11-01-51 PC Minutes i �V �
Nlinutes of the November 1� 1951 Meeting
,� special �aeetin� of the Golden Va1.�.e� P7.anning Commi.ssion
was held at �he Village Hall on Noeember 1, 1951. The
follo�ring m�mbers w�re present:
. C. Rydmark R. W.Todd l�i. K. Patterson
W. Moes , H. B�ellan.es� C. GraPfunder
D. Palmer H. L�nch S. Eriskson
d. Fer�son G. Germain G. �oughla.�a.d
�. Aiegert
The meet3.r�.g was called �o d3scuss the following ma�ters: �
1. To consider rezoning the east 800 ft. of the north
!{.3 rods o�° the S�4 of Section 19, Townsh3p �9, Range 2t�.,
aceording t o the �overnment survey thereof, exe�pting
ro�d and railroad right of �rag, r�quested b� Mr. Andrew
Kindem fo� the purpose of building a millwor� �ssembly
p��nt. .
�. To diseu�� the possib3�.ity of 1.ocating an offiee
b�zilding (2y.� z 123�6" ) on the propert�r at the north.-. ,
east intersection of 01son Highw�g and the 8elt L3ne.
The pPOposed loeation would plaee the building almos�
para,llel to and �ust a few f�et south of' �the railroad
tracks, the westerl� �nd of the building being 176�6"
east of the �asterly edge of _the main traveled ri�h�
of wa�r of the Belt Line.
A considerable group of people P�orn Glendale Inc., w3th
Dr. Hol�aphel as spokesman, was presen� �t �he invitation �
of Mr. Louis Terzich. Mr�. Rydta�rl� called for a report
froYn Harold Lynch, chair�an of th� co�ttee previousl� �
named by Mr. x�dmark to look into,,'�atter oP pl�cemen� of
' Mr. Kindem� s building. Mr. L�n.ch stated �hat the comYr�ttee
visited the pr�sent gindera plaa�t and, although the operat3on
! of' the plan�t was satisfactory, �1�ndm�le Inc. was de�'ix�itely
opposed to tla.3.s rezoning under an� circums�ances; the com-
mittee showed Mr. Kindem properlg zoned areas in other �
sect3ons of �he Village, but there was no 3ocation satis- .
Pactory to him. Other members of this co�nittee - Mr. Sather,
Mr. Borehert and Dr. Holzaphel - reported on their v3sit to
the Kindem plant and st�ted that theg were definitelg op-
posed to this re�onin�. Dr. Holzap�.el'�called oa a aumber of
represen�ativea f�om Glendale Inc. who had made studiss for
thi s organiz�tion �Go present at the Plann3ng Commi ssion
; meeting. Mr. Markham talked about the leg�.l aspects, men- �
t3.oning th�.t th3s propert� was not zoned cor�r►ercial when
theg moved th.ere and sh.ould not be chan�ed �t the present.
Mr. Seh�aartz from Cloverleaf Terrace mentioned that he has
� tried to purchase this property for builc�3;ng sma.11 residences.
� �
After eonsiderable discus�ion, motion bg Germain, ssconded
by R�egert, carried, �hat the Co�ssion ad�ourn 3.nto
�ge�utive sess3on. Motion by Herold Lyneh, seconded b�
Loughland, earr3.ed, t}a,at the request for the rezonin� of
�his propert� on �lson Highwa� be denieci, but that this
xnotion shov.ld not be coastrued as elosing the door on fu.ture
r�zoning from open d�velopment even th.ough this zoning 3s
not shca�ra on the mas�Ger plan. Mr. �odd �voted "No" and
Mr. B�ell�ness r`efra3.n�d from vot�ng.
. T�.e request of Enaeo Inc, regarding �he plaeement of the
� office bu3ldin� on �he property on the r�ortheast inter��etion
of Olson H3�hway and the Belt Line was discussed. ,�fter
�onsiderable discussion, motion by Lough].and, seconded b�
Gra.ffunder, carried, that the request b�s denied on the basis
�h.at it violates the ordinance passed Marc� 30, 1948, whieh
�e�oned this ent3re northe�.st corner to Communit� Store
�Di,�triet w3th the �'ollowing stipulat3.ons: ". . . . .e�ccep�ing
thereFrom, howev�r, Q11 that part of the above deser3bed
traet� ly3.n� West of a line dr�wn p�rallel to and 204 feet
distant (in an east��l�r direat3on) from the East line of
th� main t�aveled r3.ght-of-way of St�t� Highw�� 1�0 provided
fur�her, howeaer, that no building or s�ru���e. . . ..sha].1 `
be permitted, ��ec�ed. . . ..within or on th�.t part o�' th�
abo�e described �r�.cts of land lying Wes� of a line dra�m
parall�l to and 3�O feet distant (in an easterly direction)
from the E�st 13ne of the main traeelled right of wa� of
utate Fii�h.wa3r 1�4.r�
In 13.ns with all �he di.scussion tha� Zias been held regarding
rezon�.n� of various are�.s to co�erc�a�., motion b� Moes,
s�eonded by Riegert, carr�.ed, tha� the zo�ing �ap be re-
s�udied. It 3s �he feeling of the Corrmaiss�4n tha� condi�ior�s
h�ve c,aa.anged in Gold�n Valle� and �he present zor�ing m�p is
naw inadequate. �tan�g oP �he are�s shown on t�ie m�.p Qs eom-
mercial are useless beca�.se o�' their �wampg coudit3.on' and .
� it behooves Goldea V�11eg to proe3.de are�s tha� will be de-
si�able to promoters of co�.erci�l 0nterpr3.se.
� Meetin.g ad�o�.rned.
, � , '
. J. R er �ecre ar�r
C.�Cy m , Pre s3. �r�t .