11-09-50 PC Minutes 1�1 '
�inute� of the �eetin� of Noveffiber 9, 1950
The reg�l�r meetin� of t�ie Gold�r� Q�lle� Pl�nn9.n� Cor��ig��.on w�s �
c�.11ed to order �.t the Vill�.�e H�,Il �,t ?:3� P.M. The fol3o�a�in�
members were present :
A. �.- B�ellB�e�s �. Lc�ughl�,nd L. J. R3e�ert
S. �riekson H. Lynah C. 1�9dmerk
�. A, �ietls�nd �.A. �doe� . R. �P. 3'odd
�int���s of the t�etober 12, 195�, t�eeting ewere re�d ��d ��p�roved.
Letter �.s read from the �dminie�r�.tive assi�te�r�� to the seere-
t�rq regard3ng e�ctione t�,ken �,t the l�.st Council meetin�.
� �r. �. �►. Curt3.�, 4200 Olsor� High�a.�, presented a reauest th�,t
h�.8 �P�L�@ b6 pla�ed �lO��P t0 tYl.B 8'�P86'� '��18.I1 $h@ �Yd.�Il�71�A
permits . �r. �tnr�is ��pl�.inec� th�t he h�s � eoncrete a�ell
hot�e th�.t ffiakes it a '��,rdshi� for him to st�y b€�ek the rec�uirea
dista.nce, �hie� i� nine .�eet. l�e s��s that hE e�n maintr�in �
� dist�nce af three fee� b�;k fro� the e�s°� Iot line. �otion by
H�tland, eeconded bg �iegert a.nd e�.rried th�.t the rec�uest be
�ra�nted on the b�.sis tha,� t�ere ia �, hill on the north of
�r. �vrtis' pronert� whieh will c�areen hig �r�ge:
A requ�st was• presented by I�r. G�rv�n, 13�5 Na,tche� A�enue S.
I�r. G�LPF�II would 13.ke �o stay ten feet from his lot line �ith
hiB de�ached g�ur�ge. �otion by Lyn,eh �a.s seco�.ded by He�l��d
, �ad aarri�d. i� �iew of the f�.ct tha,t l�r. Gar�en �,�reed �o ���.q
twenty-fiv� feet a�w�g from the re�,r of ��ie house w3�h h3s ,
�ra.�e, and a�lso. th�,� he h�,d t�lked ov�er t�i� problem �ith
Cleo �enn�dy �ho ha,s �oi�ed his �ppro4�3. �
, Af�er d�.scussion of eug�e�ted street n�mes for the �kell�r P1�.t,
� moti.on by Tod.d, seeon�.ed b9 �ieg�rt �.nd e�rr3ed th�,t �he north-
south s�reet is to be Yvsemite, �d the ��,st-�►eet stre�t is �o i
be �oodstock Avenue.
'T'he �ommittee �.ssigned to re-desf�n the buildin� �.nd �oain�
ordin��c�s, presen�ed a �relimin�rq re�ort. Thi� re�ort is
se� uta in st�ch � f�,shion th�t the ?1�,$nin� Coimnisaion �z�d
Couflcil caa com��,re �he o1d ordin�,nce �it'� the ne� wi�h �ta�-
gested ehan�es. To d��e thie Co�mittee h�,s m�.de a. cor�pr�hen-
ei�e studg of th�.� portfon of tY�e ordin�nee whieh dea�Is �3.th
�os�ng �nd. hav� sch�d�.led meetings to prep�re ch�,n�es on the
� buildin� ordins�r�ces. As eoon �,s these re�orte �,re re�,dg, they
�ill be vresented, b�at it w�.s felt th�� th�re wr�s more $eed.
for concerted a,ction dn �he zoning ordi�.��.ee; therefor�, the�e
a�.a.nges were �rep�red firs�.
. The �eeting ��.s ad.,�c�urned.
. �
L, d. R3 � rt �eere�ary �
� ' '
C. Rgdrr� , Presi ent