06-14-51 PC Minutes � ! Ii8 GO�D�N VALLEY PLANNIN G COI`�MI SSI ON � Minutes of the Jui�.e l�, 1951 Meeting. The regu�ar meeting of �he Golden Valley Planning Co�m.mission was held at 7:30 P. M. , in the village hall. The following memb�rs were present: H. M.- B jellaness G. Germain C. Graff'�.nder W. A. Moes H. Lynch M. A. Hetland R. W. Todd D. �almer C. Rgdmark TYie meeting was ca.11ed. to order and the roll was taken. In th� absence of Secretary �Reigert, President Rydmark appointed H. M. �jella�.ess as actin.g secretary for the meeting. Minutes of �he special meo'cing held on 1�Za� 21}. were approved as read. The first order of business was reading of letters dated N1a� 18 to the City of Robbinsdale and Villa�e of Crystal request- ing cons3deration in changing Xenia Avenue to Xenwood Avenue . to correspond with street designations in St. Louis Park. No replies were received as yet. Letter dated June 14 from the administrati�e assistant was read with the i'ollowing items: � � 1. Request of A. W. Young, 233o Crestview Avenu.e for �o�pv� � � waiver of 35� setback on Byrd Avenue side of his �� to allow cons�truction of a bedroom addition.. � ' 2. Letter dated May 25 from Village Attorney on side yard requirernents where person owns 2 adjacent 50 ft. lots and . ; erecta a home wh3ch occupies parts of both lots. I i 3. Informal discussions to be held on sub-dividing Lot 52, Audito�s Suh. No.� 33o and on placement of dwellings on Lot 9, Block 5, Kennedy+ s South ri'�rrol and at 109 Maddaus Lane. . ' • I.�.. Referal by Council to the Planning Coir�mission for its recommendation the reques� of Geor�e Becker for permit to ! construct �. proposed six-apartr�ient Uni� on proposed Second Addition of Spring Green. , Hearing was lzeld on the request of A. W. Young for waiver � of 35 ft. setback �o allow construction of a bedroom which ' woL�.ld come to 2L.�. ft . fror� the B�'rd Avenue side of his propert� at 233o Crestview Aven.ue. Size of the addition ; was 15� x 16� . Motion by Lynch seconded b� Palmer carried to waive t�ze 35 ft . setback along Byrd Avenue and that Mr. Youn�. be issued a huilding permit to allow t�e construction � of a bedroom 15 ft. by 16 ft . which would come not closer � than 24 �'t. fror� the lo�t line along Byrd Avenuo. I � � �... ; `I � � ,��4 ���'���� � . , Mr. Rydma�k reques-ced to be excused �b att�nd another meetin�;. Motion by Germain seconded by Craffunder carried to desi�.ate i�Ir. He��snd as acting President in the absence �.lso of the � Vice-President. The next orde� of business was the dzscussion o� item five of the June 1�. letter from the administr�.tive assistant in which the ' �illa�e Council referred �he matter of the construction of si.�- family apartmen.t units proposed for construction by Mr. George Becker, architect, to the Planning Commission for its consider- ation and recomraendations. Mr. 3ecker explained that these would be cooperative units through FHA financing and each family unit would be individuallg owned. If one of the owners wanted to se11 his unit, it wou.ld be necessary for him to ob�tain approval of the other t'ive owners. It was suggested. that �.sed restrictions be drawn which would prevont the issuance of a motel license antl also the prevenzion of the rezoning of the area to community store district. Mr. Hetland su�gested tha.t a public hearing be held by , the Council with the residents of Spring Green and surrounding � areas to discuss the matter. Motio�. by Moes, seconded by Bjellaness and carried that a build.ing permit be issued to the applicants, subject to �he condition that the plans and area requirements meet - a,11 Village requirements, with the stipulation in deed restrictions specifying that the area will be maintai�.ed as an open development distric� and that the developers make �rovisions for th� erection � `� _ , pf garage facili�ies in the fu.tu.re wit'aout requiring waiver of any . Village ordinance for setback requirements. Mr. Lynch req�.ested that the minutes indicate he had vo�ed. against the above mo-tion. Letter dated May 25, 1951 from th.e Uillage A-ttorney stated that , in the case of a person owning two adjacent 50 foat lots and � erects a dwelling occup�ing parts of both lots the 9 foot side line requ.irement wou.ld pre�aail rather than the 15 foot require- i ment. Application of tt�.e 15 foot rule ti�ould be descrimin.atory '� � since neighboring lots may take advantage- of the 9 f'oot rule and ; the owner� s compliance with the spirit of our 100 foot wid�h ordinance whe�. he was not required. to do so would work to h.is ; � detriment�. Mrs. C. J. S-,r�ringer, owner of' Lot 3, Sunrise Lane Addition re- � quested an informal opinion on waiver� of the 35 foot setback re- ; quirement on Maddaus Lane to e�ect a dwelling about 29.5 feet ! fr.om the front lot line. After discussing various points of ! terrain, curvat,�.re of the street and the fact on.ly I.}. dwellin�s i would be fronting on the street, motion by Todd �raa seconded ; bg Germain carried that the Planning Commission would, in the ' absence of ang� objections, give favorable consider�ation ta the `j request at a forr�al hearing at next meeting of the Commission. :� � Moes abstained fro�n vo�;ing. ;j , i Mr. John B. Halloran, at'torney for Mrs. Sweeney, requested in- ' formal opinion an subdividing Lot 52 Audi'tor Subdivision 330 � into two lots. Terzich explained �he Farmer case on Golden � � Valley Road and Hetland mentioned the need for providing an ' extr�. l7 foot easeraent for eventual widening of Golden Valley ,, _ � '� 1�0� Road. The Chair stated a hea�ing would be held at n.ext meeting of the Commiss3on on July 12 if written request is made b� the owx�.ers. Mr. Alexand�r of the Valley Coirsrn.unity Presbyterian Church requested the. Commissions opinion on the erection of' s� church on 3 acres (�.OQ ft by 300 ft) of property in northwes� corner of the proposed future addition of �'oodlawn Park. The Commzssion indicated it �ra.s en�tirely in f°aavor of the pro- _ posed ehurch pro�ect. C. J. 2�illm�,n, owner of Lot 35 aa�d �art of Lot 36, Glenurban � 2nd Addition, requested information on splitting of his " � propert� into two dwelling sites. He was informed that the • deed Comm3ttee in. Glenu.r�an would ha�ve to approve firstbe- fore a hearing could be held on the matter. , Paul Engha�.ser requested that a street nam.e be given to hi�s proposed plat north of Golden Valle� Road and east of Golden Valley Gol�' Club. Motion by L�nch seconded by Todd carried to .name the street Idaho Ave 1�orth as it is the next name in the �.7:phabetical sequence. �leetin.g ad�ourned. � � ' _ . • H. . �jellaness ' Ac ing Secretary . k, President 1Jc�ttiG� � 4.t+e�}Qpv� , , �