02-09-51 PC Minutes ,
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Minutes _of the Meeting of February 9, 1951
The regular meeti�.g of the Golder�. Valley Plan.n.ing Con�ni.ssion �
was ealled to order at the Village Hall at 7:30 F.M. The
foliowing members were present:
H. M. Bjellaness Harold Lyneh d:-i�=-�e�g�.�ex
A�:-�:-�a��e�ee� L. J. Riegert C. Graffunder
E. T. Rydell Don Palmer, Jr. 1�. D. Hetland
C. R�rdmark
The first order of business was reading of the minutes of
the J�r�.uarg ll, 1951, meeting which were approved as read.
The seeond order of business w�s the eorrespo�denee, which
consiated of a lstter �rom the administrat3ve assiatant to
the secretary of the Planning Commisaion stati�� �hat the
T. R. �kelly plat has been approved b�r the Council with the
follo�ing changes as recorr�nended b�r the Planning Corn�n_,'_ssion:
1. T�doodstock Avenue N. chexnged to Woodstock Avenue.
2. A 20 ft. radius placed on Lot ll; Block 2.
3. Five foot easements on the nor�h and sauth
boundaries for utility purposes.
4. Certified check for �1000 has bee�. received.
. 5. That part of Yosem3te Avenue N. between 6th A�enu.e
North and the Skellg plat is being dedicated to
the V'illage by Mr. Maki, and an agreement is being
made whieh will guarantee the improvemer�t of this
road prior to the acceptance 'by the Couneil.
An informal letter was read from Mr. Moes, who is in Miami,
Florida, at the present time.
The ne�t order of business was the repvrt of comm3ttees:
l. The Highwa� Committee, alon� with Mr. Terzich, met �
with Mr. Hoi'f'man of the St�te Highwa� Department
on J�nuar� 31 and reported that the u�ork on High-
way �5 is progressing very slowl�.
2. Street Names a�.d Plats has had no aetirity.
, 3. The Zoning Comm3ttee has had nv acti�ri��.
I�. T1�e Ordinance Committee had no report, but they
were instructed to give thought to the pressure
put on by groups who are trying to build lo� cost
pre-fabricated constru.ction. Fossiblg some
,. thought should be given to stating in the ordin-
ance that proper drainage should be requir ed oa
all plats; also, that it is neeessary to build
on grour�.d which will give proper footing.
President R�dmark brought up the problern of re�oning along
�he Belt Li�.e. At th.� present time there is a gentlemen{s
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�.greemen.� between the Golden yalle� Co�j.n,eil an.d the State
Highway Depa:�tment that a 300_ ft. m3nimum setb€�ek be r�-
q,uired fo� all eommercial Tou.ildings. Motion by 1?ydell,
aecori.ded b�r Palmer an.d carried that a recominendat�on be
made to the Coun.cil that an ordinance be �e� �.p whereb�r
this �entlemenf s agreement would become ari ard3nan.ce:
in other words, that the minimum setback alo�.� the Belt
� Lin.e be 300 ft. from the edge of the highwag propertg
for any eomrn.erci�l development.
�eatin� adjourned.
� .
L. � e� t�, Secretar� ,
� e�
. � � '�Ls P2'f�8' @21 '
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