01-11-51 PC Minutes . ;:i
�iautes- of the �eetin� of J�u�ry 11, 195I
The regul�,r meetin� of the Golden Valley Plannin� Com�is�ion '
w�,s e�31ed to o�der �a� the Vill�.�e Hall �,t �s 3� p.r�. The f ollo�-
in� members �ere �r�sent :
H. �. Bjell�ness G. Lou�hland J. Fer�u.son
�. K. P�tterson H. Lynch C. Gr�ffun�er
R. �J. Tadd L. . J. Riegert I�. A. Hetland
S. �rickson Don P�Zmer C. Rydm�,rk
Tn vi�w of the f�,ct tha.t thiq �a�� the f3rst �ne�ting of the ye�r,
the first order of business w�,s the election of officers.
�dr. Ryd��,rk w�.s unt�ni�ously elected Preside�t. �r. George
Lou�hl�nd �,s un�.ni�ously eZected Vice Pres��.ent. Lou3.s Riegert
e��,s un�znimouslg elected Secret�ry.
The n�xt order of 'bu�iness w�,s re�din� of the �ninutes of t'he
Decaer�b.er 14 me�ti��, �rhich were �Aproged a.s �re�d.
�resident Rydrr�,rk naffied the members to ser�e on the various
comr�ittees during the year : ,
High�ay Coanm3�tee: Zaning Con�►ittee:
M. A. Hetl�.nd, Chairffiea H�,rold L�neh, Cha.3rm�,n �
Don �almer 1!�. �. Hetla.nd
H. �. B�ella.r�ess Do�. P�l�aPr
�. T. Ryde11 J. Fergusor�
R. �'. Todd R. �r. Todd '
Geo�ge Loughl�,n� George Lou�hland
St. N'�.r�es �,nd Pl�ts: Qrd.i���ic�s :
I3. �. H�ell�ne�s, Ch�irm� �. K. P�.�terson, Qhair�►an !,I
C. Gr�,ffund.er C. Gr�f�under �
� n'�. �1. �oes J. Fer�uson
E. T. Rydell S. Erick�on
S. �riekson G. Ger��,lr� � i
13. Lyneh L. J. Rie�ert
3'he c��mittees v�ere ins�ructed to k�ring re�orts to th.e next �
meet3ng of �.ctivi°�ies far the coming gee,r. �Rr. patterson
volvnteered to h�ve a new roster of inembers prep�rec�, alon� a�it�
� 13.stin� of tlz� F�.T10U.8 com:�3.ttees. "
�uggestion v��s �de tha,t t�e Council �etion on Co�nmis�ion su��es-
tions sho�u7.d be reeorded in the m3.nutee, e�ec3.�.11y in relation
- tb p�.�,ts. To date, this h�.s been ta.ken c�,re of 'b� tb.e letter
from the ad�nir�i�tr�tzve aasist�nt, �.�sum3ng �h�.t this letter i
�ould be ��,rt o� t�.e miaut es.
The T. R, S�elly p1�� h�� been revis�d from �hat �P�V3�JU.81y f.�!":1;. 'a "'i
by the Pl�,t Co�itte�. �otion by Bjel�lariess, secor�ded b,y Lou�h- �
l�nc3. a�.d c�.rried that ths -�resent T. R. Skelly nl�,t be 1�.A�P046�.
. .�
___ - ---�
if t�.e followir�g a,lteraticros or conditions �.re sho�ur► on �,n
�,t��nded �l�t:
1. 3'h�,t sn ��reement be rn�.de �ith the 2�d�o3.n�ag �
property a�m,er oa the north tha.t Voeemite Avenue �T.
COTa.��11t1.e �3�hOtlt Offe�t t0 I�lE3oI1 H3�;h�&V' �x1d tYl,3�
exter�sion �of Yo�emite Avenue �. be i�rproved �nd
a ����. dedic�,ted:-� ����
2�; . Tha.t �'oodstock Avenue I�tor�h be ch�.n�ed -�o �oo�-
stoak Ae�nue. °
3. Th�t the nor��i�est corner of Lot 11, B�.ock �, be
rounded �ith � �0 foo�t r�,diu�. �
4. Th�,t fi�e foot e�sements be prQVided on the r�or�h
�.�.d sauth boundaries for utilities.
5. That �. bond. of �100� be pro�r3.ded. fo� cc�m�ilet3on
of road�. �
A discu�s3.on ��,e held regardin� the se�er situ�t3on in Golden
'P�lley. �ome of the me�nbers feel th�.t it is � little pre-
��.ture beca�e� �e don't kno� �h�,t the po�ul�,tion will be in
cer��,in �,re�,s. Howe�er, �p�ng in �ith the se�er cos�ing froffi
Cr�rstal should be cons3.dered �.t this t3.me bee�use this would
only re�u3�e �nZ�rged �ix�e and, po�s3blq� �,n additian�.l r�uffi�oin�
Motion by R�.egert, seconded b9 Fricltson and c�rried t�i�.t �, �
Ietter be sent to the �etiring mernbers o£ �he P1ann3n� �Com�is-
�ion eommendi�g their �ork in the p�.st y��.rs.
�'he �,d�ninistr�tive �s�ist�n� pointed vu� th�,t �o�e �,c��ion � '
should be t�ken by the Pl�,nning Coffim3ssion re��rdin� the �on-
struct3on progr�� for Trvn� High��y 5�. �Ir. Netland, as
eh�,�rm�n of the ro�,d ca�ittee, su��ested th�t he �,nd the meffiber�
o� his cor�mittee, �long with the �,dmin3.str�,�iee �,ss3.st�,nt, see
the St�te N�tghw�,y Qomr�issionep �,� soon �.s �osaible in ord.er t� ,
sneed the highw���s vrogre�a.
�h� follo�ing correspa�dence wa�s re�d:
Letter from the �.d�iais�r�,tive �ssist�nt to the s�cret�,ry re-
g�,rding the appoix�tme�.t� of nev� members ta three-gear terms on
the Pla,nning Coromission, such terms ta expire Jeae�ber 31, 1�53:
�. A, Hetl�,nd, G. Rqdm�,rk, Ca,rl �raffund�r ; �oz� P�,].mer, Jr. , '
a.�d Jahn 1�. �'erguav�.
Le-�ter f�s�m the �d�inis���.t3.ee �,ss3st�at tc� �he seeret�,rg�e-
gardin� t�e Council's �.ction on the P7.�,nn3n� Cor�mission recom-
ffiend�tion� �,t its l�,st meetin�, e,t evhich time thE Cauncil
co�.ourred �vith the P]��nning Cor�rnissio:� �s rec��end.�,t3.on for
� . . . . � ��V�' ;
rel�.sa.tion of setbaeks on the uro�erty of �r. J. J. Desnick,
Lot 14, Block 2, McNa�ir �a,nor.
The meetin� a,d�ourned.
L. J. ie rt, e e��.ry
C. Rpdma , Presi en