04-10-52 PC Minutes 2�� �
. M3.nutes of the April 10, 1952 Meeting
The regular mee�ing of. the Golden Aalle� glanning Commission
was c�lle d to order at t he V311a�e Hall at 7:30 p.m. The
followi�g members w�re ppesent: �
S. EricY�son H. Lgnch • M. Hetland
G. Germain J. Fe�guso� D. Falmer
G. Lo�.�hland C. Graffunder D. H�11
'� ' ` $. Rau�land
' The meeting was called to order and roll was taker�. In the
absence af the secretary, the president �ppointed Johri
Ferguson as acting secretary for the meeting.
Minutes of the regular meet�ng on M�rch 13 and of the special
meeting held on Niarch 27 were read and approved. ,
Letter of April 10 Prom the adm.inistra�i�e assistant was
' read' in �ahich 3t was reported that the council had concurred
with the Planning Gomznission� s recommendation to rezone from
open d�velopment to commerc3al district the Minneapol3.s Gas
Compan�r1s property loca�ed sou.th of �olden Valleg Ro�d and
west of the �2inr�eapolis, Northfie�:d and SouthernRailway, and
also in the rezoning of the Golden Valleg Theatre building
and property from eoar�nu�unity store distric� to the new cla.�,�-
ification of light eor�ercial dis�rict.
� Mr. F. W. McCullough pres�nted a pl�.t for the McCullough
Addition located on �lock 6, Yarn�.11�s Golden Valley Outlots.
Mr. Lynch of the plat eomrn�.ttee repor-ted o�► �.the field 3nees-
t3gat3on made by the ccn�nmittee. Motion by Lynch, aeconded
b� P�lmer, carried, to �ant approval to the proposed plat
sub ject to the followin� spec3f3.cationa:
' 1. 10 ft. str3p from the northerly edge of Block 7 to be
dedicated for road purposes,
2. An 11Q ft. atr�p from the northerly edge of Block 6 to
be sold to �he owner of Block 5 on the nort�, this '
strip to be combined with Block 5 and ang frontage on
th� proposed street shall include a portion of the
. 11a ft. str�ip for lots facing the street on the north.
3. IItility easements to be provided �rhere necessary.
l�.. Adequate drainage to be provided easte�ly� �owards
� �3assettss Cr�ek. , �
5. The name of the street shall be Brunsw3el� Co�t. .
� �16
l�totion bg �'er�v.son, seconded bg �ou�hland, carried, to for-
ward a letter of appreciation to L. J. Rie�ert for se�vi.ee �
rendered on the Fl�in� Co�nmission.
Reco�negda�ion of a repl�eement to the Co�n3.ssior� to Pi7.1
t�e unegpired term oP L. J. Rie�ert was postponed until
tlie next mee�ing to allow members to sound out prospective
' members to the Cor�aiss3on.
The president appointed Mr. Robert C. Raug�.and as chair�an °
of the ord3nanee co�ittee to repl�ce �. J. Riegert, �esigned.
Mo�i+�n b�r Lynch, seconded by Loughland, carried to ad�ouru. '
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