08-14-52 PC Minutes - -- --- �
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The regular meet3ng o#' the Golden Va11e�r Village
Pl�nning Commission was called to order at �he Village
Hall, August 14, 1952, �t 7:3� P.M. The m3.nutes of the las�G �
meetin� were read and �pproved.
' The following members �rere present: Loughland, Lynch,
Fergu�on, Graff�nder, Hetland, Palmer, Rydmark, Borchert,
Hall, Mattison, Patterson, Raugla.nd, Ambl�.
Mr. Max Hector presented a requ.est for waiver of the mini�num
lot-width requirement in order to build on lot 20, McNair
Manor� or permiss3on to re-div3.de lots 17, 1�, 19, aa�d 20
. into fou� equal, lots. The request was referred to the Plat
Corr�nittee for action and report at the September meeicing.
Mr. Brandhorst informed� the Planning Commission tha� a reques't
has been �resen�ed to and v3e�red favorabl�r by the Robbinsdale
council to re-zone to Ind.ustr3al classification a strip of
land south of 3�.th Avenue between June Avenue and the Great
Northern Railway, ad�oining Noble Grove. Brandhorst requested
that the commisaion make an official expression of opposition
to this move to the Robbinsdale counc3l. After some . discussion
a motion b� Mattison, seconded by Raugland, carried, to have �-
tYie secretar�r write the Robbinsd.�le council and planning '�
comm3ssion protes�3ng the action, requestin� � �oint rnee�ing
�ri�h the Robbinsdale plaru�ing commission �o - discu�a the �
problem, and asking that the council take no action until !
the matterhas been discussed �ointly witYa the Golden Valley '!
P�anning Cormnission. .
Mrs, Mar�aret Lsmprecht preser�ted a request from Mrs.
Madeline Lamprecht to reconsider wai�er of setback require-
ments on Lot 10, Block, l, MeNair M�nor to allow Por setbacks
of 22 Feet from Xerxes .AQenue and 6 feet from t�.e west lot lino.
The min�.tes showed that this had b�aen approved by the comm�ssio� �
at its meet3n� of M�.y l3, 19�.8. Motion b� M�,ttison, seconded
y� Hall, carried, to for�aard the �equest to the couneil with ,
• the reeommendation that the council accept the original waiver ;
� recommendat3on of the planning comm3.ssion 3n 19�.8, with side- '�
lins sstb�.cks as showxi in drawing on file wi�h t he vi�.l�.ge clerk .
� Mr. Howard Fox presented a request f'or �aiver of sideline
� requirement s on L•ot 15, Block 4, Delphian Heights, northwest
� cornflr of 23rd and Zenith. Motion by Hetlaad, seconded b� •
Palmer, ca�r3ed, to reeommend that Nlr. FoA be p�ra��t'�ed to
build on the same conditions as specified for th3s lot 3n
�the minutes of the May 13� 19l�8 plaru�ing comrnission
�meeting as follows: �
� "Magdelene Lamprecht, 4055-25th Ava. So., request'ed
' �, building permi.t for a house on lot 1, block 10, McNair '
Manor. Beeause of. unavoidable hardship devolving
upon the owner due to the shape of the lot, motion ;
- by Enghauser, seconded. b�r Lazer�e, to recorrunend
granting the permit, w�s passed.'t �
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Mr. D�.�id $ennep, Lot 7, Block 6� 2nd Addition to �olden
�aks '(NW cornmr of Knoll St. and 4rkla Avenue) reqt�.es�ed
a �aiver of setback requ3rements on all three sides of this
triangular lot. Motion by Mat�isor�, seconded by Hall
earried, to reger �o the plat commit�e� for sb�.idy ar.�d.
report �t Septembsr meeting.
Mr. Glen Murrag appsared with a reques� for periniss3.o�i
to build an of�3ce-�rar�house building against the eas�
�ine of h3.s land on the north ai de of Wagza�a Blvd.
(line parallel with east 13.n� of Gov�t lot !}) . After.
some discussion, motion by Mattison, 2nd b� Hall, carried
�o refer the matter to the council without recorm�endation
because the commi.ssion belieees that ordinances place - �
the matt er� within their �uri sdi ction.
Mr. Jo?�i C13.ft diseussed �he 85 foc�t frontage on tYie
nor�Gh s�de of hi s lot at 7-336�=� Avenue North
wh3.ch he wishes to separate from his lot �nd sell, but
�rhich i s below �he present minirrr�um �ridth requ3rements of
�he Village. Motion by �'�la.ttison, 2nd bg Borchert, �o
refer to the plat conunittee for study and report at the
September mes�in�. �
Th.e o:c�rmm3.ssion then turned to a discussion of the proposed
village-�a3de sur�e� to determine c��tain sewage re��zirement�
and coets. The two plans offered bg t h� G.M� Orr Gompany
�rere c'iiscussed,and Mr. �wens stated t�.at the eouncil •
expects to order gZ�a. A-1. Noble Grove and 1nToodlarar� park
�e s de t s �rae�,,e���.ton��e c����� ���:�e�� '�����3 at'he�
�� ���ot CNang er t e r �re 3.n st ess or e a e
need of publ3c se�re�s. Palm�r and the �rys��l Village
rep�esentatiee present at the m�et3ng sta�ed th�t th.e
Crystal sewer pro�ect will grrobably not be started �til
�ext spr3.ng. It �aas ge�erally �greed �hat there 3s time ,
��ar an over-all �illage surse�r withou� �a:a�aia� incon-
� venience �o the area involved.
�otion by Lou�hland to ad�vise the council that the' commission
approves in principal of an over-all studg of v3.11age
se�rer �eeds, whiah is to be made as soon as practicable,
and wh:tch must also answer the following questions: (1) the
f�asibilit�r of' �oining w3.th Crystal in t he cons�ruction of a �
sewage -faeilitg aeross Golden Valle� and (2) Golden
Valle�r� s share of tU.e cost of the construetion of such
facil3.ty. The motion �u.rt.her recv�end� that the proposal
bp Borehert to stt�d� the distribution of existi�g do�estic
sewage problems be considered. Seconded by Palmer, carried.
. . ���
� A letter �as read fro� Mr. �ane outlinimg proper procedure
for rezaning to op�n development �t� lot presently soned
cora�n,�rcial on the �est side of Highwa� 100 sou�h
of 19th Avenue Nor�h,�
Motion b� Rgdmark, seconded by Patteraon, earr�ed, to
recommend to the �QUncil thatthe afores�3:d lo� be rezoned
from its present classiP�cation to open development.
Mr. C. T�endell' 629 Tttrnpike Road, presented s request for
waiver of sideline setback requirementa from 15 feet to
13� feet on the east side of h�s lot. H�.11 moved that
reaqu�est be denied b�cause no hardsh ip was involved.
Seconded b� Me.�tisoY�, carried. '
Motion by Boreher� to ad�oura, seeonded b� Hal�„ carried.
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