07-26-51 PC Minutes ' ��6 `
�4inutes of the Jul�r �6, 19�1 Mee�in�
A apecial meetir�g o� the Golden �I�lle�r F�anning Co�ssion
w�.s aalled �o order at t�ie Vills�e Hall at 7:34 P.M. The
following membera were present:
H. M. Bjella�ess E. T. A�dell C. G�affunder
W. A. Moes G. Germa�in M. A. Hetlu�d _
M. K. Pa�terson G. Loughland C. Rgd�ar�
H. Lyneh L. Riagert
Th� m�ating was �alled to order and the roll was �aken.
The purpos� of the m�etin� �as to discu�s chan�es in th�
zoni�ag ordinanee whic� had been sug�ested b� �h� cRO�►�c,E
�ommi.t�ee. Conside�able progress has g�} made 3.n this
stud� �.�d it i s �ontemplated that �he^��c�nane� �ill be
r�ad�r for pre�e�ta�io� to t�e Coun.cil eery �hortly.
�uggest3on was made that some though�G be �iven to an .
ord3nance to the effeet that any permit fvr a build3.ng
, ot�.er than a �in�le �amil� dwelliag in an open deeelopm�nt
d3.str3.ct shoulcl be withheld �atil gieal�pprowal b� the
Mee�ing adjaurned.
. . �ger ec�e ar�r
e S1 i I'8.� 811' .
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