04-12-51 PC Minutes , � 17� GOLDEN VALLEY PLANIVINC,- CONtMISSION Minutes of the .4pri1 12, 1951 Mee'ting. The regular meeting of �the Golden Val1e� Planning Commission , was called to order at the Village Hall a� 7. 30 p.r►�.. The follo�rtng members were present: R. W. Todd H. Lynch C. Gra�funder S. Erickson L. Riegert M. A. Hetlund G. Germain Don Palmer C. Rydmarl� G. Loughland J. Ferguson }�. �,��ttAN¢SS The first order of business was reading of the min-iates of the Ntarch 8 meeting, whi.ch were approved as read. The second order of business was the correspondence, which consisted. of a •letter from the administrative assistant to the secretary of the Plan.n.ing Commi;ssion and contained the follow- ing items: 1. The Counca:l has requested the Planning Commission to make definite recomrr�.endations for the altera- tion of the ordinan.ces which would tend to pre- vent mass construction of low cost prefabricated dwellings on undesirable propert� resulting ir� future homes which might be substandard. 2. �, pa�°agraph relative to the f inal plans for the " construction of Trun�i Highway 55, which plan.s are to be presented at the �+Iarch S Planning Com- m3ssion mee�ing. � ' 3. The Council con.c�arrea witk�. the Flannin.g Commis- sion relative �o granting the request of Mr. Morgan Johnson to subdivi de the south 180t of Lot 61.�, Auditor� s Subdivision 330, into two 90� lots. The next order of business was the request of Mr. �. E. Crowl for street names for his Merribee Hills subdivisio�.. Mr. Crowl objects to calling his streets• 25th a�.d 26th Avenues N. because he feels �hat the addition of the {'North" tends to lo�aer the value of his proper�t�. Tf it is poss3ble, he would like to have other nam.es for these streets. Motion b� Cer- main, second.ed. b� Loughland and carried, that the Plat and Street IVarning Committee �look at th:�s plat and the surroundir_g territory to determine if there is a good sol�.tion to this problem. Motion by Hetland, seconded by Loughland and car- ried that the Plat and Street 1Vaming Cormnittee be empowered. to gi.ve �heir suggested street narnes direct d�t� Tlr. Crowl �rithout Planning Comm�.saion approval so that he can proce�d �ri,tY�. utility p1�.ns and res3dence numbering. l�ir. Terzich reported that a petitio�. has been p resented for blacktopping the st�eets in Glendale Addition inco�pora�ing �7� -the recorr.�lendat�ons set forth in the March 8 minutes of the P lanning Corr�ni s a ion. � iVlotion by Loughland, seconded by t$ermai.n and carried that definite action in regard to mass erectiox�. of low cost housing be brought back bg the next Planr�.ing Commission meet?n� �nd that a letter be sent to IKr. Patterson call.ing a meet3ng of the Ord.inance Committee to arrive at a solt�.- t ion �'or th3 s problem. , � There �ras a great d.eal of discussion in regard. to placing • a ho�.se �rhich wola.ld face a rninor street, while the side of the house or the garage would �e fificeen fee� from a majar street. No definite action was take�.. �wan Erickson has agree.d �o build a frame and backing for a blackboard and �eorge Germa3n has agreed. to g�in't it, so that the �lanning Co�ssion and Cotii.ncil can. use this to better present ske�ches and ideas. 1�Ir. Terzich presented a report on Highwa� 55 and showed t�.e Commission the plan, wn.ich includes grading to be comple�ted in 1952• Motion by B jellaness, seconded b�r Graffunder arr�.d carried that that section of Turner� s Cross Road from Glenwood Avenue to the State Highway Dep�.rtzn.ent Propert�r in a northerlg direction be re�urned b;y the County to t he Village with the ul-�imate thou.ght . that this propert�r will be used for development of school and playgrou.nd facilities and closed to through traffic. � T�I�eting adjourn.ed. • , . . L. J. ger , Seeretar�' . e � C. Rydm k, President