01-10-52 PC Minutes ���ih GOLDEN VALLEY �LAIVNING COP1IMI�SIO�I Minutes of the January 10, 1952 Mee�ting � The regu.la.r mee�ing of the Golden Valle� Flanning Commission was called to order at the Village Hall a-t 7:30 p.m. The following membe�s were present: G. E. Loughland N!. A. Hetland. J. �. Borchert H. Lynch M. Mattison D. 0. Flall J. Ferguson D. Palmer M. K. Paicterson C. Graffunder C. Rydmark Letter was rea�d from the Council dated January 7 indicating that the followin� persons were n�m.ed�to the Planning �om- m3ssion for �hree-year term.s ending December 37., 195�-: Dou�las �. Hall, John R. Borchert, M. K. Patterson, and Mar:cus i�attison, and R. C. Rau�land. As this was the firs�L meeting of the gear, the f3.rst order of bu.siness was the election of officers. �iotion b�r Hetla.nd, seconded b�r Loughland and c�,rr3.ed to nom'Lnate Mr. Graffunder as president. Motion by Falmer, seconded by Loughland an d car�ied that the nominations for president be closed and that a unanir�ous ballot be cast for Mr. Graffunder as president. Motion by Ferg�a.son, seconded bg Hetland to nomiz�ate Mr. l�at- terson as vice-president. Motion by L�.nch, seco�.ded by Het- lan.d and carried to c7.ose the aominations for vice-president, a.nd that a unan3�n.ous ballot be cast for Mr. Patterson as vice-�resident. �, Motion by Loughland, seconded by Graffunder to �.ominate Mr. Borchert as secretary. Mo-tion b� Hetland, seconded bg Loughland and carried to close the nom3nations for secretary and to c�st a unanimous ballot for Mr. Borcher� as secretar�. The new officers took �he offices �o which the� were elected.. • ' The next order of btzsiness wae reading the mintztes of the December 13, 1951, which were approved as read. ' President Graffunder named the following members to se�ve on � the various com�ittees for th� ��ear 1952: Street Names & Plats Highway� Harold L�m.ch, Ch.airman Donalc� Palmer, Chair?m�n C. R�dmark C. Lou�Yi.land S. Erickson D. Hall G. Germain J. Borch�:rt � D. Hall . M. Mattison ' D. Palrner R. Rauglan.d � � � , �_ r Llf� Zoning Committ�e Ordinance Corrnnittee M. A. He and, Ch.a.irman �ou.i s Riegert, Chai rman M. Mattison M. K. Patterson ' G. �aughland R. Raugland J. Ferguson �. Erickson H. Lynch G. . Germain L. Riegert C. R�dmark M. K. Patterson J. Ferguson President GraffUnder requested that the secretary w_rite a letter to the mer�lbers whose terms expired in 1951 e�ressing appreciation for their service on the Planning Commi�ssion. Letter dated Januar� 10. f'rom t he admin3strative assistant � was read which indicated that a hearing was scheduled bef'ore the Planning Commission on the requ.es� of the l�estview School Board to �r�aaive the 50 ft. requirement in arder that � a new school build.ing can be constrta.cted 35 ft. from th.e south proper��r line. The letter also inclicated that the Council h.ad approved, the plat of 01sen Nlanor Adc7.ition; and ' tha� the d.raft of the revisions of the zoning ordinance su.brnitted by the Flannin.g Commission was accepted by the ! Council and the village attorney had been. instructed to pro- ceed with the preparation of the final dr�ft in regular ordinance form. _ � T1r. John Clift, treasurer of the Westview School Board, ex- � plained the request to we.ive the 50 Ft. minimum di stance from ,, ��heir south property line. Letter dated January 7 from . '; Alfred Brown, owner of the property immediately to the south o�' the school property, was read consenting to the waiver request with the st3pulation that the south door of t�.e pro- posed addition be used for emergenc�r purposes only. Motion by Hetland was seconded by� Lynch and carried to approve the request of. the Westview School board to erect the proposed �. addition 35 ft. from the soutr lot line, as requested. � Patterson and Ferguson requested that the� be recorded as � voting '�no" on -�he ques�ion due to the fact that �11 possi- i bili�ies for the proper placement of the add3.tion were not � exhaust�d. Mr. Paul Er�.ghauser presented two plats for pr�lim3.narg study _ �� study by the Planning Co?nmission. The first plat is located in the NE4 of the NE� of the S2 of �ection 32, Township 118, Range 21, and will be located imrriediately to � th.e south of the new Trunk Highw�.�r 55. The s�cond plat is ! lvcated in the NN1nT4 of the S2 of Section 29, Township 118, � Range 21, inamediately north. of W3.nnetka Add3tion and east o�' Winnetka Avenue North. Motion b� Fa�terson, seconded by Palmer, carried, to re�'er the two plats to the plat comrn.it'tee � for the3r stud�r and recommendation at the next regular meet- ing. � � . _-_-- - - — ------ -. _, �n`� Messrs. T3ipp an.d Kingsle� presented preliminary plat for Graceful �.ddition located north of Golden Valle�r Road and `� irn�nediatel� west of t1�e 1�oodfill Service Station. Mo�ion by Loughland, seconded, by Ferguson, carried, to refer t�e prel�nary plat to -the plat cor�nittee for �tudy and re- view wi�h the platter. The requ.est of Mr. Alm was postponed to the next rn.eetin�, as Mr. �lm �ras not present. The Comrnission discussed a request made by the Ma�or for , a joint meeting of the �'illage Co�a.ncil and the P1.anning Commission for the pu.rpose of dia��.ssing vario�s matters ° of common 3.nterest. It was indica�ed that the fir�t chaice f'or this meetin.g wou.ld be Jar�uary 30, and the second c�.o3ce � would be either Januar�r 29 or 31. The secretary �as to contact the �ouncil and notify merabers of the Flann3.ng Com- mission o� the exact date of this meeting. A sugges�ed forr� for �'application for waiver of building and zoning orc�inance requirements" was diseussed briefly as presented by Mr. Riegert. The secretarg waa �nstrtacted to mail copies of the �"orm to �11 members of the Comrn.3.ssian f'or �heir atud�r prior to di scussion at the next rneeting. Motion by Ferguson, seconded by� Hall, carried, to ad�ourn to the date to be se�t for the joint m�e�ing by the Village C ou.nc i 1. . � Seere ary � �°` �� L �� ° � I�re s dent �Id'��� ��