09-13-51 PC Minutes r � , �:�1 GU�DE�T VALLEY PLANNTNG COMMISSIOPT Minutes of the Septenber 13, 1951 Meeting The regular mer�ting of' the Gvlden Va11e� F1ann3ng Commm�.�ssion was called to order at the Vil].age Hall at 7:30 p.m, The followi.ng members were present: Wd A. Moes . G. Loughland C. Gr�.ffunder �+I. I�. Fatterson I3. Lyr�ch M. A. Hetland E. T. Rydell L. J. �ie�ert C. R�dmark The meeting was c�lled to order ar�d the rol�. was taken. Minutes of the August 9 and August 23 meetings were re�.d and approved. The first order of business was the corr�spondence, which � ' consisted of a letter from the administrative assistant to the secretary of the Pl�nning Ca�i ss3on eont�.ining the fo�.- lowing items: 1. Adeised that a legal notice had been publ3shed at the request of Dr. Shimek for waiver of Front and rear yard set- back requirements at 200 Ottawa Avenue S. 2. Advised th�zt � legal not3.ce h�.d bee.�. published at the . reques� of' L. M. �mith,. 311�2 Quail Avenue N. , for waiver of the side yard requ3rernen.t in order that �e mag construct his garage cloaer than 15 ft. from the north lot line. . I 3• A note regarding a plat to be presented by Mr. Viggo • Olsen for the area �ust north of the commun3.tg store distric� north of Sixth Avenue and west of Winnetka Avenue. !�. A r�ote regardirrg proposed plats to be presented b� Mr. Joe Scheid for his proper�,� located o,n the north ax�d south s3des of 'Golden Valle�r �oad. These are revised preliminar�r plats. 5• A note regarding � proposed plat to be submitted b� Glendale Incorporated for the area bounded b� Natchez Avenue , N'orth and Glenwood Avenue. 6. � note regarding t wo proposed ordinances for the Villa�e of Riehfield: one regarding min3mum requirements for gas e.ppliances and the other regarding we11s and water suppl�r systems. 7. ATo�es reg�rding actions tgl�en bg the �ouncil at �he last two meetings: a. Nir. L. Z. Carlson has agreed to dediea�e a 30 ft. strip of iand on the •north side of Merribee HiI7.s ' Addition. b. The Council conctarred 3.a� the Planning Cox�ssion�s ; � �_- -- ---- _� _ ---- ��� recozarnenda�ion to �raive the side �ard requ3r�m�n�� '�, as requested b�r Johri Lawton, 2936 �i�.jor A�enue, to al],ow construction of an attached garage. e. The Council eoncurred in the Planning Cominission�s action denying the petition to change the name of June �venue N. to Arc�riore Drive in Glendale Addition. d. Con��ac�s have been let �o regrade, gravel and � �erec� two b�idges in Shangri-La Addition. Correspondence also included a lette� f'rom the Plar�n.3n� Gom- mission of Cr�rrstal Village in replg ta our Ietter of l��,y 1$ � regarding changing the .name of our street from Xenia to Xenwood. C�ystal mentioned that the� �aould be very gl�d . to meet with our Commission, but their Planning �ommission has recommended to th.e Council that atreets east o� �dair bs the same as Robbinsdale �n.d west of Ad�.ir the s�me �s � S�. Loui� Fark. � The nex� order of business was in regard to the request a�° Dr. �himek at 200 ��taw�. Avenue �. for �raiver of; the front and rear yard setback �equirements. Motican bg Patterson, secanded bg Lough7.mnd, carried, that �he a�tion on tl�,i s re- quest be pos�poned until a later date �.s Dr, Shimek wa.s not present to e�lain hj.s ha�dship. Mot3on bg Hetlmnd, aeconded by Lynch, earried, tlze.t the re- quest of L:._ M. Smith, 31�}.2 Quail A�aenue �'., to waive the side yard requ3rements be allowed so �hat he can build his ;�arage not closer than 7 ft. �'rom the north lot line. Th.is request wa.s a7.lo�rred ta.�cing into consi.deratiora that Mr. �f.th had � bad drainage problarn. and �h�.t if he placed his �arage � farther back on the propert� 3.t would aet �.s a dam an8 inter- rup� the natural dr�a3:na.