04-27-50 PC Minutes ��� � GOLD�IJ 9ALLE? PLAI�NI�G COM�IS9IOAT � � ffiinutea of the �eetin� of April 27, ].950 A spe�ial meeti�.g �f the Golden V2�llep Planr�ir�� Commission �vas _ held at '�:.30 p.m. ia th� �3.11a�e H�.il. Th� meeting �ae Qa,lled to order �.nd the rc11 was taken. The fellowing memberB �ere pre�ent: , S. Eriaksaa H. Lyadh E. Rgdell . " G. Germaifl 9P. Moe� C. Rydmark -�• x��a� �. Pat�erson C. 9c�ierer G. Loughl�,nd L. Rie�ert R. Todd The minu�es of the las� meeting were read and �.�onro�ed. Cerre�pondenee aonsisted of: Le'��er fror� Den J�hason, 5311 St. Croig Avenue, reg�rding a. bui3din� permit. L8'��8r from �r. ���@33 regarding the �5� �8'�bB�C�C P8t�t1�.P@ID@A'�. Pe�ition fro� the Roodlawn Park Aesocia�io� regard3ng wai�viag of side yard req�iremen�s. Th.ere �ras a di�anesion mf the 9ahied pl�.ts whieh had been pre- eented �t a x�re�ious ffieet3ng. �dotion by Riegert seconded by yt�gghlaxid tha't the report of the plat aommit�ee be �.ecep�ed �.��;. preeented �nd that the eu�ges�ions be ser�� �o �tlr. Jose�h S�hied. �r. l�aben presen�ed his plot plan or� w�hieh he a�io��d his reasons for hia requ�et �o wa3.ee the 35' setback. T13.e motion waa m�de by Lo�.ghl�nd eeeo�d�d bg R3eger� that we e.eQep� the owrisr�s request a�r�d wa3.ve the setbs�ck of 35' in order that a can0�y be �,llo�ved �� be c�on�truoted ao� vlo�er than �5' ta the front lat line �d that the o�aer s�.bm3t � oopp of the letter from the deed restric- t3.oa committee dated I�arch �7, 19�0. � petition wa� pre���ted froffi the 9Poodlav�a P�.rk A�sociati�$ re- garding �aivin� of the �ide yard reqt�irements 3n order th�t these peopl� could bnild �ara.ge� closer th�,n the required dis- ta�ncses. As �Gh�re wa� r�� one pre�ent to present �hi�, there Was no fur�her d3seussio�, �otion by Lynch seeended bp �oes that the petitioa be dea�.ed bev�use there was no h�.rdehi� prove�. , �r. Johnson; 5311 9t. t7roix �ven�.e, pres�n�ed h3.� requeet for a building permit on hi� pro�erty. �ot3on we.s made by He�mm�s �. seQOnded by Saherer that the owner's request for a Aermi� be al- lowed, but tMat hie build3ngs be ple.ced in �ccorde�na� wi��s the mrdinanae requ3.rement�. �r. Ter��ch pra�ented th� zon3ng asd b�ilding �rd3aanoes for � reoodifioati0n and rexision. I�r. Mallen brought hie pla� before the Commissi�n, b�.t �pon re- ��� ferring to ��$oT�er 1�, 1946, m3.nn�es it wa� fo�nd that th� ma�ter had beem ��,bled �ad a cser�m3�tee had been .appointed �hieh was to rep�r� d3r�e�3.y �� the t3g�c�.1, �herefare, tY�e � �ounail w�Q�ld ��ve the Peec�rds in this �a��e. There �a� die��.ss3.on of Lgle Larsen�a reque�t re�rding � aer- �iEe road. �tx. Ter�3�h reported ��e�t he h�d �onta.ated the Sigh�a.y D�partmer�t and th�,� th�y wauld not allo� a s�rviee road b�.� �u��e�ted �ha.t the ri�h�-�f-wa� depar�ffis�.t be contact�d. . e . �he motion �a�� made by Rie�er� seeonded by Germair� �hat a� b3.11 for �4.�0 be allowed s�sd pr�sented to th� f10un�i1 for ptt��rr�haee . 0f �ian���oli� ordir��.nce bam��. The meet�ng wa� �d�onrned. ...�. _ . . . _ _. . t3. Ry �.rk, Pr�s3den� . J. gert e�ret�ry � �