03-09-50 PC Minutes GOLDEN VALLEY pLAN'NTNG COI+J��ISSION 1°�� �
- Minut�s of th�s �deetin� of March 9, 1950.
The regular i�eet3ng of the Gold�n Va,lley I'lanning Commiae3on �ae
held at 7:30 P. �d. in' the Village Ha.11. The follq�ing mamber�
were present; , . -
Germain Loughl�,ad Pa�tt�r�on Rydell
- Hetland Lynvh Riegert Rydmark
� Meeting �vae ca].led to ord�r and roll was taken. l�inut ee of the
la,st meeting w�r� read and approv�d.
Correspondence oon�3�t�d of a l�tter from eeoretary of pla�nning
oommiseion t� the adminietrative ae�istant; informing hi�n of
aetion at the Febru��ry m�etin�. Aleo a letter from the adm3.ni�-
tratiae aesietant to th� �secr�tary of pl�nning cornmi�eion r�g�rdin�
a rPquPs�t fro� the Houe�.ng. ancl' Fina�ce �g�noy, �Pashington, D. C.
The followin, aeti�ne v�ere taken:
(Aa �. T�.e etr�9t and pla�ing committe� reportQd on the Goldea
Oak� �eaond �dditicn.
�. All lota in Bloak 7 ehall be vhanged to 100 fo'ot. miniffiwn
�.. Blo�k 3 �hall hav� thre� lote.
�r. Lot� 8, 9, 11 and 12 in Blook 4 �,re not to be eold until
the drainag� i s proper3y taken care of. Thi e will be oove�cQd b3r
a letter from Mr. Ruesell Sm3th to th9 Village Counail.
�. Block 8 to be epillway for drainage.
S. An easement would be granted a�roe� the eouthern parti�n
of the se�oad a,fld3tion plat for pos�ibl� future installation of a
dra,�.n til� to drain eurfaae ��,t�r from axea immediate E�et of
��dond add3�t�og plat. �� Five �oot �s�e�ments �.oro�s th� r�r of all
lote for T ' '�inetall�tiAn�.
fi. In oonstruct3ag ro�.de in the e9ooad addition w�iere�rer road ;
ie pl�ttQd �hrough �wampy or und9�irable eoil condit3one eub��ot ,
material ehould be first r�moved and 9uitable backfall material i
plac�d and oor��aated properly befor� gravel ie plao�d. �
8. Ol�.mpi� etreet w311 ext�nd no further wa�t �h�n �rkla �
9. The unnaffiad etreet betuve�n Block 6 .- 9 and Blook 7 �hould
be VGieconein. '
' 10. The bond will be handled 3.a the usual manner. '
3�.. Approxim�,tely �20,000.00 bond re�,uirPd for etr��t grading,
drainage and oulvert�.
- l�. Copy of the prof3le of roads �hall be eubmitted to the
Counai 1.
�. The motion �a� made by Mr. Hetland a�nd seoanded by Mr.
o�n��{ �Germa,in that the pr�liminary plat be approv�d with exceptions ae�
not ed.
C'�1 �. Next order of bueinee� wae the r��,ueet fxom th� Houeing
' arid Hom� Fi nanv e ,Ao�nc y. Th e eug��s ti on ro�a e m ad.s t hat we �ubmi t
oopy of subdini�i9n re�,ui rement�, a zoning map, �ur reoommendation
regardino the n�w min3muzn, r4ad eizes and an o�cd3��,nce book be aent
to t is t�a�hington ����ap �,long with a brief desoription of our
pl�: ng ac�i vi ty. '
(C . �r. 2erzinh aeke�l about our requirPmente for multiple �wet��hKt
�e. ��ption wa� made by Loughl�rxl and second�d by Germain that
thi e be brought up �,t the next meeting. 1 J'��,�=: ��, =�.,,. � . ,.., ;�- ;,� i>,,•_ _ , ,
- rThe M�eting was �d�ourn�d.'' �
� .: � . � .
. ' yd rk, President . . R �ert, ecrQtary