11-08-51 PC Minutes Gd� GOLD�1 VALItEY FLANNTNG �O��ISSION P2inutes of the I�ovember 8, 1951 Meeting The regalar �eeting of th� Golden Valley Fle.n�.3.ng Commis�io�a �,ra� c�11ed t� o�der ��' the 'Village Ha11. at 7:30 p,m. The following membe�s were pre�ent: H. M. B je�.laness R. �'. Todd d. Ferguson '�. A. �Ioes �. Erickson M. A. Hetl�td M. K. Pa�terson L. J. RiegePt m �. Rydmarl� E. T. R�dell D. Palmer, Jr. , The meeting �as called to order and the rall �as �al�er�. l�inutea of �he Octob�r 11 regv.].ar meeting and the Noge�rsber 1 �pecial meet�.ng �e�e r�ad and appro��d. The f'3.rg� order of business was readin� a letter fro� the ac�ir�istr�.�iye ass3.stant �o the seere�arg of tY�.e Planning Com- m3ssion whicl� eont�ined t�ie following i�ems: 1. Hearing �ch�dnled for I�ovember � on the request of �. H. Hendrix, 11�.25 A1.pin� P�ass, to �aaive the s%de gard requ.irem�nt in orde� tha� a �ar.�.�e attached to th� ho�se may be built 7 f�. from �he north side lot line. 2. H�aring s ched�.led for November 8 on request of�. J: Paquette to const�►u.ct a d�el].ing on I,ot 15, Block 4, Delphian He3ght s, l5 feet fro� �he west lot line, with the house f�cin� westerlg. 3. Hearing schedtal�d for Noeember 8 on �equest of Wa�rae Gen- dreau to construet a dwelli�.g on �,ot 1, Blo�k 1, Delphia.n Heights �rd Unit, approx3ma��lg 21 feet from the north Iot 13ne in order � �i tm be the same distance fr�� �he street �s the hous� i�ediatel� � to the west. . � Hearing was l�eld on the ��quest of �. H. Hendrig, 7.�{.2� �A3pine Fass, �o ��.i�e the side g�.rd requ.irem�nt in order that �n at- , tached garage may 'b� built 7 ft. from �he �north lot I.ine. Motion b� �odd, seconded bg Patterson, carried, that this re- ; quest be approved. ��.�. �S -Fo bQ p� vv►�evc�vav���p�pye . I� E. J. Paquette reque�ted �hat we wai�ve the 3� ft. setbaek on �ot 15, Blc�cI� }.�., Delphian �te3.ght s, so that he can con��rue� a dwelling 15 ft. from �he west lot line, with fihe house fac�ng westerlg. Motion by Moes, �econded b� Bjellane�s, ca:��ied, th�t the reqtia.est be grar�t�d sub3eet to obta3ning signatu:res o� approval from the four ad�oinimg pr�per�� �owners on Zenith from Vista Drive to Gl�nwood-Ca�den Farkw�y; also, th�.t Mr. Peqt�.ette �ubm3� a dr�.wing of h3s propased plau sho�in� the �.ous� plaeed on �he lot to Pace Zenit� but not to ecsme closer than 15 f�. fro�a. th� w�st lot line. Nir. Waynne Gendreau requ�ated permission to eonstruc� a dwelli�ng on Lot 1, Bl�ck 1, Delphian Heights, 3rd �nit, approximatelg � � � L i 20� � 21 f�. from �he no�th lot 13ne. Mation b� Hetl.and, seconded b� Riegert, �arr3ed, t�.at �he reques-� be ranted, �ri�h a 21 Ft. ��tb�c�C from t�e north lot line (2�th A��aue l�or�h) and a 35 ft. setback on P�.rkv3ew Boulevard. Tb.is r�quest was g�anted in v3�w of the fact that �he houses on 26th � Avenue Ncrrth are alre�.d� 21 ft. from the lot line, and Nlr. Gendreau propo�ed to place h�.s house so that it will not pro�ect beyond the line oF �.ouses either on 26th Av�nue North . or Parkview Bo�.l eva.rd. Mr. R. C. Jopanson, 211 Archibald �ve�ue, �r�nts the c�rved portion �auth. of Popl�.r I�riee on the sou�Gh end o�' �i�ehibald to be c�.7.l�d Sunn� Ridge Lane. I�otion b� B�e11�.nesa, . s�aonded b� �3egert, carried, that the request be d�nied oa �he ba.sis that Arehibald is an es��blished s�reet ar�d the curved portion rr�entioned above is me�ely an extension of this st�eat and ther�fore should have the same narne. Mr. He�land brought up several problems �hat ha.ve been bother- ing him r�cer��ly. One is in re�ard to decisions of the Plan- r�ing Commission being in�'lneneed by p�es�u.re groups. Iie feels that the g�.annin.g Comm3ssion should hear �he ob�eetions and complaints of t�ie dpen meeti�gss but �hc� decisions af the Pl�,ning Corrm�is�ion �hich are to be passed on to the Co�x�.ci1 ; as recommenda�ions should be made in executive session. Also, it was r���all�d that the suggestion had beer� made ia �he past that we mo�e or less aecep� the repor� of committees re�ard.�ng plats, �ezoning, etc. Mr. Hetland feels �hat the co��tee should br3ng in the reports and facts, but tl�at ° the en�Gire Planning Co�ission should feel free �o cri�ieize and change the report of thc� co�.ittee, if nec�asar�r. Mr. Rie��r� sug�es�Ged tha.t when a motion is m�.de and passed or ,; � re�ec��d and becomes a part of the m3nutes, the reasons shou::a..d `! be placed in the miuutes for either the passing or re�ect�.n� so th.at future Plann3.ng �o�ssions �.r�d th� present �oune�l ' ma� get a bet�er nnderstandin� �f �thy �he aetions �rere ��.ken. Mr. Todd asked that h.is r es�.gnation be pl�.ced on r�cord for the reason that he feels the Comm�.s�ion has �al.len down in ,; its attemp� to inf7.u�ne�; eo�ercial ent�rprise in eoming to '� Gc�lden Valle�. l�otion b� Moes, seconded b� 1�iegert, c�.�ried, � that actian on Mr, Todd.�s �esign�tion be postponed to the ° nex� reg~ular xneet3.ng. �r. Pattersan presented the completed study of the zon�.ng , orc'i3.nanee. Su�gest3.on t�s made �hat eaeh: member of the Com- ! mxssion �tudy this ordi.nance thorcughl� befo�� �he ne��G i . �eeting, making notes of any cha�.ges the�r d�em necesser�, so that ou� reeomm.endat3ons dan be �ass�d a.long to the Coune�,l s�t the �eg� regvlar meeting., Me��ing �.djou�Yted. ' . . � . R eg� , eere ar� . � � � , � . • �r , ��s en , , �,. t