12-13-51 PC Mintues � ���
M3.nutes c�f the December 13, 1951 Meetin� -
The regular meeting of the Golden Valle�r Planning Commission
was called to orc�er at the Village Hall at 7:30 p.rn. The
follow3�g members �aere present:
H. B�'ellaness G. Germain J. Fergu.son �
�. �1. Moes H. Lgnch C. GraPfunder
Nt. K. Patterson I,. Riegert � M. Hetland
E. T. Rydell D. P�.1mer C. Rydmark .
The meeting was called to order and the roll �ras taken.
Minut�s of tka.e November �3 meeting were read and �pproeed.
The first order of business was the cor�esponden.c�, which
consi ated of a letter to the secretary of the Plarin.ing Com-
missio� from the administratine assistant containing the
follo�ing items: �
I. Request bg Rob�rt Alm, Lot 12, Block 1, Noble Grove, .
regarc�.ing �aai�er of �he front setback requirement for his
r�si dence.
2. Note regarding a request of Mrg. C. J. Tillman pertaining
to her Lot 35, Glenurban Addition. Self-eaplanator�r letter
�ras �ttached.
3. Note regarding a request by the �estvie�r Sehool District
to waive the minimum 50 ft. setbaek from abutting open
davelopment propertg in order that �he� rr�ag construct a�
ac�dition which would come to a point 36 ft. north of thezr
south property iin.e. A hearing on this matte� will be se�
for �he first mee�ing in �T�.n.uary, 195�•
' 4. The Council has concurred in the Planning Co�ssion+ s
' recormnendations pertaining to Wayne Gendreau, E. J. Faqu�t�e,
and C. H. He�drix. '
The request of Mr. Alm was not taken up, as Mr. Alsa was not
' pres�nt. The request of Mrs. C. J. Tillman was not discu�sed
i because the �'illmant s �rere not present.
� The next order of busine�s was d3scuss�an of the revised °
zoning ordinar�ce. M�. Fa�terson pointed out that th.ere had "
be�n no discussion on Section 9 regarding a dministration.
As �he duties of the Plannin� Commission are clearl� outlinad
in th.is section, it is important that we give it serious
thought and suggest changes, if necessar�. When a request �
is made for waiver or change in the ord3nance requirements,
, the request is seldom accompanied by definite in�'ornia��.on on
which the l�lanning Corranission can base a decision. �uggestion
was made �hat a form be designed including the following in-
formatio�. .� space should be allo�red wh.ere the applicant
mag fill in names of property owners affseted by the change.
I �
L .
Paragraph 9(i) (1) , 9(i) (2) , 9(i) (3} , and 9( � j should be
placed on this form so that the applican� will �iow the Plan-
ning Commi.ssiont s requirements. Also, the �ime and place of
the Flannin� Commission meetin�s should be clearly stated.
Motion by Bjeilaness, seconded by Germain and unanimously
carried that a latter of transmittal regarding the revised
zoning ordinan.ce be drafted, and th�� the report and this
letter be sent to the Council recommending adoption.
The chairman called for recommendations for new members to
fill the vacancies of the five expiriag memberships. The
following names were offered; W. A. Moes, M. K. Patterson,
John R. Borchert, Dudley Ha11, Hubert M. Nelson, Robert C.
Rau�land, Lee F. Schreiner.
Meeting ad�ourned.
L. J. e�er , Secre ary
C. Ry ark, Presi en