05-24-51 PC Minutes 17��
Minutes of the May 2�., 195Z Meeting.
,� special meeting of the Golden Valley 1'lanning �o�nission was
called to order .at!:the Villa�e H�.11 �t 7: 30 p.m. The follow-
ing•members �rere present:
, H. N. B�ellaness R. W. Todd D. Palmer
� W. A. Moes G, Loughland J. Fergu.son
° M. K. Pa�terson H. Lynch C. �raffunder
� � �. T. Rydell L. J. Aiegert C. Rydmark
The first order of bu.sine'ss was re�ding �he minutes of th.e
Ma� 10 meetin�, which were approved as re�d.
The prime purpose of this special meet3.ng was to review the
recommen�atio�s made bg the Ordinance Co�ittee of the Planning
Co�ission 3n revising, codifyin� and br3ng��'_ii.p� to ,date all of
the build3ng and zoning ordinances, as referred to the Pla.nn3n�
Corrlraission b� the Village Council. �
The president turned the meeting over to Mr. Ni. K. Pattersoa,
chairrnan of the Ord3nance Comm3.ttee, to expl�.in the �¢ariou.s
changes made in �Gh,e existing ord3nancea and the suggested
amendments. Report of the Ordinance Cormr�itt�e dated April 27,
1951, was then reviewed. With several correct3ons indicated,
, the �ommission discussed and pa�sed through the report 3nelud-
3.ng all of Orclinance 38 a.nd through Ordinance 39, section 3 (i) .
The �ext order of bus�.ness was the matter of placing the
garage. on the Vernon E. Mattson propert� at 732 Rhode Island
Avenue Sou�h., Mr. Rydmarkts committee appointed .�.t the pre- ;
vious meet3ng had r�viewed the placing of th.e garage at the '
actual site, and �he c�reumstances surrounding the request �
. �rere egplained to the Comm3ssion. It was pointed ou� that �!
t�.e house was located on two fift�-foot lots. Motion by Pa�- �;
terson, seconded, bg Riegert and carried that, in �i�w of the
fact that the house straddles two fifty-fpot lots, Mr. Mattson
be required to place his �arage so that it 3s no closer than
Pifteen feet from the side lot line.
On further d3scussion of the Mattson matter, motion bg Rydell,
seconded by Loughland and carried .that the action taken in
the preceding paragraph be rescinded. .
Motion by Loughland, seconded by B�ellaness and carried that
Terzich be req,uested to ob�ain the opinion of the villag�
a�torney on this matter �.nd that the inforrr�ation be obtained
` and passed on direct to Mr. Mattson. It was understood that •
the qu�ation to be raised would be on the clearance that
would be requ3.red from the side lot lines when two or inore ad-
�acent paresls of l�.nd platted prior to the' 1938 ordin€�nce are �
� combined into one premise.
Meeting ad�ourned. 4 �
' �,�e,�f
� � . J. eger , ecre ary '.
. '�
C. R�r --a � Presi en • -----