05-12-49 PC Minutes � .
� 119 '
� Minutes cf the Meetir�g of Ma� 12� 194,g �
The regular meeting of the Golden V�,Iley 1'la•ru�3.ng Comm3esion ��as held
a,t 7:30 p.M� in the V3.11a.�e Ha11. The follo�,r].ng members were presen�e '
H. NT. B�e17.anesa W. A. Moee E. T. Sydell �
P. �. Enghauser g. Pofahl C. T�.m�,rls �
S. nr3ckson � L. J. Rieger� R. �T. Todd
The meeting �.s called to order and roll w�s take�. The minutes of the '
• laat regul.ar mee'ting crere �oved as read.
� Corre�ondence s3nce �he April meetisg �.ncluded:
1. Letter to the vlllage cler� from the secre��ry of �he pla,nning
eo�.ss3on, dsted April 26, 194�9. tra,aemitting informat3on of the April
. 2. Statement from Morell and Nichole, da,te�. April 30, 194g, covering
perio� from Janv�x�* 1, 19� �o ,Apr�.l 30, 1949, in the �moun.t of �30.87.
3. 'Pe�ba7. report of the secret�ary of � letter frem Dr, Rud.ol�h
offer�.ng his res3gx�at3on.
Mr. M, g,,Pat�er�on, who repla,ces Dr. Rudolph on the co�rni.ssion, trae
3ntroduced ancl �ppointed �b the Zosoing Comuiittes.
Ii'ollowing pre�entat�.�n of the Mosell a.nd Nichols 9aucher, a ffiotiou b�
�Jnghauser, �eco�sd:ed"'.:by Po�a�a.l was p�s�ed, recommend.ixig payment.
A motion b� B�ellaness, �ecoad.ecl by Enghau�er was passed. tYi�,t the �ecr�t�r�t
send. the commi,�s3oa�s -;tha,n�cs to Dr. Rudolph.
After a discu�sion of daagerouq vnfilled holes, well�, etc., �tn the
eillage, Mr. Turz3g wras instz�acted. to inve�'tigate �nd ir�it3ate corrective
mea�ures �t the urashout in Dauglas Drive, genned�r�s W. Tyrol $ill�.
The High��a� Committee reported a coming meeting Earith the St�te Highc�ray
Departmeat a,�d �aere instructed to get s11 �,vail�.ble information abou� '
the pro�OOeed co�nec'tioa betE�een Lo��* Avenue and the Belt Line.
After a. c3.isciassion of building liae set backs, a motion b� Enghauser,
seconded. by Er�ickaon. �,�as passed to recommex�d. a nin3.mum building line
. set bae�: 0�!35 feet fro�► s7.1 street�, avenuea or highc�raye 3n a,ll Qommur��.ty
Store or Commercial T�7.str3cta, urlth tlne exeept�.on of those jzoning orcZinamces
dated Pdarch 30, 19�8 and. March 29. 194�. set back� specified
in previous
The meetiag �.e a�d�our�,ed.
`-" � ��
C. R� � Preeident g. Pofahl, ecrete,ry '
, �
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