10-13-49 PC Minutes � ' ('rOZDEN' vALLEY PLA�A]INQ� COMMf�IIISSIOl� � �`��� �` � � M�xna.�es o� the Meet3�.g o� October 13, 1949 The regu].a.r meet�.ng of the Gol�.en ga.�.le� Planr�.ng Commis�3.on ��as held at ?s30 P.M. in t�.e 'Pilla,ge H�7.1. The follo��ng me�ebers ��rere present= H. M. B�ell�ess H. t�1. �a�,una,n S�. Po�ahl P. E. Es�ghaaa.ser �l. A. A4oea Z. J. R�egert . S. Er3ckson M. 8. P�tterson E. T. �'gde1Z C. R�mark Th� meeting t�a.s c�lled to order e,nd ro11 caas t�ken. The minutes of the last reg�,lar mee�ing �ere �proved as read. Corre�oond.ence since the Septe�ber meeting cons�.sted of a le'�ter to the .�d.m. . Asat. from the �ec�et€�x�r of th� plannin� comrnission, d�,ted. Sept�mber 1�, 3r� forming h�.m of act3on. taken at the Se�tem'�er meeting. M�. Truman Johneon, 613 Turn�i�e Road, appeared to �.ak permissioa ta 'build • aa attached garage closer than 15� �a his lot l�ne. After it was pointed out tha� his deed reatrictioas do not �erm3t this, Mr. �ohnaon took under corasidere,tion,e� suggest3on that he try to �.cqu3re �dd3.tion�,1 property from hls neighbor, thus lett�.ng him build t�rlthia hia deed � cilla�;e i•estrict3ons. bTo �,ction v�,s t�ken by �he commissio�. �1 . Mr, F�ar'e3.n S:r.hv.11er, �lll S3xth Ave, �T., Mr. �e�.neth Sch��}l, 7�21 Gleno�o�d, and Mrs. Clara J. Sehvller, 527 Rhode Island Ave. N. (represexi�ed by M�,r�eia Sehuller) a.�Opea,red. to .rec�uest rezaning from Open D��aelo�ment to Co�un3.ty Store the follo�ring described propertyt Max�v�l.r� Schvller: '.�ha.t part of ?,ot 45, Auditori s �v.bd3vls3on 322, Hennep3n Coua�tg, Miaar�esota., d�scri'�ed as follo��ss Be�tnn�r�g at the I�W corner of a�.d Lot 45, thence x�znning S along the i�l Zine of s�.id Lot 390�; thence 3El�r aZo�,g ��' a line d.ra.�r� to the SW corner of 34� Auditox��s S�zbd3�lsion 3�2, Henne�i� Covzi.��, � M3nn., a d�stance of 301.1� to, the actua7. po�nt of beglxm.ing of the tract to be deecr3bed; theace TJ par�7.lel ��3th the W line of sa�ci Lot 4�5 327.��� more or less �o a �oint ixa the �' line of said Lot �5; �hence S�� along the Nl.� '' l�.ne of sa�.d �,ot �5 37z.1� mare or less to a point �rh3ch ie d.3st�,nt 21$,15t �1 of a.nd at right a,n.gles to a N1�* exteasion of the E line of sa�.d I,ot �5; � theace 5 parallel Erith �a�d E line 2$8,9� more or less to a, poir�t ��. a 13ne . dra�un Proffi the SSV� coraer of Zot 34 of a�Ld Aud.itor�s Subdic3.sion 322 to a ; point in the �31� line of Lot �5 of sa�.d .�uditor�s 5ubdivision diet�nt 390� S of the IV�� corner �hereof the$ce Ni�l alo � � � � ng said line so drawn 4.95 more ' or less t6 the point of begisz�.ng. ; Marv�ln Schv�,ler! That part of the � of the 1� of Section 32, �'o�rn— sh�.p Il$, Range 21, described a�s foZlovs, to E+�itt Oommencing at the SW corner of the � of' said N9d"g; thence E along the S lir�e of �a�d � 6 2J3 rods•(llC1� ) thence I�' par�,llel E�ith the W line of the F� of said � aection 140�; thence �T �arallel ta3th the 5 lige of said 4 seet�.on 110� to the E 13.ne o#' the � of said � sectioa; thence S 14A� to the pla,ce of be�Lxining. Mrs. Clara J. Schullert Commenciag 471.5� S of I� coxner of � of SW� thence S to �ly lir�e o� ea3d road to the S 1�xie of S�.xth A�enue North roa.d thence E to a z�oiat 168� `'� of E line of I� of S� then.ce S parallel urith E 13�e of I� of S'G�� 215� the�ce SEl� 256� to beg3nning, Sect3.oa 32, � Tou�rnship 17$, H,ange 21. I . �0�1 genneth Sc�s That pa,rt of Lot 45 Auditor�s Su'bdiv�is3.oa 322, ge�xi.epin �� Count�, Nt�.a:neso�ta. described as followse Be I gi�l.ng at the -Nt�T corner of said � , � i 1�`g yot �5; �hence rtu�.ning S a].ong the ti�' line of s�.a zot, 390+; thence 8�31� a1on� a liae dra�vn to the SW COPriBP Of LOt 3�Y, aud3tcr�s Subd�.vi�on 322, �exinepin County, M�.nnesota, �. distance Qf 301.1� to the 'act�.a7. �oint of beg3nr�3.�g of the tra,ct '�o the descr9.be�.; thence �' p�,r�].lel w3th the W lin� of sa�.d Lot 45• 32'�.55� �are or l�ss to a po3nt 3n the N Zi�.e of s�3.d Lot 4�; the��e ��� along the I�T1.� line of �a,id I,ot '�F,�, 37�.1� mare, or less to � �oint �hich �.s di�tant 21$.1�� '� of anc� a.t ri�t angles to a N1� extension of the E line of sa�d T,at_ 45; theace parallel with said E line �8.q� mos�e or, less to a paint in a. line drawn from. the SW cor$�r of Lot 34 ofi' sa3.d Aud.�,to��s 3u'�li�r7.s3.mn 322, to � vo�n� in the Wl�r line of I,ot �5 0� s�.d �udi�ox� � Sv.bdi�isiQ� 322, dis�t�t 3g4� S of �he � eo�aer th�reof; thence �i�L� a,lorog s�id 13.ne so dr�n �w.95� more or lees to thq�oin�E of 'begian3zig. After discuesioa '�h3s m�,tter �as refer��d to the Zcin�ag Committee. , 1�r, T�rzich gav� a verb�,i report on the dvlap s3b�at3oa. . The meet�.ng waa a�3.�ov�aed. � � . C, k, Preside�t . f'ahl., Se et�r� , . .