10-09-52 PC Minutes � �e)� QOLDEN VALLEY VILLAGE PI�NNING CONIMISSION Minute� oP Regular Meeting October 9, 1952, �nd Executive �Ieeting Oetober 23, 3952 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley �ill�g� Planning � cammission on October 9, 195�, �►�a not called to order becauee of no qua.rum. President Gr�ffunder then ca lled a special mseting to deal with t,he October bueines$ of the eommisaion on October 23, 1952. The aecretary determined in advance of the �pecial meeting date that there would ��ain bg no quorum, and President ar�Pfunder called an executive meeting for the eame time. The executive meetin� of, the Commis$ion w�s ealles� to order at 7:30 p.m. , October 23, 1952, at the village hall with the �allowin� member� present: Erickson, Lynch, araPfunder, Palmer, H�11, and Borchert. � Mr. Jerry Ritter presented a proposed plat of A. W. Hanson' s Golden Valley Add3.tion (Lot 84, �uditor' s Subdivision #322, ' Hennepin County). Commission membere present approved the plat infc� all� with the stipulation that the radius be ahown correctly on the corners of Winnetka Aven�e and Hg. 55 and Winnetka Ave. and Harold Ave. , and that s�sements �be shown for utilities, and that Mr. Ritter order � proper survey of the area �,nd prssent it to 'the commiasion at it,s next re�ular me�ting. Th� ordinance committee was urged to reques� of�icial a�doption by the council of -the zoning ord�.nance revi$ions which the committee completed and presented to the commission and council in°""�, 1951. The president and aecr�etary agreed to contact Mr. Patterson and requeat him to attend the next council meeting to answer questiona and expedit� thi� matter in any way possible. � The highway eommittee waB a�ked t;o study the problem oP location , of atreet lights. Mr. Owens atated that about 12 can be inatalled ,I under the 1953 budget. Mr. Palmer agroed to contact the various improv�nent �s�ociations and get their recommendr�tions for locating � the Iights. , It was recommended that the street8 and roada committee attack t,he problem of laying out a complete street pl�n for the village into which future plats can fit their street pattern. It was recommended that Mr. _Owens get the village atreet map up to date as a preliminary to this study by the atreets and ro�ds com�itt,ee, and that the G. M. Orr Co. be cont�cted for help in loc�ting the atreete will have proposed eewer lateral� aecording to the f7rr Co. Survey. � It was al�o recommended that the zoning committee eo�e up with . its recommendat ions for th� rPVis ion oP th�e village' s commerci.al and industrial zon�a`in bime for reprinting of the i vill�,ge map. Mr. �wene e$timated that the village map will ' be in need of reprinting in about six weeks due to exhauation of the preaent supply. ; �32 � The meeting then �d�ourned. ' t4L � � P . * ( 4/ %'�i`��h.'�e ;- e �e cre tary i:�`` Pre siden t .