08-10-50 PC Minutes 15� '� G4I�D�N �TALL�Y PL�iN1�1IN� O��tIJ8I�ICT _ �inu�ee of the �eeting of Augu�t ��, 1950 � The r�gulas meeting of the Golden ��lleg Pl�,�ing �o�ission was held e�t ?:3C3 P.I�. ia tbe Village He,ll. The followin� �ember� were �resent: FI. �I. B�ell�,ness �. A. �does _ �. T. Rydell Geor�e Germ�,3n �. �. Patterson C. R�d.me�rk �eorge Loughl�nd L. J. Rie�er� C, G. Scherer R. !�. Todd The meeting was e�.11ed to order aad �he roll �s t�ke�. A�inu�es of the �ulp 13, 195�, meeting v�ere r�a.d and approved �,� carrected. The fallo�ing correspond.ence �vas receiBed: 1. Let�er from �he Ad�9.nietra�ive Ass�st�,nt to the georeta�ry . r�g�rding �c�ic�na vn �he i�,st meetin�, as w�13 ae �,catie�is to be taken. �. Let�er from Ade.m Paraqck re�arding w�ieing side yard re- qnirements. Th� foll�wing act�on� a�ere ta.ken: 1. �ot�.on by 3'odd, seeonded by Ger��ir� �h�.t the request of Ada.m Pa,rzyek re�arding the ereotion of e. g►�.rage a� ?�00 Do�las Drive fi�e feet from the sot�th lot lin� be gran�ed. The motior� was pe�esed. . 2. �`he reqv.es� of K2�therine An�,aher �egarding the re�anin� of the pro�esty at the interseotion of Meado�v Lane a,nd Olson Fligh- w�g v�,� presented. �otic�n bp Patter�on, eeoonded bp ��ellaress ' �,nd c�rried th�,t the request be den��df�f6r the reaeon� th�,t �hSs s�res� of re�onin� ie too �small �.nd that it i� i�ol��ed �,nd not � �d��,c�nt to � �P�B@Ii'�1.�' cc��ercie.li�ed e.rea�. � 3. �here was �. discussio�. rege�rdi�� the a.ction t�.ken by the � Couneil on street name ch�n�es, na�mel� Orkla Drive ax�d Valclers Aven�e. �'he Com�issior� �as dis�Apoir�ted th�,t the�e wer� not �hanged to Utah �,Ad VEPID07i,�� respeatively, by the Covncil, �.nd th� su�gestion was ma�de th�,� or� m�.�er issues such a� this the COUIIG�.�. �.BLt � P8�?P@9�23t2�$�.�+'E Of �he f�01��891�II tG b� 'pT88822t �t tl�e Council mee�in�* to �resent the Co�ission�s viev�s a.�.cl to cl�.r3fy �i�nndersta,ndings. 4. �otion by �oee seeonded by Rydeil th�,t the street n�,mes in '� th� �olden �aks Second �Addition nor�h of Pl�mou�h, n�mely, Vald�rs and �rkl�e, be �orrected �o IIt�h a�.d Vermont to evnform � with p�,st agreemente of plannir�g QO�nissions of s�.rrounding v311ages to have streets Iine up s�e mueh a�s poesible. � � 5. �r. '�illiam g. 9wee�.eq presented hie pl�t r�vrth of �ciden ��� Valleg Road i.m �he SEµ of t�e 1��, �ectiora 18, Town �9, � �n�e 24. �otion b� Bjellar�ess secoaded by Scherer th�t the prel3minary pla� be �pnro�ed �si�� the followin�; notat3ons: • A ��rnaround t� be pro�vided either in this plat or in the Ara�,er��r of A[�r. ?�. B. �lson. (This �.�reement is �o be ffiade in �ritim� to �he pl�.�ni�g �o�iesion ar �o the !�ounail) . l�ame of the s�re�t is �m be H�.13fs�a. Svrf�,cing bond �o be pos�ed. Profile of '�h� r0�d �o be et�tbmitted. 5tr�e� sig�n to be inst�lled dn Golde$ �Ta�lleq Roa.d. 2'his motion w�.e pa��eed, �i�h ?�r. P�,tterson abs��.inin�. 6. �enr� �ulder e�nd �re. Loretta Ann �4v.lder, Lot 14, Almak �, Gler�ur��., ��t �o escro�c�i on �he south side of th�ir lot line bg Five feet. The Co�miesion �n�gests �h�.t the owners st�� with3n the requiremente beoause of poor footin� ca�tiitioas in �hie �rea. , . 7. �rs. Held E��ler �presented the 3ou�h �prin� Green x�l�,t, �otion bp I�ou�hlmnd, eeconded by R.eigert and ca.r.rried �'��.� �he pl�,t be referred �o the pla�t cor�m�ttee for further s��.d�. , 8. �r. C. G. �l�ger, 425 Turners Crva� Road, an �he so��hwe�t corner of the Belt L3.ne and 3ix�h A�enue A. a�pe�,red before tb.e CO�B1�89�CA t0 P@t�jL188t 0. T�i�(�. TilE=L W�,B �10 8,�$$4Ii '��1{9A' Y3t].t the Co�iesion su�ge��ed �ha.t �r. �l�,ger conta�c� �r. Skellp, �3� T�rners Cro�s Ro�d, �,nd tr�r ta aome tm �mme a��r�eme�t og � their street a�rra�gement. � 9. Pa,ul Enghauser presen�ed a revised. pl�� .of the D. �� I,�.t- terell �r�erty. Adotion bp B�e11�Aes8 ' 8eeonded by soherer �.nd c�rried th�,t �he pl�,t be �pproved wi�h a, 5t) foot r��,d as s�iawn, wi�h e�.ther L0t 454 or Lot 453 of Belmon� �o be the pai�t of egrese; prefer��alp Lot 454 beCau�B �h3� would elieaisaate �n offset cond.ition�. �r. Rydmark called fmr eommittee r�ports. The onlg vonmittee to report �a� ��.e ordinance oommittee. There has been vne meetir�g, bu� no�-�at3on Maa been �e,kem . The r��et�ng ��e �,d�ovrned. . . _ , , . . R eg t, 9eeretarp � . Rgd , Presi er�t