12-08-49 PC Minutes , - , ��� ��� ��� �a�ass�o� , 1 p�i � Minutes of �he Mee�ing of Dec��ber 8, 19�'9 3'he rega7.ax meetin� oP the f#alden 9a].ley Pl�nn�.ag Co�iss3on �ae held at 7a30 �. �i. i a �he vi llage he11. 3'he f v11o�I,ng meffiber� �ere present t P. K. Eng�auser W. �. Moea g. Pofat�]. � ! �. 6�. Hamma,a �. D. Monchamp I�. J. Rf e�ert NI. A. Hetl�ncl I�. �. Patterson E. �'. �'ydell :�, Rytima,�k � '1.'he meeting was called to order aad roll c�a.a take�. �'he m'r_nt�tea og the Iast re�rtlar meetin� �ere �proved. as read. Corr�spo�enee siace the �o�ember me�ting conaiBted oF a l�t�er to th� 9�i.mlais- trative Asaietan� from �he se�re�ary o£ �he planning commission, in�ormia� him of aetion at tche ga�ember meetiag. �ir. Terzi�h reported tha� a garage in the prvices� of coas�raetioa cn Lm�C §, Blo�k 7, Wocdlawa Par�,pro�ects beyoad �Ehe building line. Hn�ng discus�3ox�, Mr. Terzieh reported. bhat the eottnc3l wanld eoasider gara�e e@ne�ruct3on nearer � thaa ls feet to ths side lot linea oa the iad.ivid�al meribe of es�.eh Caee� a,�d on the basia of �he�her hardehip is proeed. A motioa by Engha,user, see0a�.ed by Het].�tn�.o �oae passed that th� above mentioned garage on I�at 5 be mov�d baek in � liae with eai�tisg strnc�nrea oa Lo� ds 81ock 7, Woodlawn Park. After ft�r�her dfeanse�.on � ���io� '�y�_;p,qfah7,, eeconded. �r �t�e17. aas passed that t1�e hardship plea of �131�orp, Yacarparateul, to butld garages aearer $haa ls feet to t�e'lo6 linea, per le�ter, wa� prsv�3,. �'he commission further de�ir�a to go on record �hat, eon�rar� to etatem�ats in the letLer from Wilcorp, Iacor� porated, the eas�isaion did aot plat Woodl�,�► Park. aad that it is not impoagible to b�,ild ga.rage� in this area in aecarr3aa�e with th� b�tlding co�e cf the villa.ge. A reqn�s� fro� the resideats oa Be�erly A�e�nne, north af its in�ersectioa rr3th We�twomd Drive, �o chaag�, the �tr�e� name fsrom �everly .Avenne to Westwood Drive, from the interaedtioa with 1�eo�dvood 33ri.�e nor�h to Sfath 1ven�e l�c�r�h, �rae re- ported b� Mr. Terzich. A mctiea by Hetl�ad, secoad�d by Rieger�, was pasaed recommeading the cha.nge. uri�h the resideats tu pay for the street eigas. ' 'i'he aecretarg wa� #n�trricted to send a card �o Mr. B�ellaaess� who �s 311+ �he secretexy ws,e instrac�ed to s�tbmit to $he conuc�Z 1�he aamee of Gear�e aer�aine, � (�eorge I,ang�ilarad, 8arold Lyach, in addition to those present commisaioa members �rho�e appointmeata are� e�r2ng, for appoin�ment to the commiasione The meetiag was ad�ourn�. C. Sydma,rk Pre�ideat � 8. Paf�hl, 3 etarg � ,