10-11-51 PC Minutes �9�
M3nutes vf the Octobor 11, 1951 �eeting
The regul.ar meeting of t�.e Golden Valley Planning Corrm�ission
was called to order at the Village H�.11 at 7:34 p.m. The
f'ollawing members were present:
H. 1�. B�ellaness . R. W. Todd L. J. Riegert
W. A.. Moes G. �oughland C. Graffunder
M. g. Patterson H. Lgnch �I. Hetland
C. Rydmar�
The meeting was called to ��der and the roll �ras takan.
Minutes of the September 13 and :�eptember 27 meetings were
read and approved.
The f3.rst order of bu.sine ss was reading a letter from the
adrr�inistrati�ve assistant to the secretar�r of the Planning
Commission which con�aiaed the following items:
1. Adv�..sed that the Couneil had cor�.curred in the Plann3.n�
Corr�:nis aion t s recommendation in granting L. M. �rnith, 3241
° Quail Avenue, permiasion to erect �n attachad garage seven
feet from his nor�h lot line.
2. Advised that tlze Council had denied a petit3on to vacate
�ross Lane between �Ia�or and Lee Avenues in Noble Grove.
3. Advised that the Council had denied a request to establish
a cemetery on fort� �cres of land on the east side of Win-
net?�a Avenue �ust north of �innetka A.ddition.
!{.. Advised that Mr. Andrew S3.ndem wo�.1d attend the Planaling ,
Corr�nission meating to request rezoning of proper�y for �
placement of an industri�.l bu.5.lding; and that Reverend I�'elson �
would also at�end to discu.ss placement of the proposed Valley
Commun�ty Fresbyterian Church.
The reading of' the rest of the correspondence was postponed
until lat�r in the meeting, as ther� were several groups
present to present their problems.
The matter of rezoning t�.e property on the south sicle of
Olson •Highwag �rest of Glendale Addition was t�ken up. Mr.
Andrew Kindem was presen�t to represent the firm of A.ndrew
Kindem & �ons, a woodworking assembly plant. He present�d
a plot plan and Sl�e'tCh85 of the proposed building, and the ,
Planning Comm.ission. �ras fa.vorably irripressed. However, mem-
bers of Glendale Association were present �o ob�ect to the
rezoning of this pro�erty on the grounds that it would de-
tract from their resid.ential property. There was considerable
� dis�cx�ssion during �hich 1�lr. Terzich pointed out that 3ndus-
tries of this type help to bear our t ax burden. As this
would be a aer�r desirable in�iustry because of its 3nherent
� ---
nature, the Planning Corm.nission and Mr. �erzich expressed '
ever� desire to tr� ta influence Mr. Kin.dem and his firm to
locate zn �his area. �Tith this view 3n mind, naotion b� Hetland,
seconded b� Fatterson, carried, that a cor�mittee be appointed
cons3sting of six members: three residents of t�he territory
affected, two members of the Flanning Commiss3on and Mr. K3ndem,
which comm3ttee shou�si. study the proposed building site and
the building ao �hat an agreement satisf�ctorg to both partie�
can be reached; �.nd also that this co�ittee shall be char�ed
with the responsibilit� of help3ng the Andrew Kindem & 5ons
firr� find, suitable property to locate in Golden Valleq, if' the
proposed site is not acceptable. Harold Lynch was a.ppointed
� e�ai�rr►an oi the committee. Other members are Mr. �etland, �
Nlr. Sather, Dr. Holzaphel, Mr. Borchert �.d Mr. Kindem.
, � Mrs. Clyde �i. He�.drichs, 11�25 Alpine Fass, was present with
her architect, Mr. R. C. inlentworth, �to rec��aest that she be al-
lowed to place her garage seven feet fro�n the north lot line.
Motian b� Todd, seconded, by Patterson, carried, that Mrs. Hen-
drichs be allowed �o place her garage not eloser than seven
feet from the north lot line in view af �he fact that the
� propert� owner on the north presented a signed �tatement,
wYiich 3s fil.ed wi�h the admin3strative ass�stant, showing tha�
he does not ob�ect to the garage pl acement. ,�lso, the garage
� is to be built underground and completelg of fireproaf' material. ,
This action was taken subject to formal publication and 1ega1
Dr. Shimek was present but asked that his problem be postponed
until the nex� meetiag. ' �
The p�stor from th.e Valle�r Corrmzunit� Presb�terian Church ar�d
` th.e architect from Liaben.berg 8c Kaplan �ere present to show
the plot plan �for their church to be loc�.ted at 32nd Avenue
on the eas� side of Highwag 100. Motion by Bjellan.ess,
seconded by �oughland, carried, that the proposed arrangement �
shown on the plan dated Qctober 7, 1951, be approved.
