03-13-52 PC Minutes �11 �
�inutes of t�e March. 13, 1952 I�teetin�
The regular meeting of the Golden Va7.1eg Planning Corrani.ssion
was called �o order at the Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. The
foll.owing membsrs were present:
S. Erickson C. Graffunder M. Nlattison
G. �oughland M. Hetland M. Patterson
H. �.ynclz . C. Rydmark R. Rau.gland
J. Fer�u.son J. Borchert ,
The meeting was called to order and the roll was taken.
Minutes of the �'ebruary l�. meeting were read and approved.
Letter was read from Mr. Lou3s J. Riegert �nnoianeing his
res3gnation from the Golden Valley Plann�.ng Commission.
� The first item of old business to be taken up was a report
by the Plat Comrnittee on its review of the Joe Mollen piat
loca�ed on the sou�h side of Sixth �venue North in approxi-
ir�.ately the 9000 block. The Plat Corr�nittee recommended tha�
Ensign �Svenue be opened to the 'south line of' �the subdivision.
I3etland urged tha� both Ensign and Decatur Avenues be opened.
After some discuss3on, a motion was made by ��n.ch that the
Niollen Plat be accepted �rith the condit3.on ��iat Lo� AA, and
tY�e westerl� 60 ft. of Lot D, as described 3n registered
land surve� No. 30, be designated for a �oadway and Iots on
the wes� side of Ensign Avenue be included in the plat; the
� motion further �ncluded recognition �hat this approval of a
sub�t�.ndard plat is in deference to the existence of houaes
a�ready bu�lt and`is not to be construed as a precedent. ,
Mo�ion was seconded by Rydmark and carried.
The second item of 'old business was a verbal report b�r
Mr. Terzich from Mr. F�a.lmer to the effect that a letter has
� been .written to �he Highwag Cormnissian con�erning the con-
tinuat3on of the serv3ce road on the south side of the new
Ftighway No. 55 between Ensign and Decatur Avenues. There
has not yet been a replg to thi s le�ter.
The third item of old busineas was �. review b� �ynch on
' the request of Glendale, Tnc. which was first presen�ed at
the February l�. rneeting. �f'ter discuss3on of the Glendale ;
rsquest, Rydma.rk moved that the plat of the First .Addition
' ' to Glendale be accepted on the conditior.� �h�t it inelu.de a
60 ft, easement frorn Natchez A�enue to the west 1.ine of the
� � plat, with a 20 ft. radius at the intersection w�.th N'atchez
Avenue; the easement to include Lot ,A 'plus a strip of land
, 35 ft. wide on the south edge of L ot B. Motion was
� 1 `�
seconded bg Loughland and carried. The Co�nission favored �
a 60 ft. easement becau�e of th.e possibilitg of Future
public ro�cl reg,u�rements for €�ccess to �he area west of
Letter w�.s re�.d from i�r. Terzich ota�lin3.ag the new business
�o be t aken up by the �ommission.
A letter was read from a. group o� property owners in �len-
urban which puie these owners on record in opposition �Go
building on the remn�.nt of Lot 35, Block 6, Second Add.i-
tion to Glenurbazi, which lot is p�esently of su.bstandard
d3.mensions, Pa�terson moved that this be ir�cluded in the
minutes. R�dmark secor�ded the motion; carried:
P�Lr. Fat�erson requested permi.ssion to withd.raw and present
in behalf of ths Minneapolis Gas �ompany a petition for
the rezon3ng of approximately 23 aeres of land between
Golden Vailey Ro�.d ar�d the M�.nnesota 1rJes�ern Railway righ�-
of-�ray westward from �he Minne�polis, NortYa.field 8c �outhern
R�.ilway right-of-wa�. The legal description is as follows:
That; part vf the northwest one-quarter of the
north one-half of �ection 33, Township 1l8 �i. , .
Range 21 �. situated so�ath of Golden Valleg Road
and west of the r3ght-of-wag of the 1�I3.nneapolis,
N'orthfield 8c Southerr� Railwa�, and also, that
part of the nor�heast one-quar�er of the narth-
east one-q�arter of �ection 32, Township 118 N. ,
Ran�e 21 W. , situa��d sou�h of Golden Valleg �oad
and east of a line drawn p�.rallel to .�nd �.pproxi-
m.a�ely 160 feet e�,st of the eenter lin� of Florid�
Avenue, ex�ended.
It w�s requ.ested that �his property be rezoned frorr� ppen
Dev�lopment to Cozmnercial District in order that the Gaa Co.
ma�r construct storage facil�ties �°or 13quefied petroleum
gases. Mr. Pat�terson answered de�a3led questions from th.e
�ommission and from Mr. Latterell and Mr. �Tolff, residents
of nearbg areas. Tt was brought out tha� th3.s 3.s a lar,�e
�ract of land wla.ich continues an existing coxamerci�.l �one
across railroad traekage and in a tracka�e area, that
, these would be �o parking, noise, sewage, sir pollution
or sanita�� problems, and that precautions a�sins� blast
damage ar� consi derably greater than the State or Nat3.onal
Board of Fire Underwriters� requiremen�s. It was fu�ther
pointed out th�t �Ghe �as Co. h�s asked for limita�io�. �on
type of industrial use 3.n its rezoning request. Hetland
moved that r.e�b�zing._'be�_re�orrun.er�ded, with the specifieation �
that a s�rip of land south of Golden Valle� Road lyin�
between Golden Va.Ileg Road. and� a stra3.ght line connect ing
two po3.nts on the east an.d west boundar3.es, respectively,
oP �Ghe G�.s. Co. property, each point 142 ft. from �olden
V�lle� Road me�sured at right angles to the ro�.d, remain
Open Development zone. This l�.tter provision was aeeeptable
to Mr. Pat�erson and is inserted to offer furthe� assurance ,
to residential p�ope�t� o�rn.ers that commercial structures
will not be built up to Golden Valley Road. Motion, was
aeconded bg Lough.land and carried unanimously.
Mr. F. W. McCullough presented a plat of �he proposed
development of Block 6, Yarnall� s Golden Valley Outlots.
Mot3.or� by �oughland, seconded by Mattison, car�iad, to refer
the pr.oposed plat to the Plat Co�ittee.
Motion by Mattison, seconded by Er3.ckson, carried to ad�ourn.
� � ����
Presi ',