��. A1�o, �ir. �mith had. a signed st�tement filed wi�h the a�inistrat3ve assistant f'rom the o�aner of the property on the north of his lot s�ating he did not ob�ect to this arrangement. TYa.e Co�nission sugges�ed that it would be a good idea for Mr. Smit�i to build h3.s garm�e out of- non-cvmbustible material. �lr. Vig�o Olsen presented the plat for final �pproval on the � property ��a.st north of the corrm�unit� store district north af Sixth Avenue and �ust west of �inne�ka �venue. �+lot3.on by �yr�.ch, seconded by �oughland, carried, th�t the glat be accepted with the fo�.lowing stipulat3ons: 1. That the stree� corr�ers have a mir�imum 20 f t. radius. 2. That easements be provided for utiliti.es. 3. Draina�e easement be provided across Lot No. 5. �.. That streets be graded, ma3.ntair�ed and aceepted sub�ect tv t�e regulat3ons of the Village. ' 193 ' Motion opposed bg Carl Graffunder. The ariginal plat was accepted on September ].1�., 1950 with the provi sion that the eas�G-west s�reet be Seventh .�venue, bnt Mr. Olsen re- quested th�t this name be changed to l�a.ren �,ane. � Mr. Joe 5eheid preser�ted reviaed plats for his property _ located on the north and south s3des of Golden Valley Road. The ori�tnal plats were approved b�r the Flanning Cor�n3.s$ion. . on May 11, 1950, but Mr. �cheid has changed survegors and these plats 1�ave been rsvised. �Iotion bg Rieger�, seconded by Graffunder, e�rr3ed, that the glat Corr�nittee make further . s�ud� of the property on the south side of Golden Val.ley � Road to determine if the road "Fron�enac Avenue" which is shown on the plat as 50 ft. wide can�t be mainta"ined at 60 ft. w3�hout destro�ring lot si�es, Motion bg Loughland, seconded bg Rie�er�, carried, that the P1at Co�ni�ttee also study the plat on the north side of Golden Valley xoad, which was also presented at �h.e meetin� b�r Mr. Sc.heid. A proposed plat (Second .�ddit3on -�o (�lendale) was p�esented by Glendale rncorporatedofor the area bounded by Natchez Avenue N. arad Glenwood �v�nue. Motion bg �ynch, seconded by Loughl and, carried, that this plat be presented to th� Plat Cornmittee for study. M�. Terzich presented an ordinance which is being adopted in Richfield coverin� g�.s appliances and the installat3on of gas appliances. Another ordinanee was presented in regard to well� and water supply systems. l�otion by Lou.ghland, seconded by �ie�ert, carr�ed, that these ord�.nances be pass�d on to the Ord3nance Committee fbr study and possible adopt3.on into the new building ordinance. The secretar� was 3nstructed to write a. letter to the Cr�stal Planning Co�n3.ssion in answer to the3r letter of Jul� 10 re- gard3ng the chan�ing of Xenia to �Xsnwood sta�ing tha.t this a,c�ion is no longer ne�essar�7 as �t. Louis Park has changecl their street name to X�lon. Action o� the part of Golden Valley res3.dents in the area of 32nd and the Belt Line was postponed to a later da�te, �:s a church group was not present with t heir plot plan, as was , suggested at the August 9 meeting. The plot plan of t1�e residents of this area was shown b� the secretary, an d an informal, opinion was exp�essed by the Co�ssion that the . ch,ureh group be asked to pl�ce their bu.3.ld3ng �.t �he south- , east corner of' their propertg. l�r. Moes suggested that arrangements be made wherebg all the Planning Cormnissionsof municipalities touching on Golden Va7.ley be represented 3n a group to stud� co�rn.on problems. Mr. Loughland su.ggested that T3erman Olson of' the Minneapolis Plann�ng Commission be contacted and asked to act as coordinator. Mr. Rydrnar� nam.ed Mr. Loughland chairman, I�r. Moes and Mr. Graffunder to sez�ve on a corr�mi.t�ee to contact Mr. Olson to �sk him to try to �et � group sueh as this to�ether. 194 . r Ntr. George Hanson �as present to represent the land owners in the vicinit� of Nok�le Avenue and Golden Valle�r Road. They.wanted to re st�r �c�o m�laint in regard to a rumor the� had heard�o�e a�.���;�est corner of Noble and Golden Valle� �oad b�ing zoned coar�aercial. The Cammi ssion ex- plained to him that thia ma��er, �rhen it comes up, would ' go before the �ounc3.1 in the form of a public hearing and the people would have a chance to aoiee th�ir ob�ections. The secre�Gary was 3.nstr�cted to send notices for a special meet�ng on 5ept�mbe� 27. The meet3ng was adjou:rned. ' . w . J. ger , ecre arg . � C. y k, re� en . � . � . '.. .