06-29-50 PC Minutes � � 4� �I
_ Minutes of the �Ieeting of Jvne �9, I950.
A �pecial meeting of the Golden Valley Plann3ng Commiss3on �ras
held at 7:.30 p.m. at the �illage Hall. The follo�vin� rnembers
were present:
H. �. B�ellaness G. Lov.ghla,n.d �I. K. P�,ttersor�
G. Germain H. L�,ch C. Rydm�,r,rk
R. C. J�.co'�son �P. A. �Ioes R. �. Todd
The ffieeting �v�,� called to order a�nd roll was taken. In the
�,�sence of Secretary �eigert, President Rydmark appointed
FI. lt�. Bjellr�,neas as aoting secret�,r�r for the special meeting.
Reading of the miautes of the last regular meet3n� ��.s post-
poned to the negt regula,r meetin�.
The speeial meeting �a,s ealled by the president to coneid.er
several matters due to an vr geney in makin� reco�nend�,tions
to the Cvunc3l a�t its next meetin� on Julp 5, �,n.d in pr�.rticula,r
the m�tter of setbacks on the �est side of �innetka �1�enue �T.
on the north s3.de of 83xth Avenue N.
Letter of June 29, 1950, from the adminietrati�e assiet�.nt
w�,s read in �vhich it �r�s indica,ted th�.t the Villa,ge Council
had approved �he planniag Commission's recom�endation of 93 ft.
setb�.cks from the center line on both sides of Sixth Avenue 1�.
�nd on the west side of t�innetka. Avenue N. between Bassett 's
Creek and the ne�r �ropos�d Trunk Highwap �To. 55. �Flowever, at
the request of �r. Sheedy and r�r. Olsen far a, further relax�-
tion in the setback on the west side of �Pinnetka A�enue, the
. Couneil ��,s referr3ng the matter back to the Plannisg Comffiis-
sion for further consideration only insofa�r as it pertains
to the setback on the west side of �P3nnetk�, A�renue north of
Sixth Avenue N. '
r�r. Olsen �,iid �r. Sheedy ap-�eared and stated th�t the 93 ft. �
setback on the e�est side of �Pinnetka w�s too great in vie� of
the fact that �. residenti�,l devela�oment was con�emplate� �,lon�
a portion of !7�3.nnetka Avenue �.bout 400 ft. nor�h of Sixtl�
Avenue N. and following a.long 13assett ' s Creek. They also in- ;
dicated that the pronosed business sect�.on would be conta,ined �
. in a distance �.pprox3m�.tely 200 ft. IIOP't�'�], o-� Sixth Avenue N.
�.nd p�r�llel thereto, exeeptin� at the intersect3on of �'innetka.
�,nd Sixth Avenue where -�he comr�uni�y store district �voulcl be
a,vproximately 350 ft. north of Sixth Avenue N. alang '�innetk�, �
Avenue. They indicated, further th�.t a ser�3.e� sta.tion �as nro- '
�osed for the corner of Sixt'� Avenue �.nd �innetk�,.
After considerable discussio� of the request made by R�essrs.
8heedy and Oleen and ta.king into consider�.tion the ,�otential �
resid.ential develo��►ent �,long �Tinnetk2� A�enne and in are�.s
ad�acent thereto, motion by Loughlan�. seconderl by Todd and �
carried. to denp the request of �Ressrs Sheedy a.nd Olsen for � '!
I4�3 .
73 ft. setback alon.g �7innetka l�.venue and 'to maintain the set-
'b�,ek at J3 ft. from t�.e center line of '�innetka as originally
proposed. by the Pl�,nning Cotnmission �t 3ts m�eting held on
June 8. �lr. J�,cobeon voted against this motion.
Mo�ion by Jacobson seconded by Lgrnch and c�.rried that the
• �.bove mo�ioa requ�ring a, 93 ft. setba,ck be apnlied only to
the Olsen property. north of Sixth �i�enue N. a,n.d west of
' �innetka, �d that �he com�nun3ty atore district south of
9ix�h Avenue N. and west af �i.nnetka. remain �t thre d3st�,nees
as presently outlined in the ordinances esta,blishing a setback
for this area, and that the Pl�nning Commission �ishes in its
recomffiendation to �.d�ise the Council �Ghat the Superior Golf
Club pronertg be deleted from the recommend�,tion m�de at its
previous regular ffieeting.
I�r. V3.g�o Olsen streesed the fact that the com.mun3ty store
develo�ment along 8�innetka Avenue north of Sixth Avenue would
be eery minar �nd th�t h3.s provosecl re�iden�ial de�velopffien� '
alon� B�,sse�Gt' s CTeek would limi� the commvn3ty store d.evelov-
men� along �P3.nnetka to a point not more tha,n 350 ft. north of
Si�xth Avenue N. This �ou1d allo� for only one or taro small
bu$ines�ea to be located nor�h of the proposed service sta�3.on
a,long �Uinnetka A�renue. �Rr. Olsen also indiea.ted that 'he �vould
be �illin� to requ�st tha,t that nart of the commvnity sto�e
district v�hich wouZd be north of the southerly �00 ft. along
Sigth Avenue �,nd 350 ft. a�t the eorner of SY�th �nd �innetk�,
be rezoned to open clegelop�ent distriet. �2ot3on by Jacobson.
seaonded by Lynch and c�,rried th�,t it a��,s the PZannin� Co�- �
ffiission's feeling that the coramunity store develop�ent in this
�,r,re�, �auld be �r3m�ril�r �lon� Sixth A�renue �T. a,nd th�,� �he
Planning Commission a�ould favor�,bly �ece�ot �. 73 ft. setb�.ak •
on '�innetka Avenue should 1�r. Olsen present egidence of his
intention to rezone back to open d.evelopment distr�.ct �,11 th�.t
por�ion of the co�munity store distriet �hich lies north of
Sigth Avenue N: �,nd �est of �Pinnetk�. north of a 13ne 200 ft.
north of Sixth A�enue �T. , e�cepting at the .intersect3.on of
�innetk�. Avenue and Sixth �4venue N. where the commun3ty s�ore
dist�ict �ould rem�.in for �. distance of 350 ft. along �P3nnetka �
Avenue north of 8ix�h Avenue.
�iessrs. Po�ers �.nd Hickling presented a reaueat for ap�oroval
by the Pl�,nning Co�ission for the erection of a d3rectional
sign �o be loc2�ted on Glenwood Agenue just east of the Belt
Line. Motion by Ja.eobsvn second.ed by Bjell�.ness and carrisd
�ecommending th�.t the bus3nessmen at The Point be granted a
billbo�.rd per�it, the �ording on the si�n to be substantia.11y
B�r. Arnold Anderson, -1611 Dougl�s Drive, �ree�nted a tenta�iv`
�olan for � subdivision to be located �vest of �ouglae �rive,
north of the I�inneapolis, Northfield �,nd Southern R. R. , bounded
oa the west by the e�est line of the ne� of the se�, Section 29,
ToBan 118, Range 21, on the r�orth by the north line of the
� sr: cRonc���'•
ne4 of the se� of Se tion 29, To�enship T18, Range �1, and on
the east by �.nd Douglas Drive. ?�otion b.y
J�cobson seconded by Lynch and carried to refer the urox�osed
subdi�iaion plat to the plat committee for study �,nd recom-
mendation. ,
The meet3ng was adjourned. �
. Bjella�
Act g Secreta,ry •
� �
C. Ry ark, Pr sident
�_ �'