09-14-50 PC Minutes � / � ' 1 a�` I GOLI�E�' VALLEY PLA1V1�1INC CO�I�SION � L�inutes � the A.�eetin� of Sentember 14, 1950 . The regro.l�r �eeting of the rolden �'alley Pl�nnin� Commission wa.s h�lc2 �.t 7:30 p.m. in the Qilla�e H�,11. The followin� member8 were present : - H. �+ . '9jell�nese R. C. J�,cobson �. T. Rydell � � S. Erickson �iarold Lynch C. Rgdmarl. George Germa,in L. J. Rie�ert 2he meeting v��,s c�.11ed to vrder �.nd the roll �v�,s. taken. �inutes of the Au�;ust 10, I950, meetin� �uere read a,nd �,vx�roved. . The following corresuondenee �r�,s �eceived: 1. Letter from �tr. �oes, e��firman of the Alat committee, tr� the seeret�ry of the Plannin� Comrnission relative to the S,�rin� ' Green South �ub��iv�:gis�n�;b �. Letter from the ad.niinistrative �ssistant to the �ecretar,q . relative to actions taken at the l�.st Cov.ncil' meeting. The f ollowing aetions were taken: , 1. �ation by Ja,co'bson seconded by Lynch c�rried th�.t the �. '�. Crowl prelimin�.ry la.t be a,ccepted. Th3s Alat is d.es- cribed as nart of the N`�►►� of the NF4 of 9ectior� 18, To�anshi� 29, Ran�e 24. The east �nd �es� roads in thie AlSt �ill be 25th �,nd 26th Avenuea �,nc7 the north-south roa.d will be Lee Avenue.. The prelimin�,ry plat, c�ith chan�es as reeor�rriended by the x�l�t �� , committee, avill be redra,oan �,nd nresented to the Council. 2. �+�otion bq Lynch seconded by Js�cobson carried th�,t the Vi��o Olsen pse].imin�ry vlat be acce�ted. , This �l�,t is described as � ��.rt of the S�� of �he N�� of 9eation 31, Townshi°� 118, R�.n�e 21. ; 9uggestion w�s made that Lot 2 on this ,�lat be re�ieed so tha.t the distance on �linnetk� AQenue be incre�.sed so that �, more de- � sir�,ble bui'ldin.� site �ill 'be obt�.ined. The ��,st and �est street of this vlat aviZl be 7th A�enue. 3. Mr. Schanke Are�ented �, nrelim3.nar � y pl�t of the �. 0. Sa,ndum - property �rhich i� loc�.ted on the north side o� Golden Valley 'i '�oa,d �ust �est of the �Noads'311 nronerty. l�otion by Bjell�.ness, seconded by Lyn.ch, c�,rried, th�,t the nreliffiin�ry �l�,t, as re- - vi�ed, be �.ccepted. This rev3sed pla�t �vill be nresented in better form to the Council. i 4. �[rs. Held FtzZer �vas pr�sent to discuss tl�e �nrin� Green Sou�h Subdivis3on. I�otion by Lpn.ch, eeconded bg 3jellaness, c�rried, tli�.t the rev3�ed plat be �,ecented �rith the follo�vin� notations. �xten.sion of Ra,d3.saon Ro�d to the eouthern leg of � Turnx�i�e Road. P�rk area �vould be a �iece of AroAerty nc�rth ; of the Golden Hills Shov��tn� Center r�.nd ea,�t of T�ners Cross j i , � , ' - � 158 . Road 2�pproxim�.tely t�vo hundred feet south of C�..rcle '�o�ns �o�,d. The east boundar� of this p�.rk ase� would be the exiat3ng drain�,ge tile e�,sement. The area of this p�,rk nr��erty �vould be �.�oproxi�ately 150' x 500' . ll�rs. EtzZer is to ret�in t itle to the tile sg�tem fro� Radis�on Roa.d running south to the shop�ning center. The n�.me o� the ,ol�.t is to �e chan�ed frorr� Sprin� Green �outh to Golden Hi11s The lo�g, sli�htly curv�d roa�d on the so�th side of the �1�.�s to be e�lled C3rcle T�o�m.s and runs froffi Turners Cross Ro�,d o �3ghav�.y l�(3. � The Cha.irman ca�lled for reports o.f_ comr�itt�e� r�nd Ne�,l Rydmark, substituting for NIr. Patterson, �ave the ordin�nce oorm�ittee rex�ort �.nd �t�,ted th�t two meetin.�s h�,d been held a� the �ire � st�,�ion. ' The meeting �a�s �djourned. r L. J. �ert, ecreta.ry° C. ^Ryd rk, Pres dent �