09-08-49 PC Minutes r � �1��2 5 ��; � GOLD�N VALLEY PZAT�filI1�G C�1�7I SSIO�' Minu�ces of the Meetir� of 3e�tember 8, i9�g • T�ie reg�tlar meeting of the Golden Va11e� Planr�.n�; GonYni.se3.ox�. wae held at 7:30 P,M. 3n the 9311a.ge Hall. The follo��riag mem'bers were preseat: H: M. Ejella.x�eas A. �. Moncha� g. Pofa.h� �. �d. ���n W. g. Moes E. T. I�yCi.e1Z , M. A. Hetlur� M. g. Patterson C. H�dm�xk The meet3.ng was called to order asd roll *.�a.s take�.. 7'he �in�ea of the l�,e� regular meeting �re a�pr�ved as read. Corres�ondence since the August meeting 3ncludeds l. T,etter to the secretary of the planxi�l.n� com�3ssion from 0. L. gipp, Ch�.ef En.giaeer, �2irine�ota State H3ghwa� Departnent, dated July 27, 19�9. reg�rding a cut �cross road on �iTa,�zata. BI�d. 2. Letter to the a,d.ministra,ti�e ass3stant from �ecre��.ry of �plan�-» ing commission, d�ted Augv.at 15, i9�9, ix�orm3ng hin of coffimiaeion�s �.etion on the Dre�sel application. 3. I,etter to the secret�ary of the pla.nni� commission from the a,�m3n�.strat3ve assista,nt, dated Augast 24, 19�9. concerning the rezon�.ng requeet of the telephone compa,�y. 4. St�.teme�t from Morell Ae Nicbols, dated Septem'ber 7s 19�9. in the amount of $56.26 for �ser�eices from Ma� 1 to Juae l, 19�. After rea.�3ng of the correspon�ence a mot3on `6y A�ioes, seconc�ed by Het— , 1'us�d., was p�ssed recommenci.i�.g paymen� of the Morell 8e N�.chols eta,tement. Mra. Sime�, 3516 �t. �alley V3ew Drice, �peared before the commission i to question the cha.age of her atreet n�me. 3he caas informed of the proced�a.re follo�red by the commiae3on and. tha.t she eould �et3tion the cou�cil if desired. 1�r. Paul �rue�er. 3028 en3c��o gven�a.e, �oresented �, te�.tat�.�ve sketch of a �l�t la.yaut for 16 acres oa the caest side of 7'urner�a Crossroad and north of �Jay��ta Blvd. Ayfter diacussion he ura,s referred to the �al�t. commi�tbe. Pollo��r3ng a d3ecussion of the telephone corapari�*� � proposed rezon�xig on I�endelssohA 8oa.�, a motion by Hammaa� seconded by Hetlund, �ras passed to reco�end rezon9,ng o�. this �ropert�r �rom open develo�ment te com— ,i mercial distri�t. The comm3ssion �hen had a discuss3on of the dump si�uation in Golclen Pa,lley. A mot�3on by Pof�h7., seeonctecl by �lv.n�.�fi �ras passed th�.t the comn3ss3on recommead. 'to the council tha'� only one dvra� �t a. t3me should be o�oerated �.nd. tha,t the o�erators of a dump be required to post a m3riimum bond of $2000 as �. guarantee of proper operat3on and co�let�.oa of �the dtvatp, The meeti ng c�ra.s a�1.�ourxted. � �� /� C. R�dm�. , lresid nt K. of�hl, cretary ! i