10-12-50 PC Minutes �
. �59 �
P�inutea of the Meet3ng af October 1�, 1950
The regul�.r meeting of the Golden V�.11ey Plannin� Co�iesion w�.s
ea.11ed to order at the Vill�,ge Hall �t 10:00 P.�. The follonving
� �embers avere �resent:
FI. Dd. Bjell�,ness Harold Lynch � E. T. Rydell
' George Germain M. K. P�tterson C. Rgdma,rk
�. A. Hetl�nd L. J. Riegert R. �. Todd
�inutes of the Sep�ember 14, 1950, meeting were re�,d a,nd.
appr otred.
The following corre�pondence w�,s recei�ed:
ls � letter from Hoffie Coun�ellors, Inc. regard.in� rezon3.n� of
property �sdjoining the f3re �t�tion pronertp on the south.
� �. Letter from the �.dministrative �,ssista.nt to the seeretar�r
relat3ve to actions taken �t the Iast Counc3l meetin�.
The follo�ving �,ctions �ere taken:
1. l��r. S. C, A.dk3nsoa' representing Home Counsellors, Inc. ,
� presented �, request for tbe rezonin� of the pro�oerty adjoinin�
the fire station on the south. In addition to this, he �,nts
to build �, re�,l estate building �vhich �oul�. be in Iine with
the front of the fire sta.t3on. �otion by Gern��,in, second'ed by
Patterson, ca,rried �.an3.mously, that the petiti.on be denied.
This �etition vaad den�.ed on �he b�,sis that the building
should be set b�.ek �hree hund.red feet, in aceordance �aith the
gener�.l rule which has been �et uta for buildings alon� the
° Belt Line. If �e �.11o�re� this ne�ition to be granted, �ve �ou1d
� be establishing a da,ngerous precedent in v3.e�v of the feat th�,t
there is no h�rdshix� involved nor sufficient reason for not
� setting the 1ou.ilding bacic. �Qr. Adkinson does not want to go
ba,ck three hundr�d feet because he s��rs that it is too f�r
fror� the Belt Line for �,dvertising Avrpose� for a buildin� of
this ch�.r�,eter. FIe s�ys the Aro�erty ia lov� in the re�.r, and
�ustifies h�.s rea.sans by s�.�ring that this �ra�erty i� not p�ood
for residenti�.l building bec�,use it is bet�een the fire st�,tion
�.nd the r�,aio sta�.tion.
The sug�estion va�s made tl��.t the �ecreta.r�r of t�e pl�.nning
Corn�ission re?�resent the grou� at the next Council meeting to
�resent � more d.�ta�iled �.acovnt of the re�.sons for rejeetion
of thi s petition.
2.. �'r. T. R. Skelly presented � nreliminary Alat for �ronerty
loeated in the S� of Seotion 33, To�mshir� 118, Ran�e �1. This
nl�t h�,d been presented. previously to the vl�,t comr�i�tee for
study and the pla.tter h�d revised the area at the su��estion
of the piat committee. The ma.in ob�eation �a.s a dead end
roadvPay, �hich is to be elimina�ted. Motian by Lynch, seconded
by Hetland, c�.rried, th�.t the prelimin��ry nl�,� be 8px�ro�ed.,
subject to ch�.nges recommended at the Pl�.nning Commi���;on
meeting and reQOrded on the plat in the Aossession of the -
administrative a�sistant; and with the street ta be �amed at
a la�er date. ,
The meeting wa.s ad�ourned. �
. J. eger Secretary
C° e
C. Rydma , Preaident
� 1