04-13-50 PC Minutes 11 Q�Q�'
�inu�es af �he �eet3gg of April 13, I954
The regular meetting_of the Goldea Vallep Plann3.ng Qo�ais�icn
wae held at �:30 P.�. imm the V'ill�ge Hall. T�e fmllc�ing
� members �ere presen�:
�. M. B�ellane�s R. C. Jacmbson '�. �'. R�ide11
Swan '�ri�ksmn �. A. �toea Q. Rydmark
$• �• Aa�� �. K. P��t@PSOII C. G. 9cherer
�. �. Hetland -L. J. Riegert
The �eet�.ng �a,e called �o order a�.d r�ll wa�s taken. �e
m3nu�es of the last regul�r meeting were read €�nd �.pr�roved.
��rre�p0adenEe eans�sted of a le�ter froffi the se�ret�,rg of the
plaaning ��s�mission �o the a,dmin3etrative a�sistant 3nformin�
him of e�o�3.or� a� the �re�ious mee�ing. Also, a letter froffi
the �,d�inietra�tive e��istant to the eecre�arp af tl�e planning
eommi�sion regardin� sever�l reque�t� of the Coun.eil.
The follo�ing �a�ione were �Gaken s� the meeting:
�iarein Sehuller ap�eared before tlae oommies�mn �m reopen hear-
ings for the zon3ng of his praperty a� deeQribed in the
min��ee �f OQ��ber 13, 1949. The s�,ggestion was made b�r the
eammiseion that 8ohuller get signatures of the pr0�erty owuers
adja;eent to the prcper�g �� be rezoned. I� wa� the feeling ef
the membere 0f the z�air�g �ommi�tee �ha.� the previous req�.e�t
for rezoning w�s re�evted beca,use �he sig�atvres of propePty
�wners were �ao f�,r removed from �he proper�p eoB�erned.
�BtioA wt�s made bg Hetl��d aaad eeQOnded b� EriQkson th�.� this
ma���er be referred be�ek to the �An3.ng co�mi�tee for re�oasid�ra-
-� �iAa.
I�r. Jos��h 3ahied, 65�5 41st Avenne, Robbin�da�le, a.pneared be-
fvre the emmm�s$ion in regard to t�o plats. The fir�� is
south of Goldea oe,lley Road border�d on the e�st bp 8pr3.ng
oalley� Rcad �d on the eouth b� 9ubdivieion 33�. The sevond
is nor�h of �t. Croig AQenue bordered on the ea�t by �tegent,
0� the �orth by �3���gri La, e.nd oa the west 'by t'b.e Bel� Line.
�otior� by Riegert, seaoaded by A�+tland, that the matter be
referred to the pla� cammittee.
Lyle LE6P8@II' 7430 �Pa,gz�ta, Boulevard, �aa,nt� the eamm3 ssion �o
look in�e the problem of �, servi�e road �r� the �orth side of
�syzate BAUlevard from �Pi��.etka �.�d ty3.r�� in w3.�h the ald r�ed
paet the g� elub. Motior� by �Ioeq seeanded by Ja�obson, that
I�r. Terziah eon��ct �he high�p departmen�E �w3.th � aomprot�i se
whi�h wot�ld be a, eerviee road from Penn��l�a,nia Avenue to
The secrete,ry �ae iastrt���ed to eend notices fmr a specis�l �
ffiee�ing �o 'be held on April �,?.
� stree� 1i�hti�g map was pre�ented te the co�mission for an
ezpress3on. � d3seussi�n �,e held �.ad it �a� �he feeling that
s�reet li�ht3n� �.n3ts we�e adequatel� �laeed for �he pre�s��t.
The m�et3.�g �,a ad3o�rned. � .
. ,
. Rydm k, Presi e�t . J. �ge , earet�rp