07-12-51 PC Minutes � . , --�' ��� � - ��:�3 � G�LDEN VALLEY PLAlVNING COI�LCSSION � Minutes of the July 12, 1951 Nteeting The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Plann3ng �omnaission was called to order at the Villa�e Hall at 7:30 p.m. The following `! � members were present: H. M. �jellaness R. W. Tod.d L. J. Riegert , W. A. Moes 5. Erickson J. M. �'er�u:son M. K. Patterson G. Loughlanc'1 M. �. Hetland E. T. Rydell . H. Lynch C. Rydmark The meeting was called to order and. the �oll was taken. Minutes of the June 7.1�. and, Junb 28 meetings were read and ap- proved, w�th t�ro s13.ght corrections. The first order of business was the correspondence, whi.ch con- ' sisted of a letter from the :administrative assistant to the secretary of the Flanning Cornm.ission and contained the following items: , l. Request o�' Jol�n. B. I3alloran to subdivide Lot 52, Auditor �s �ubdiv3.sion 330. 2. Request of C. J. �pringer to waive the 35 ft, setback from : the front lot line of Lot 3, Sunrise Lane Addition. I 3, Notes on the actions taken b�r the Village Council at its meeting on July 3s ° ; � i a. Confirrr�ed the Pl�.r�n.3.ng Commiss3ont s recommendation to ; issue a buildii�g perrri�t to A. W. You.ng, 2330 Crest- j view Avenue, which wa3v�d the 35 ft. setback and allowed. �� him to build 2�. ft. from the Bsrrd Avenue street Iin�. b. Concurred in the Flann3n �orm.nission� s recnmm.end�.t'ion I� g to name the stre�t in the plat north of Golden Valley � Road and east of the Golden Valle� Golf Club as Idaho Avenue North. c. Inforr�.ation regarding the Council� s discussion on � the proposed multiple dwellings in the proposed �eoona � ' � Addition of' Spring Green. Action on the permit re- quest was deferred until drainage and other problems in the area �r� settled satisfactorilg. The Co�anci� � set July 31 as the da�te of a special meeting for a i public hearin�, on proposed �changes in the �oning ordinaric e. eThe next order of business was the request of Mrs. C. J. Spr3nger, owner of Lot 3, Sunrise Lane Addition, that the Plan- ning Commission waivo the �35 ft. setback requirement on her house at 109 Maddaus Lane an.d that sha be allowed to place her � � ; --- - -- _� ____ __-- — _-----_ _ ,� ��� home 292 f't. froYn the street line. Motion by Hetland, seconded by Riegert �hat the request be allowed and that Mrs. C. J. �pringer be given a building permit on the basis that the closest corner of the building be a minimum of , 29z ft. from her propert� line on Maddaus Lane. The motion . was carried with Mr. Moes objacting. Owners of Lot 52, Auditor f s Sub�c7.ivis3:on 330., �resented a request for� d3viding this proper�ty 3nto -two lots to face on Highway 100, with approximate frontage of 85 ft. each. The lots had the required square foot area, but �he 100 �t. � wid.th requirement would not be carried out. The Cor�mission , po3n�ed ou�t that the m�.�ority of lots in this ar�a e�ceeded the 100 ft. requirarr�en.t, even thou.gh that area w�s platte� several gears ago. Mation by Loughland, seconded b� L�nch . and carried that the request Vo subdivide Lot 52, Auditor� s Subdivision 330, be denied. Mr. B�ellaness did not concur with the m��3on. The owners of the propert� are two brothers � who said the� plan to build a double bungalow in vie� of the fac� that the3r requ.est was denied. Harold C. Hostettler, �ox 308, ��ayza�a, prospective bu�er of the propertg �.t 5�.15 Glenwood Avenue, appeared 'before the Commissios� to find out h.ow this propertg could be sub- divided. It has 161 f�. frontage on two roads: Glenwood Avenue and Turlo.pike Road; i�G is 310 ft. deep. Mation. b� Moes, seconded bg Bjellaness and carried -�hat the Commission: re- affirm motions taken at May 11, 1950 and Jun� 8, 1950 meet- ings of the Planning Cornm3.ss3on regarding this particular property. �'l�a.e Com�n.ission was asked for an opinivn on the possibilitg . of locating the Minneapo�:is Lawn '�en.nis Coia:rts in Golden , Valley. This group - the �inneapolis Lawn Tsnnis Associa�Cion - compo�ed lar.gely o�' d.octors and prof�ssional men has had its courts located in �he Parade Grounda in Minneapolis for many gears, but now the sp�.ce is no lon.ger availat�Ce to them be- cause of the erection of the new stadium, etc. The� are looking for propertg in the suburbs on which they can erect six or eight professional cl�y courts, locker and shower roorris, and parking sp�.ce. This graup is �;r3.11in� to le� the publie use the courts for a slight fee to part.iallg cove� costs � og maintenance, an.d also hope that t�.eir courts would ser�re as � � a nucleus for a futu.re civic park area. They propose to pur- chase on.e or tti,ro acres and hope that some arrangemerat can. be worked out w�.ereby the propert� would be ta.x free on the basis that it would be part of° the recreation center. Mot3on by I�ymch, seconded by I►oughlr�nd and carr3ed that the Commis- sion sxpress a favorable op3n3on taw€�rd a pro�ect of this kind 3.n v3ew of the fact that Golden Valley is deficient in rECreational areas and tha� this pro,jec�G might be a star� on a suitable park board pro�ect. , , . There was a short discussiom of the sewer situation which is being brought to the attentioaa. of Golden Valley residents. �.�85 Mr. Terzich reminded the Commission of the July 17 Council � meetin�, at which time the project will be discussed in more detail. Another detailed study of part of the revised zoning ordina�ce was made. Members of the Commission expressed a desire to have special meetings of the entire Commission called between each regular meeting to clean up the mat�er of rewriting the ordinance. The secretary was instruct�d to send not3ces for a July 26 meeting. � Meeting adjourned. . , . , Louis ie rt, Se retary � . C. .y ar , Presic�ent � � ,