03-08-51 PC Minutes :�i 1 GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNI�TG C01�SSION Nlinutes of the Meeting of Mar. 8, 1951 The regular meeting of the Golden Valle�r Planning Corr�n.ission was ealled to order at the Village Hall a� 7: 30 P.M. The follow3.ng members �rere present: II. M. B�ellaness S, Erickson C. Graffunder M. K. Fatterson L. J. Riegert M. A. Hetlund E. T. Rgdell Don �a].mer C. t�ydmark T.he fi�s� order of business was reading of' the minutes of the Februar� 9, 1951, meetin� w1�.ich were appro�red as read. The second order of busin.ess was �he correspondence, which consi s�ed vf: l. A letter to the secretar� of the Pla�.ning Co�.ssion �ro�n. Mr. Morgan Johnson requesting tha� he be allowed to divide � the southerly 180� of Lot b4, Auditor� s Subdivision 330, into two 90� lot a. 2. Letter to the Planning Cor�nission from Dr. Stanleg Stone - requesting that �re allow the above subdiv3sion of land zn v3.e� of the fact that he wishes to purchase one of the 90t lot s. . 3. Letter to the Ctzlden Valley Planning Corr�nission signed by ' seven persons who live 3.n the vicinity of Lot 6�., Auditor� s Subdivision 330, and who sta�ed that �hey have no objeetion ' to this divisioa�. J.{.. Letter from the administrative assistant to the Planning Commission regarding: � (a) The above division of property in Auditor� s Sub- d3.vision �to. 330. ' (b) Items of gener�l interest to the gl�.nnir�.g Cornmis- sion which included the amendment which has been ad.opi,ed � x b�r the welfare committee of the State Senate to exempt Hennepin County from the proposed coun�g-wide welfare • board; infor+rna�ion tha� the Village Council has purchased a tractor shovel and is taking steps to acquire a gravel pit; and that the Glendale Association. has asked that a por�Cion of 1Tatchez Avenue N. be vacated in order that black-topping procedu�es can be started in this area. The ne�t order of business was act�on on the division of the property in Lot 6�:�., Auditor� s Sv.bc�ivision 330. l�r. Morgan Jal�.�.son i s p�u.rcha�ing thi s propert� and wi shes to split Lot 6tr into tw4 9�' lots. His letter ��o1.ud.ed the information that he proposes to build a 60t wide house and he feels th.at - it would be a hardship to have so much property around his ' 172 house, ,A.lso, Dr. �tone stated in his letter that �. 60� w3.de house will meet his requirements. Motion by I�etland, seconded bg R3egert and carried that th3s requ�;�� be grant�d in view of the fact that the m�.jority of lots in �his .Subdivi sion. are 90' in width or less, and also in view of th� faet that N1�, Johnson has a petition signed by a majority of the property ownars in the vicin�.ty of this lot, and, f�rth.er, be- cause the lot is quite deep and 16,000 to 17,Op0 square feet will be available for each 90� lot. Consi derable di scussion �ta� held regard.:i.ng the request of the Glen�7.�le As�ociation that a portion of Natchez Aven.u.e N. be va�.ated. and a turn-around be located. in this area so th�.t it wi7.l be possibl� to hage a practical solu�ion for blacktopping procedu.res. Motion b� Rydell, sec,flnded b� IIetland and carried th.at �he Planning Cor�mission approve constru�tion of a 75+ � inir�.imum turn-aroun.d on parta of Lots 13 and 11{., Block 1:1.., Glend.ale Addition, as shown on the accompan�ing xaap, such turn- around to be con.strue�ed b� Glendale In.cox�porated; Gler�.dale I�.co�p�rated to furnish surve� and easex�.ents on Lot 13 and an easeme�.t to be furnished or�. that part of Lot 1!� owned b�' Mr. Markham or�. whi.ch part of' the tur�.-around will be built; Glendale Incorpora�ed to regr�.de Na�chez Avenua N. f'rom Chatelain Terrace to the turn-around; and that sub�ect to compliance with the�e �equirements the Village vaca�e the re- maining part of Natchez Aver�ue N'. fro� �he turn.-around south to Loring �ane; and that the turr�--arou.nd and a strip of road from the turn-around aorth to Chatelain Terrace be black-topped when the general area is blaektopped. The chairmaa called for committee reports. The onl� co�ttee reporting w€�s t�.e o�dinan.ce committee and Mr. P�.�terson re- .ported that the new revised code of zoning will be read.g for . presentation for Planning Commission scru.tiny at t he May mee�ing. _ Meeting adjourned. , • � L. J ie rt, Secre ar� C�-�-1�(��.�J�k Pre s 3.Sent ' � � i � I