02-14-52 PC Minutes 209 GOLDEN VALLE'Y PLANNING COP�ITSSTOl�' I�inutes of the February 1�., 1952 Meeting The regular me��ing of �he Gol den Vall e� Pls�in� CoTr.�ni s si on was called to order at the Village Ha11 at 7:30 p.m. The follow3ng �embers �rere present: S. Erickson M. Hetlar�d M. Mattison H. L�neh D. Palmer 1�. Patterson L. R3e�ert J. Borchert R. Raugland J. Ferguson I�. Hall Mr. P�.tterson acted as chairman of the meeting in. the absence of Mr. Graffunder. The meet3ng �ras ealled to order and the roll was taken. Miautes o� the �'anuar� 10 mee�ing were read and approved. , �etter wa�s read to tJ�.e Commiss3.on �'rom Mr. Tertiieh outl�n3.ng the busi.ness to be taken up at the meeting. , I�r. T�ngsley �.pp�ared before the Coa�.nission concerning the 'platting of �Che small tract of land north of Golden Valley i�oad and wes� of �h� Belt Line. He ann.ounced that he and I?�tr. 7'3ipp had replaced their origin�l plan for the area with a new� plan, and presented the new plan. Sever�l proper�� owners af land immediatelg join3n� tb.e Hipp� s plat �n the wes� �ob�eet�d to t�ie new plan becauae it does-not provide publ3c road access to two of the fo�r home owners who now use a private road on the west edge of �he Hipp plat. After eonsi derabl� discuasion, � Mr. Patterson sug�ested that all po3nts �.ad been heard and the Cor�mission would make �. decision after it had cons3dered the other business of the evenin�. � Mr. L�le Murrag and Mr. C. W. Merchant, representing Assoc3a�ed � Contractors, reques�ed the rezoning to co�n.ercial of an. area nor�h of Wayza�a Boule�ard and east of the Minneapolis, North- f3eld �c Sou.thern Rw�. The legal description of the propert� is: Th�.t par� of Government Lot L�., �ee�ion 1�, . Township I17., Range 21, described �.s follo�rs� Beginning at the �outhwest corner of said. Lot 4; thence east along the South line of' said lot to a point therein distant 693•4 �'eet west of the Southeast corner thereof; tk�.ence at a ri�b.t angl� north to the North 13rie of So�.tYa. 2?�..04 acres of said Government I�ot �.; thenee west alo�ag said North line to the Southeasterl�r li.ae of tYi.e Minne- �polis, �To�t�if'�eld and �outh�rn Ra�lroad right of w��; thence southwesterly along the Southeasterl� line of said right of wa� to the 'I�est line oP said Lot 4; � thence south a1on� the West line of said lot �o the point of beginning. Mr. Terzich explained the precise loca�3.on of the propsrty af- fected. lhere were no ob3ectors presant in the Hall. Mr. lerzich. 210 1�ew of no ob�ectors �rom tha immedia�e area. �lr. Murray explained the lago�.� and character oP the proposed operation. After so�ne discuss3an, a �►o�ion was made b� Palmer, seconded � by Ferguson, carried, fihat the tract d�seribed in the legall� published notice be rezoned so tha�G it i� all com- inerei�.l, except �ha� part �.ncluded in roadwa�s. Joseph Mollen and G�orge Mo11en r�-submitt�d a plat for an ares previotzsZ,y co�asidered b�r th� Plannir�� �Com�n.i�sion several �rears ago, ar�d requested that �he Vi11�.ge take over �h.e roada 3n the plat. The property is located south of Sixth A�enne N. in appro�i�.a:tely the 9�00 blocl�. Hetland r�.ised �he q�aestion of open3.n� Nlollen� s road to a�oin3ng property �o the south. It w�s �enerall� agreed tYi€st a road mus� be opened to the south be�ore t�.e plat will be acceptable. Hetland f�.vared openir�g �eeatur ,�venue; Mattison ancl Borchert urged ' tba� En�ign be ope�ed, �l�o. Motion by L�nc�,, seconded b�g Riegert, earried, �o re�er the ques�za� of aceept3.r�g Mol].en�s plat back to the Pl€�t Committee for further studg. - Mr. Mollen �.lso �.sked t�.at �he Co�ni ssion act to ge� a ser- viee road on ths south �ide o�' th� �.ew x3.gh.waq �55 between � 1�eca�ur and Ensign ,A�enues. �Totion b� Riegert, seconded b� �ietland, carried, �o refer the question �o the �ighwa� Co�m.ittee for aetio�.. Mr. Terzicl�. presen�ed a letter from �lendale, Inc. requesting that theg be per�itted to use �ot ��,�" in the proposecl Firs� �di�.t3.on �o �lendale as an eas�men� for a ser�ice road rather than make �. public road in �he addit�on. The request was rePerred to N�r. Terzieh. The Co�i.ssivn asked h3an to � ' ha�re Glendale, Inc.,. re-submit. the 'reques-� �,rith a pl�.� �a:ap showing thair plan mo�e spec3.fically than was �nd3.cated in th.eir let-�er. The Commission then returned to the ques�ion of ��e Hipp�s subdi�ision. Patterson recor�ended that the plat be. aceepted subjec� to certa3n ehan�es to be � specifit�d, and that the ques�ion of pu.blic road aecess to t�.e prmpert� ad�o3ning Hipp� s plat on the west could be taken up later separately. .�fter som� discu.ssion, the follo�ring motion was mmde by L�nch, seconded b� Hall, carr3ed: Th�.t the plat of Hipp� s � subdi�rigion immediatel� Ya.orth of (�olden Valle�r Road �n,d ._ wes� of t�ie B�]:t Lir�e be accep�ed_ sub jec� to 'the follow�ng eond��ions: that_ the road be changed to follow the �res� sxde of the pla� sQU�hw�.rd to Golden Va11�� Road; tha� a �id�h of 96Qt be .permi�iced on lots l, 2, 3 aad 4; that ��.e 2�� eas�rn.en�- alang �he �aest line of the pl�t be aequired fr�m tYi.e propert� ow�.ers concerned to the ex�eat neeessar�r � �o coaa�le�e the road plan as shown on the p�.�.t map subm3tted b� iatr. K3.ngsle�; �ha� a prof3.le of t�i.e road be subm�.tted; and that all general subdiv3sio� requ��ements of the Village be met. Mot3on b�r ivla�t3son, seeonded by Hetland, carried, �o ad�ourn, �ecr a � res en