08-23-51 PC Minutes ���
M3nutes of the Au�us� 23, 1951 Meetin�
A spe�ial meeting of �he Golden V�11ey Pl�.nning Cor�nission
was held at t�.e Village Hall on Aug�a.st Z3. The follo�ir�.�
me�bers were present:
W. A. P2oes H. L9nch M. �. Hetlurid
�I. R. Pa�tersar� L. Riegert D. Paltr�er
�. T. R�rd�ll J'. Fer�son
The me�tin was ca:ll�d for the purpos� of st�d�rin� the re-
vised ordinanee. Before the meeting �he members
of the �omm3.ssion met a� 32rd and Lilac Dr�ve N. at the
site of the new Valley Presb�teria.n Chure�, to stud� the
location so that a more eomprehensiae report could b� � •
made at the negt re�ular meetin�.
� There were two ordi�ances which demanded conside�able
�.ttention. One concerned the 300 ft. setback alon�
, �Highway 100 and alao the setb�ck alon� Wa�zata Boule�rard. �
The other ord3nar�ce h�d to do wi�h req,uiring review b�
the Counc3.1 beS'or� permission is granted to erect public
and semi-public build.ings in op�n d�velopment distriets.
Af�er review of the ord.inances, �he meet3ng w�.s ad�ovrned. �
. '
L. J. e r , ecr e ary
� � � _
C. Ry , Pres en
� �.
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