08-09-51 PC Minutes �'�� �
Mig�tes of the August 9, 1951 Me�ti�ag
The regula� mee�iag of the Gc�lde� Valley Pla�n3.�� Commissior�
was aalled to order �t the Village Hall at 7:34 p.m. The
. f�llo�aing msmbers were present:
H. M. B�ell�ness G. (�err�a.i� D. Palmer
�1. A. Moes G. Loughland J. M. F'ergu�o�
�. K. Pattereon H. L�neh �. ��dma,rk
. S. �riak�o� L. J. Rie�er� '
The meetis�g �as called to order �nd the roll was taken.
l�in�tes of �he Jul� 12 and Jul� 26 m�etin�s �rere read and
T�e first order of business �as �he corresgondence, wh3.c�.
� cor�sisted oP a letter f�om th� adminis�rativ�, ass3star�� to ,
t�ie �ecnetara oP the Planning Commi3sion eor�.taining the
following 3:tems; �
1. Reques� Pr�m John La�on, 2936 �a�oP Avent�e, tc� �t�.ive the�
side �rard re$uire�ent s in order that he m�..� b�.ld a ga�ag�e
nine fee� from his sou�h lot line.
2. Pet�tiAa to ch�n�e the name o#' Jurie Aventae from Gleawood
to Olson I�i.ghwa;� to �,rdmore Drine.
3. A petiti�n obseQt�.ng to �Ghe io�ation of �he �Tallay �iew
Presb�terian Church at the r�o�th�res� a�rr�er �f �ioocfils� Fark. '
�.. A note r��ardin� �he Mir�ine�polis Lawn Tensi� As�ociat3o�g
to lvcate �ourts in Golden a].le�r. The Council has no ob��c-
�iaa to �heir p�oposi�ion, sub�ect to cla,rification of' legal
matters priar �o final approval.
�. A note regard3n� t he admption by the �cuncil of two new �
, ord3n�nces per�a�ning �o mult3ple d�rellings, as outlined in
" our let�er of Jul� 3. The second ordinar�ce adopted 3ncorporates
, the reco�.end�.tion of the ordinance co�ittee as ou�l3.ned in
their letter of A�a� 10.
6. Dr. Shimek r�quests the Flan�ing �ommi$sion�s su�g�sti4n ,
on �Ghe �laceme�.t of his new hame direc�l� go�.th of lOb Ottawa
Ave�aue . , �
7. A note regardiag a eopy of the anraual 1950 report of the
Ntinneapoli$ PI.aT1T1�.Zi� E"+��,SS�.AII, � �
8. A note re��rdin� the progreas of the twsn��-�ig six�l�
apartm�n� �nits on the proposed S�cond Add3tion of Spring �
Gre�n, �m.entionin� �hs� a writ of �andamus wa� served on the
b�3.lding inapector and members of the Co�ancil and, as a resu��,
1�� .
a co�.r� trial wa� held durin� �he week of Julg 30.
9. . A nO�Ge r��ard3n� an informal hear3.n� on the po�sibili�G�
af ��r3.gg into the proposed Crystal sewer main.
The ne�t o�der of business w'a� a request of Mr. Jo�i L.
LaratOn, �936 �a�or A�enue. Motimn bg Lynch, s�conded b�
Palmer and Qarri�d that Mr. Law�on be allowed to build
his �arage not clo�er ��ian nine feet to the ��u�h lot _
line and n�� c1.US�r tha� twenty-four feet Prom the ,front
lvt lin�, o� �he �rouncls t�� �his is a h�rd$h�p in. aiew
of �h� fact th�t deed re�tpiatio�s �orae �ia� i�a b�ild a�a
a���ehe�d gara��, end alsA the lAeation �P the dra9.n fie�,d
li�:�� hi.s d�i�ewa� lac�.tioa, a.nd al�o m�a t�e �o�ds
t�.�t �he nei�borg 3.n the im�ediate vieigi��' dm t�ot
Mr. Pa�l E+ngha.�se� presented s petiti�on to chaxig� the
na�e �f J�e A�en�e N. fr�� Gl�nwood Aven�e to O1sAr�
FIighwa�r to A�c�mor� Dr3.ve. Motion b, B�ellar�ess, seeonded
b�r Eri�ksou and carried �hat the petition be deniad in
ei.ew af the Fac� �ha� careful consideratioa b� the ��reet
ne�3.n� cQm�i�tee w�.s �iven to the na�e of the stree� as
it lir�.es np with. Ju�e Avenue in Robbinsdale �nd �.lso i� CR�tsns�
q,�„!v„'��W,�9, �3t. Loui� Part�, �nd also in vie�r of the fa�t that this
�����2 � ma��er ha� been settled for two year� and tilerefore J�ne
A�venue is on all �t' the maps, fs registered with �h� pos�
offi�e, �t�.
A group of resident� in the area of 320� Lilac Dr3.ve was
present to objeot �o the loaatio� of a ehurch ir� the
nor�hwes� �arner of ldoodlawn Park on the ��ound that this �
buil.ding wg��.d be ��ttin� out in f�ant of th� present
res3.den�es im this area. Mo�iom b� Loughland, �econded .
by B�ell�n�ss and carried that the church �roup subm�� .
a dra�t3.n� of �heir lo� showing the lmeat9.�n o� the pr�-
pc��ed b�a3.ldi�gs, parking lot�, entran���, etc. , �r�d al�a
t�iat the ad3acen� pr�p��t� owners pre�ea�t a d.�aw�n� of
��i�i� lm�� $�.or�ng the houses �rith �heir pr�per s�tbacks. �
The me�ber� of the �hur�h building comm3���e �rore pre�ex��
' �nd agr�ed �o brin� �his au�vey to the ne$t Pl�,ning
Commiss3or� �.eeting.- A��ion will be deterr�d �t3.1 �G�.eae
plo� plans a�e submi.�ted.
A plan of�he proper�� on the aouth ��de. oP 1�16 Ot��wa
Avenue S. t�as presented to get the eiews of i�he Pl�r�air��
Co�.i.ssivn on �he placement of a proposed residesee. Th�
Comm3.$si�a s�gges�s that �r. Sh3mek ffia3ntain h�.s 35 ft.
$etl��ck Prom Ot�aw� ��enue and 15 ft. frem the side lc��
liae 3@pSP8�3ZiF', �9 pr�aer�t home f'rom the new lo'�, b�a�
tha�G he can �o bael� �o�rard H3,ghwa� 140, if he gets per-
m3ssion ��om �he S�a�� B3gh�a� �epartment,
" 1�9
�he se�retarg ��9 instructad to send out �otices for �
special Plsr�tnin� �an�is�i0n meetin� to be held on August 23.
�eeting ad�ourned.
. . ege , emre ar�
C. g , Pres en