08-11-49 PC Minutes CzOZDETJ VAt�LEY PLA'I�i�TING COMP�4T�SI OiU 1��� Mi�a.tes of t�ie Mee�;ing o� A�.gu�t 11, 19� '�he re�alar mee'tin� o� the Gol�en galle�r Plai��.ing Commission was held at 7=3fl P.M, in �he �311a�e Hall, The i�ollo��l.ng memt�ers ��rere present: I3. M. ��ell€�ness N[, 9.. Hetlunc. K. Poiehl P. g. �n ha't3ser ti°i. A. Moes E. T. R�yde11 S. E�lckson �. 8. Patte��o�. C. Ry�drnark � TLe m�et3ng uTas called to order anc roZl ��ras t�.ke�. The �ninutes oi the last reg�l�,r �eeting �aere ap�rove�. as read. . Gorre��oadence sinee �he J"ulg neeting ineludeda l. Leti,er to �he �-].11age c1erl: f�om secretar�r of ,�l�,n�aing com— nission, e?ate� JvJ.� 25. 19�Y9. transrrdti,ing i�o�mation of the JvZ� a�eeting. � 2. Letter to George L. Tdaso� from secr�t�.ry of pla�zing com— �.ssion, datec� J'v1y 2S, 194-9, 3nfo�ming him of t�.e coaanissio�.� � �.etion � on co71Qu�4i�.g engi�eeri�.g se�°t,°lces. 3. Letter to Mr. 0. I,. gipp i rom �ecreta,� o£ �lanr�.�.ng eom— � mi��ion, aated suly 25 s 194�� in re�xd �o eutting acro�s r0a,c3. on C�ayzata Blv�.. Let�er from '�er�oa Dre�sell, 1302 Tiendelsohn Road, to secretary of , plax�3.ng comr�ission, dated July 29� 19�;�. reo�uesting �ermiesion �to Uv31d a v.t3lit� room t�rith.3n 4�� oT h3s lo� I3�.e on Lot 1�, �lock �, ?�a'�e View � �ei ght�. After reading o� the cor�e�on�.ence, M�°. ��essell� s reg.�xest ���as considered, , and a �otion by En.ghau�er, seconcled by Moes tras passed to reco�mend � denying the ap�lication since no harclsh3p was proven. � a �eriod of o�aen c�l.scuseion foll.owed i�+ith reportc �'rom Mr•. Terzicli on the • 01son pro�ert�r on �rdinnetl�a, a report on. basement hou.sea, a.s�d. diacus�ion oy dvm�s, uamberin� �.etiv3t3ea a.n.d Fra�.ce Avenue south �f Wayzat�, bled. The meeti n�; v�as ad�ourned. � C. R�dma• , P�es3cle�t K. Poi ahl, creta� , � �I !I