04-14-49 PC Minutes 117� GOLDEN QAT,LEY PLA'N��'I�'G COA�MISSIO�' � ��3aute� of the Meeting af Apr�l 1�, 19� �he regu.7.ar meet3ng of the Golden V�l.leg Plaan3n� Commission �as held at 7t30 P,M. ia the Village Ha.].l. The fiollovaing member� �e�ere present: �H. M. E�ell�ne�s M. A. H�tlund L. .T. Riegert S. Erickson �T. �.. Moes C. Rydma.rk � � H. �'. Hamman g. PoFah7. C. f3. Scherer The meet3ag �as c�11ed. to order ar�d roii !�e.s t�ken. The minutes of the l�st regular mee�ing taere a�proged as read. �orres�ondenee siace tlae l�arch meeting �.xtclv,dedi 1. Le�ter to the V311age Clerk from secret�r of the Plaru�ng Com— � missioa, da,ted M.�rGh 14�, 1g�9, transm3.tting informat3on of the �Iarch mee�ing, _ 2. L�tter to the secretary of the Planning Comm3asion �rom the Village Clerk, dated March 15, 194�9, 3n regard to the council action o�. names of �urners Crossroad, ge11� Drive, and Held�rood I)ri�e �.d. C3rcle. . 3. Zetter to the �ecret�ra► of the P].aan3ng Comm3.saioa from the Village Clerk, dated M�rch 21, 1949• in reg�,.rd to the heari�.g on pro�o�ed zoni ngs, � �. Letter to the secreta� of the Plann3ng Commission from the 9i1Z�ge Clerk, ds,ted March 21, 19�9, traaamitting �i3nueag�olis �Torthfield a,nd Southern R�e.il�ray rezo�.ng requests eneloaed �aith said letter. Follov�].ag the rea,din� of the correspondence, Mr. Mt. I,. Da��r�ort, 2�5 Pence Bldg., �poke in regard to the Mingeapol3s �Torthfield e.nd. Southern ,. �a31Laa.� rezoain� request, and amen�ded the ose request to inelude a stri� . 20 feet r�,ther tYian 100 £eet !�rlde.r- 'i'�.s str3p i� to be used �or slope and. tree pla,nting �u,r�oses only, �oith the ae�a tr�,ckage to be 'bva..lt oa their present progerty. 8fter discusa3on, a mot�.on by Pofa;hl., seconded b�r Seherer, � was passed to recos�nend r.ezoaing from open develo�ment to Commercial , Distr3.ct the parcei of �ropert� descr3bed as folloE�st � . 'i _ �egin�.ng at the center line of Six�h Avenus North and 20 f'eet �Test ', of�he Minnea�ol3s �'o�thfield aad Southern Rai.li�a�► r3.ght of �ay� thence � ' South and pa�'a11e1 with the center 13ne of sa3.d r�.�.� of F�ay a d�sta,�.ce ' of 2,200 feet.. �rovided: � a. That the �rlllaga attorney finds this rezoning necessary, since the st"ri� 3� to be used for elope purposes aad tree pla�a.ting on.].�, ' �aith a�e�� txackage to be constzv.cted on the pre�est right of �ray. b. That tl�e Hailway agree to plant screeni.ng trees oa this 20 foot �tr3p. t�Tith regard to the second request b� the 8a�.lu�a,y, a �otioa b� Siegert. - seconded b� Pofahl, was paseed to recor�uend rezonia� from apen develo�meat to Commercial District the parcel of prs�oert� deser3bed as fo17.oE�st � Commencing at the center line oi S3xth A�enue �Torth �rul the ti�est liae of Section 33, To�anship 11$ N, 8a.nge 21 ��T; thence �'orth alo�..g the ��est liae , 11 � of said Section 33 to the Sov.th ri,ght of way line of �he Minneso�a Wes���n R�.lwa� Comp�; the�ce Easterl� �.loa� sa3d 3outh right of u�.�r l�.ae to a �oint �0 feet Weet from tk�e center line of the Mi�ne��olis NorthField an.d 5onthern R�,9.lt,ra�r mair� l�.ae tracl�; thence Southeasterl� an.d parallel ��ith sa3d center line to the ee�ter l�ne of Si�th Avenue North; thence WJeeterl� a1oa� the center line of �3xth A�enue North to the poiat of begian�I.ng, prov�Ided.= . - �. 21aat the Ra,�.lw��r a,gree to coastruct the East h�,l� of a 1�0 fogt road. centering on, the West lir�e, of t3ze pexcel 3n �,ueetfon. �. °t'h.at the x�.lwa� maintai,n a 70 foot 'i�a3lc�ra.g line set baek fro� the �Torth lix�.e of the �roposed rov.te of the ner� S3.zth .A,vexr�e �'. Mx. H3pp appeared with a,preliminar�r pZa,t of �ip��s �d.dit3.on and af��r d3scnssion, a, motion b�r Hetlund., seconded bg B�ellaness, was passed recommend.ing prelim3nary approeal, prov°Ideds 1. �'he BTorth Sou�h Street be called Vdelcome ��enue. Z, _ The East West Stree't 'be called Phoeaix Street, . • 3. The ra�.us of the cura�e on yot 6, Block 4, be increased. • The C3a.�.r �poiated Ntr. ��el].a.nesss �,s co—ch�3.rman of the �?lat Com�ttee. � A mot3an 'b� I�oes, seconde�, '6g B�ellaness, LJa.s p�,s�ed t&�t M. K. Patterson, 2'7 South TyroZ �ra3l, be recommended to £iZL the une�nired term of. Dr. Hv.dolph, aad, if so a�onoint�., to '6e � member of the Zoniag. Committee. After a re�ort b� Mr. 1Vasoa or� the rezoni�g a,ct3or� b� the Council, the Cha3.r instrtacted the secretar� �0 3aform the Council of the Commission� s appreciation of said actioa. A mat3on b� Mo�s. �ecoaded b� Er3c�soa, wae passed to refer the Scherer � nlat�3ng to the Plat Comm�.ttes. ,�, motion. b� Moes, seco�ded by ��ell�ness, .c�as pas�ed �h�t the �omm3.ss3o�a recommend chang3ng tha name of �eeler �lvd... from 3.ts 3nters�etiox� c�rlbh Naper S�reet to ita intersection t�lth Hillsborough Av�enue, to �illsborough �venue. ,�, motio�. 'bg Hetlund, secoaded b� Haffima�, c�as pa,s9ed that the Building Inspeetor be authorized to issue a bu9.lding pex�mit for Lot 5�, Auc'�3tors Subdiv3sion 330, maint�.�9.aaiag all clearaneea 'but �ra3�3.ng.the area 13mit�,tione, A motion bg Hetiv�a.d, secar�ded b� Po£ahl, ��as �a�sed t3�a.t the Bu9.lding In�pectar be author3z�d �o issv.e a bv31d3ng permit to Mr. C.. R, Hola.trom for � poreTa �nd garage a.t 3�16 �T. 9a,lley View Drive, to 'be constav.eted • aot. closer than 3 �ee� to the �as� lot l�ae. . The meetin� ura,s a��ourraed. . C. R�dm� , President . 8. ofaYi . S c eta,ry