07-13-49 PC Minutes ��� i �OLD�.�T VALLEY P7�tTi�T1�G CONlNTI5STOi� t��r�v.tes o� the Meeting of Ju1y� 13. 19�9 The regr�7.ar meetirsg of the Golde�. Valley P1a,;�3ng Co�ss3on was held at 7t30 P.M. 3n t�.e Q311a,�e fiall. The �ollo�,ring membera �,ere �oresentt �. P�4. B�e1la.ne�s M. g. Pattersoa C. Ryt�marlc S. Er9.ckson Fi. T. Hyd.ell C. G. Seherer • �l. A. Moee $. C. Ja�ob�on �'he meetiag was called to order �.nd rell w�s taken. S�.nce there z,�as no � qv,ox�.un �or the June meeting, the mirna.tee of the Nlay 12 mee��.ng �ver.e a�O�ro�red a� read. Correspor�ir3.ence aince the Ma� meeting included: 1. Zetter �o the v3lZage clerk grom the secretar�* bf �he �Ola�.ng commission, da,te� Ma� 16, 19U�j, trar�..�mitting iaform�tiosa of the l�a�r 12 meet�.atg. • . 2. I,etter to Zt. Cmdr. C. E. &udolph. Jr, from the secretar� of � th� �lanning comm�.es�.on, dated �lay 16, 194�9+ oifering the com�3.s�ion�e thanks for h9.s ser�3.ces �=rlth the cornmis�ion. 3. Zetter ta t�ie village cler� from the secretary of the x�la�r�i.ng comm�.ssio�, cl�,te� Ma� 10, 19�9, encZasing vov.cher from Morell �a T�ichol�, 3n the amount o� $301.87, `�h3eh t9ae commiesi�n recommended for p�.�ment. � 4. Letter to �ecreta� of �bhe �lanning commisaioa fro�n the Adffi. Ass�., c�..a,�ed June 1, 19�9e regard�.n� street na�e chang�s. 5, Letter to the secreta.r� of the nlanning comm�.ss3on froffi Adm. Asst., dated June 1, 194-9, regard.ing e�agineering �es°Pices, �'o1loc�rlrig the re�d3ng of the corre�onclence, Mr. H. Caspenter, 2546 MeNair Drive, appeared to re�ueet c?esign�.t3on of a street r�e �.nc� house rsumber� for a �ro�osed priv�,te road �o be bv31t froffi ?°�eatUrood Drive asbau� half way to �Tatchez A4enue. Proposal �ras reierred to the bv3ldin� ' inspector. A:Eter a, c?iscussion of eagineer3ng servi.ces for t}ae comrniss�.on, it b�as dec3�.ed th�a sex°cices o� �iarell & N3chols shovld be usect oa�7.� mhe$ and.. 3i needed for special u�orl�. A mot3on t�ras made �� Se�ies�er, �ecor�cled b� P�.tterson, that the seeret�r� be instx�v.eted to wr3te the S'�ate Hight�a� Depa.rtment rec�uestiug a cu� aci°oss roa,c� on Wayzat�, Bl�d., frem the Ea�t bound to the Weat bov.nc? lane direetl� 3n 13ne v�1.th Juae Avenue South. A motion b�r Er�.ckson, seconded b� Scherer, �.�ras passed tha.t the rec�uest by resideats or�. Byrd A.venue �.n DelPh9.�,s Heighta be granted to cor�stru.ct gar�ges up to 15 £eet fro�a the froat Zot 13ne. � Mr. H3�p presea�ted the fi�l. plat of Hipp�s Adolition and a motior� b� ,i • Scherep, seca�ci.ed by Jacobson iras p€�ssed. th�,t t3�e coanmi�s3on recommend e,ccept�nee, eu'b�ect to fil�.ng of a performance bo�and. for the satisfacto� co�Ietion of rc�a�s an�. i�.sta,llation of stree� signs. The raeet3ag t�as 'ourned. ' C