09-11-52 PC Minutes � p ._.._... _. ' 22� GOI,DEN VALLEY PLAN�TING CO�SSTON MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 11,1952 MEETING The regular m�t3.ng of �he Golden Valley Pla�.x�.ing Cornmiss3.on � was called to order at the V3.11age Hall, September 11, 1952, at 7: 30 P.M. The followin.g members were present: Erickson, Germain, Laughland, Lynch, Graffunder, Falmer, Rydmark, Patterson, Amble, Borchert, and Raugland, - The minutes of the August ].l�, 1952 meeting were rea��. and �pproved. Mr. Carl N. Wittenberg requested permiss3on to bu3.ld a house on the Southeast (SE) co�.er of Olympia and Flordia Avenues on a lot thirty-nine(39) feet w3de(facing Olympia) . He was asked to � present a complete plan and a waiver from his neighbors who would be effected by tb.is al�eration of ordinance requ3rements. I3e was advised tha� the Commission wo�ld approve a fifteen foot set-baek from Flord3.a Avenua and five foot East side-line set-back. Mr. Lynch presentad the Plat Committee� s report concerning the requ.est of David Benner f'or � side-lino waiver to build a house on,Lot 7 bl�ack 6 Golden Oaks �econd Addit3.on. The �orrunittee appraved the following sot-backs: 34 feet from Orkla Drivo,22 feet from Knoll Avenue and 13 feet from Nor�h side-line. Building permit to be issued on this basis. Mr. Max Hector pr�sonted �. plan to build three �.ouses on lots ,�7, 18, 19. and 20, Block l, McTda3.r Manor. The Cornmi.ssion poin�ed out that Mr. �ector needed no speeial permiss3.on to erect houses � on lots 17, 18 and 19. The Co�nission requested that Mr. Hector and the neighboring proPerty owners reach an agreement on the ' location of the ]zov��::�ia� will be placed on these four lots. �r. Hector was reques�to present th3s agre�ment to ��ie �oxr�n3ssion at a future meet3ng. ' � Mr. James Mayer presented a Sebco �roposal for an addition to the 1Vorth and East sides ot the restaurant bu3lding at the t����a,l�� Vill�.ge development. Mr. Patterson pointed out that no waiver was asked and no perm�ssion was aieeded from the Planning Commission, Mr. J.B. Heeter, 700 Winnetka Avenue South requested permission for �. side-line waiverpto constrtzct a double garage. Mr,Palmer moved that the South side-1in� requ�rement be waived to �ine feet, seconded by Amble, carried with dissr�nt�.n� vote bg Patterson. Mr. � Patterson sai d tha'c nine feat side line would create a fire hazard unless fut�are house� to the Sou.th wot�ld remain at least , twsn�y-one feet f'rom its North side l.ine and there is no assurance ' � that this will be the case. F.R, Jenn�ngs, 1��.15 .Alpine Pass presen�ted a request for a waiver to bu,ild an undergroun� garage fou.r feet, four inches �rom front lot line. He presented a waiver from prvpert� owners adjoining his propert�r. Motion by Borchert tl�.at 1Jlr. J�nnings be asked to present de�ailed cross-sections o�' his proposed retaining wall, profiles o�' his �roposed grade ���'�ared bg a qualified perso� 2�� before �he Flanning Co�nissio�a could consider his �►eq,uest, seconded. b� Germain, carr3.ed. Mr. Pat Flann�tgan requested p�rmission to bui.ld a duck � hous�,ad��cent to a pond. on his p�opertg fifteen feet from side lot line, lot nine block 5 Spring Green Addition. It �ras pointed out that no action b� the Co�3.ssion was ne�essar�r. Mr. A.R. Berg presented a request to add a garage and bat� to °home on lot e�.�ht �ck eight Noble Grove req,uiring 13� side li�e and 31 feet set back f'rom street line. He presen�ed �. lette� of appro�ral from geighbors on North. Mr. Lynch moved that �raiver be granted on dondit�on that letter of approval be presen�ed from neighbors on South. Seconded bg Germai�, car�ied. ' Mr. Robert H. Carlson lot eight Meado�bmook Acres in�'oraned the Cosrma.ission that an undedieated �oad on the South•side of hia propert� runs along the South side of �he South quarter of lot eightand that he w�.nts to divide said lot 3.n�o three units. �e a�as al�ked to present a 13ot �+lan �how3,ng �he width aad length of the 3ots and the �+ridth and length of the undedieated street. l�jr. Roy W�tt app�ared and �rese��ted hia r�quest that ten feet be vacated on the North ani3 South sides of Poplar Drive west of Meadow Lane. It was movad by Lynch, -�o- a��ow 5 feet on each side of Poplar D�3ve rraaking a 50 foo� r3ght-of-�rag to conform to the rigi�.t�of-way o�. Beverly Drive to the 1�orth. , For this eoncesaion on the part of the V�.11age tY�.e petitioners are to open Poplar Drive to June Aver�ue in accorda.nce with � the V�.11age Engineers specifications. Seconded by R�ugland carried. J.B. Webb 2.�.�0 Douglas Drive asked per�.ssion to build. a garage 12 feet from kiis house. Moved by Lynch, to refer to the P1,at comQnittee for imm�diate action secondedb�r R�'dmark, carried. � Mr. Qscar Breras�th, 1115 Rhode Islanc� �lvenue Nor�Gh asked perm3.ssion to add 21 feet to lot !� from lot 3 of h.3s propert9. Th� Commission deem�d��n�1�1sarg. 1�+Ir. Lester Elstad subrn.itted his �la� for the CortZawn Add3tion. Motion by R�'dmark accept plat subjec� to required r�duis on . �o�t�:;7, .a�id 9 to the in�eraection of Sou.thview �rive and Ed�ewood a�d the radius on la� 2 at the enterance to Glenwood Avenue, together with tYi.e ir�clusion of Park area 3.n the pl�:t as a par� of the over-all plan. Seconded by Palmer, carried. Mr. Scheid presented the revised plat of Sbheid� s Gardems addition. Mot3,on by Lynch to accept the plat subjectto the � following conditions: Spriia.g Vall�y Road mu.st haee 60 foot righ�-of-�ay; 1.i.5 foot radius must be �.o�tn for St. Croix and , 19�h _�venue intersection and Quail and 19 Avenue. . 229 Mr. Pfeffercorn appeered faeg�rd'r:�.g�;tha�front set back on a house be3.ng constructe¢� on Lot 10, bleck 1, McNair Manor. The commission agreed to a llow a 22 foot set back from,Xerxes Avenue and asked Mr. Owens to see that , this had not been violated. - Motion by Borchert, seconded by Palmer to ad�oi�xn. . �+, . . � � L R ,�� ��� 4 _- 1_ , .y J � ' �Secretary % ' ` Presi en