 19th A�e�.ue Nor�}s (,9.rea ��G��) . , 2. Set the builc�ing line on the nouth side of Areas '1Bf� and ��C�� at ' 70 feet nor�h of 'che cen�er line of 19'�h Avenu� ldorth. ' i � i I , _------ J � is � 3. Set the build.3ng line on the east side of ,Axeas �En and. ��Fu at 137 feet west of the center line of Winnetka Avenue. 4. Set the building line on the west side of Areas NB�� and ��D�� at 33 feet east of the center line of Winnetka Avenue. 5. Set the building 13ne on the north side of Area ��Dn a� ?�5 feet � south of �he center line of Siath Avenue North. The meetiag was ad�ourned. . . . � ' • , � ,,`� C. 8y rk, President g. ofahl., cretary �