05-11-50 PC Minutes 1�e`�
_ _l�in�tes of tl�e M�eting of ,�da�g 11, 195�.
Tho_regvlar meeting of the �olden �Talley Plan�aing Ca�mission
wa� held �,t 7:3� p.m. , in .the Vill�ge Fiall. The followin�
memb�rs Were pr�sent:
H. �d. B�ella.ness ft�rold Lynch L. J. R�tegert
S. Erick�on W. A. �oes E. T. '�pdell
H. �P. H�mmaa �d. g. Pa�tt�rson C. Rpdm�.rk
'Phe meetir�g we�.s called to order and roll wa� t�,ken. The minu�es
of t�.e l�.st mee�ing were read and e,p�rovec�.
'Phe follaw3ng .a�tioas were taken at the meet3ng:
�dr. R. C. Chrietianson, 5415 Gles�ood Avenue, requested the
reQOmmead�,tion af th� Planaing Commission for �plitting up his
pro?�ertg which is deearib�d below. �otion by Patterson, secon8ed
by Riegert that. the plat co�itte� be �sked to look �,� this
pro�erty and ma,ke �ug�est�.on� at the negt meetir�g. .
Pr�perty i$ 161' froat g 31�' cnmmenoing e►n R�. line of
8ection 3� et point 990' �est fro� N.E. oorner of
N.VP.� of I�.�.�, �hence S. 14�� , thence �. 16�� , th�na�
N. 310' to center� line of �estern Aveaue, thenoe eout�-
eaeterlp aloag eenter line 171� , thenee 3. 1�0' to be--
ginning egaept ro�d.
Mr. Cliff Pe��rso�, 2428 Pa.rkview Boulev�,rd, wanted to eut the
s3de yard reo�irement from 5' to 3' i$ order to build his garage
clos�r �0 his neighbo�. The Commi�sion p�inted out that there
� a�ere e�vera,l �elutions so that b.e aould remain w3.thin the rec��t�:re-
men�s. �otion by R�.eg�rt eeQOnded bp B�ell�ess that I�r. Peter-
son� e requeet be deaied. � .
� �Ir. Peterson a,lso eaked the�t the matter of slo� sigr�s for Gl�n-
��.ew Terre,cse, be looked into. He aaid he had be�n �pp0inted �,�
a re�reeentat3e� of this are� to m�,ke this rea�uest. Mr. �'er�ieh
promi$ed �0 look �nto �he sitv.ation.
Pa� ARoo�e, 4034 �'or�h X�rzes, requested waivin� the side yard
requirements on his Lo� D in Mooreha�ve� Addition. l�o��.on by
B��ll�ness eeconded b� L�nah �hat th3� p12�n be referred �o th�
�olat commi�Gtee,
�r. Joseph Scheid pr�sented the reviged pl�t� of �ehe9.d's Ter-
r��e. �otion b� Riegert seQOnded by Patterson th�.t we �,ceent
th� recommenda�ion of the plat eommfttee to a��e�rat �hese r��ised
pl�,�s sub�ect to the redre��ing of the � roug]a sketehes. �hese
rough sketehes have now been redr�,�n and the signature of �he
pl�.t aommit�ee is atta,ehed to the plat.
Donald Johnsen, �8�1 ��ble Avenue, preeented the re�ieed plat
for the aouth�es� eorn�r of �ulver Road and Noble A�esu�. �e
��.thdr�� his request for the plat beoanse the �ountg Aud3.�ar
had ad�rised h3.m it 3s not neces�ary ina�mueh as it will be Aos-
sible �o hae� sh�rt. me�t� and botands descriptions, whiah pro-
e�ss W311 �ave �he e�pen�e 0f ha�ing �he pr�rp�rtg se�bdi�ided
lesgal].p. _
�Ir. 0. E. Blaneha,rd, 2913 Perrg Aven�e, along with other mem-
�Efl b�re of th� '�oodle.�n Park As�oeiat3.oa, ap�eared before th�
p� Ga�mi�sion to r�q�.est �a3.ving the side gard requ3.remeats so
�� �, gaa�,�e� ean be built 5' fram the side lot line�. �otion
b�r Lynch seQOnd�d by Patter�on that a�. avevrate pl�,n b� dr�,ft�d
iadic�,t3ng positions mf present gara,ges a,nd hous�s and �leo �u�-
g�sted pla�eement of ne� gar�.ges so tha.t ee�eh aas� m�y be dealt
v�ith on aa. ind3v3dua,1 hard�hip ba.s3s. ,
J. E. R�inhold�, 33�� Lee Aee�u�, wants a� bnilding permit for
a g�,r�,ge whiah �i11 eg��nd 1�' frmm t�e s3.de 13.n� inste�d 0f
the reguired 15� . This garage will extend a�tlg 2�' above g�ade
a,�.d wiil h�ve a� open rs�iling around the top. There �as �,
questi0a cvh�th�r this could be taken a.s �,n epen �orah. '�0�io�
by Riegert ��a�ad�d bq Lr�:ck�on th�t tha vi7.lage �,ttoraep be
�sked for � rnlin�- and that �his ruiisg be p�ssed on to �r. Re3�-
h41dti. . . .
l�r. Ter�i�h pr�s�nted the reques� for �, r�.lin� c�r� b311boards. ,
A� �r. Hia�l�ng w�s not present, the ffiatter was pu� �side �mtil
the nezt r�eet�ng.
q'he meeting w�„� �d�our�.�d.
� � ' � .
. Rgdm k, President L. iege , e�rets�ry