Paul �nghauser was present with a preliminary plat of the are�.
on the north�rest corner of the intersection of Golden Valle�
Road and. Nobl� Avenue. Motion b�r �oughland, seconded b�r Riegert, I
carri'e�, that it be referred to the p1.at eommi�tee and that the �
plat committee work in con3vnction with the zoning committee in
considering this matter.
Mr. Carlson, rspres�n.ting Glendale Incorporated, was present
to discuss the plat for the Second Addition to �lend.ale. The
p].at committee made �heir report as follows: th.at Roanoke be
extended across the Second Addition to �lendal.e to its west ,
boundary, w�ith a turn aro�and on the wes� end. T�n3.a is to be
a 60 ft. right oP wa� with a l00 ft. turnaround. The plat co�.-
mittee r�eomrr�.ended that with this additional road the plat
be accepted. Motion by Riegert, seconded b�r Lou�hland, .carried,
that we accept the report of the plat eo�rrnittee. Mr. Hetland �
abstained from voting. ' '
Mr. John M3.11er of Mapla Plain, representing the Cooperative
�eed Excb.ange, �ras present to a sk the Plann3ng �omm3.ssion� s �
opinion regarding lacation of a retail feed store in Golden
Valley. At presen�, their store 3s located a� 112 N. 7th
��raet, but t?�.at area is too congested,and t�iey wish to move
into Gold�n Valley and had tent�.�.ively pick�d a apot on the
L�rson �rope�� � � ghway N'o. 12 �ust west of Wir�netka A,v. S.
The Cormnission��.a� �e�r contact the Highway Department and
find out if the traffic �n.ovement would not be as desirable
for them 3f they located on. Highway 55 inste�d of Highway 12.
If they cannot locate on property on xi�rn�a� 5,5 which is
already zoned co�ercial, they ahould get permission of the
property owners in the area in whieh they �rish to build. The
area on t.he northwsst corner of �linnetka and Sixth Avenue N.
was suggested and the Commission suggested they contact �er-
zich, who would put them in touch with �he owner of this
prop erty.
� ��.�_zonin�.--coz�3.t� �he7��1_a short meeting to discuss the �
/� � �" matter of zonin� to `�omme� rcis_, the saction of l�.n.d so desig-
L�J� n nated in the prelira3nary plaic for the northwest corner of
�� 1Voble Avenue and Golden Valleg Road, and su.bsequentl�
recommended that this are�. be zoned to �����A=�'� 1'�lotion
by Lyrich, seconded b� Loughland, carried, that the area shown
on the plat be zoned to commercial, th3.s a ction sub�ect �o
legal notice �n.d public hearing. Riegert did not vote because
it was felt more �horough study shoLZld be made of t�i.s problem
to consider trmffic congest3on and desirabil.ity of having
stores in this area.
The plat committee reported on the preliminar�r plat for the
northwest co�ner o�' Gc>7.den V'alley Road and �toble .Avenue, and
recommended that it be approved,with the stipul�tion t�.at if
a�rangements can be made with the owners on the nor�h end of
th3.s property, streets shall be platted �s shown on th� pre-
liminary p1at; if caoperation �rith. �these o�an.ers is not pos-.
sible, streets shall be connected on the north end so �as to
eliminate dead end streets. Mo�3on by Bjell�:ness, seconded
b� Graffunder, carried, that the preliminary plat for the
northwest corner of Gc�lden �Talls�r Road and Noble Avenue be
approved, as recorr�.ended b� the plat committee.
Mr. R�dmark named Carl Graffunder of the ordinance cormnit�ee
to � Mr. Patte�son as chairman.
- __ s.
The pla t comm3ttee reported on the �cheid plats for both the
nort�a. and south sides af Golden Valley Road.. `�he plat cvm-
mi.ttee recommended tha.t the plat on the north side of the ro�d
be accepted as presented, bu� that the p1a� on the south side
of Golden Va33e� �oad be changed so th�t F'rontenac Avenue
w311 be a minimum of 60 ft. in width, this being accomplished
1og aligkit rearrangement of lots as shown on the plmt which
is Piled with the administrative assistant. All corners of
r- -� -- ---- . .._ . . ---_._._---�
' 19� �
street intersections shall be changed to have the required
radii. Motion by� Hetland, seconded bg Graffunder, carried,
that the report of the plat co�nittee be accepted.
The next o'r�.er of business was reading the rest of the cor-
respondence, which consisted of a letter f'rom the Minr.�eapolis
La�mm. Tennis Association to the secretary of the Planning Com- ,
mission stating that their prograin �rill be postponed for
perhaps another gear, at which time their group may want to
avail themselves of our hospitalitg. �
Meetin� ad�ourned.
. ' .
` Lou s J e rt, Secre ary
, � �
� C. Ry � , res en
, ,