05-10-51 PC Minutes � T
d A � �.
Minutes of the Ma� 10, 1951_Meeting.
The regular meeting of �he Golden Va11e� Planning Commi.�sion
wa� called to order at �he Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. The .
� following members �ere present:
H. M. B3ellaness S. �rickson J. Ferguson
W. A. Mo e s G. Loughland C. Graf ftander
M. K. Patte�son L. J. Riegert I�i. A. Hetland
E. T. Aydell Don Palmer , C: Rydma�k
The first order of business �fas reading the minutes of the
April 12 mee�ing, which were approqed as read.
The second order of busaness was �he �correspondence, wh�ch
consisted of a lst�e� from the �.dministrative assistant to
the secr��ar� of the Planning Core�rn3:ssion and conta3ned the
following itoms:
1. Request of Vernon E. Mattson, 732 Rhode Island Avenue S. ,
to �aive the s3.de gard requirements so that he may build a
det�ched ga�age closer th.an 5 ft. f�om the south lot line.
2. I�[rs. R. E. Fet�3�ohn, Lo� 6, Block 4, Ker�edg�s� Sou.�h
Tyrol Hills, requests r�ra.iv3ng the side yard requirements on
, a �rian�ular lot,
3. A paragr�.ph rels�iee to the desire of the M�adowbrook
School Boarcl to vacate .Turner's Cross Road no�th of Glenwood
A�enue. Cauncil lef� the matter_ open, su gesting o�her �
possibil3ties of contro113ng traftic on ��urner� s Cross Road. i
4. A paragrapl�: re�ardix�.g the approv�.l of the 11aru�,ing Com-
miss3on�s recommsndation in naming the streets in Mex►rib,e�
Hi.11s Addition as Merribee Drive and Hampton Road �o� the
south �.nd north road, respectivel�, w:hich run at ri.ght angles
to N'oble Avenue, and. Lee Avenue North �.s the road running
parallel with. Noble Avenue.
5. The Council 3nforms us tha� pl�ns have been completed
and b3ds called for I'or �Ghe remodeling of the ViZl�,ge Hall.
' This work �s �o be eompleted b9 S�ptember 1. -.
. The next order of business w�s the request of Mr. Vernon E. '
Mattson, ?32 Rhode Island Avenue �. , to place a garage
closer th�.n 5 ft. to his south 1�� line. Motion bg Riegert,
seconded by .I►oughla�d, carried, tha.t we postpone aet3.on
until Mr. Mattson brings in � �ketch of his conditions at
the next Plarining Gommission meetin�. �tot3.on bg B�ellaness,
seeonded bg R�dell, carrisd, that Ftydmark act as cha3.rman of �
a committee to look at this problem and property and give a
report a.t t�ie II9A"t meeting; other members of this committae
to be Loughland and Ferguso�. The �ornmission felt there were
17 6�
other _solutions to th3.s problem but wanted to �ake sure by
visual inspect3on at the site.
l�rs. R. E. Fe�ti3ohn, Lot 6, Block 4, Kennedyts South T,yrol
Hills, presented a request that the Flann��� Co�3ssio�
wa��ae the $etback requirements on a tria�.�u7.ar pie�e of
property so �hat the extreme cornera of the house be 3� f�.
from the s�reet line rather than 35 �'�. Nlotion by Patter-
son, seconded by Rieg�rt, carried, .that we consider this
is no ha.rdsh3p and th�t �re deny the request, Th.3s aet3on
�aas t€�.ke� ir� v3e�r of the fac� that the hou�e does not f3t
the lot and the f�.ce of the house or� aither �tree� would
not line up �ith other houses along �hese s�ree�s.
Nlr. Pankonie apps�red before t�ie Comrr�ssion and want�d to
know �he s�atus of the propert�r on �he southeast corner
bet�aeen the �e�l� Line and Wayzata Boulevard. FIe was infarrned
t�1at tk�.is was open development. M�. Pankonie then asked
whic�. property is co�rnercial or �,r3.11 be zoned commereial
alor�g the Belt Line ir� Golden Vallep. Oth�r �r�as for eorrr-
mercial development were sugge�ted b9 the Commission and
Mr. Pankoaie was offered a map showing the �oned �.reas in
the �311age.
Mr. Paul Fn�hauser presented the revised D. W. La�tterell
plat �ith tha no�ation tt�.at the propertg which had been
suggested bg the Comm3ss3.on for access and egress had been
acqu3.red. l�r. Enghauser also presented the preli�inar�r •
Westurban plat, �rl�ch lies on the northwest eorner between
_ Noble AYenue .and Golden �alley Road. Mo�ion b�r Loughl�.nd,
seconded b� Riegert, �arried, that t�ese prelia�in�.r�r plats
be turned oeer to �he Flat Com�n3.��ee for their scrutiny.
Nlotivr�. b� Moe�, seeonded bg Bjellaness, carried, that the
secret�.ry �rite to �obbinsdale and Cr�stal requestirig �heir
Plar�ning Corn�n3.ssions : to consider whether i� would be
prac�3.ca1 to ehange the s�reet name of Xenia to �enwoad
to co�respond with St. �ouis Park. �
The Ghai�man called for reports of comm3ttee�. Nlr. Patter-
son presen�ed the report of the Ordin�.n.ce Commi�tee.
Motion b� R�dell, aeconded by He�land, carried, that �re
accept �he report of th� �rdinance Co�ittee and that �h�se
recommenda�ions be p�ssed on �o the Coun.eil. �
Mee�in� ad�o�.rned.
L. J. iEger , �cre ary
� »
C. � r , P�resi ea