11-13-52 PC Minutes 233 �
� Niinutes of Meeting of November 13, 1952.
The regal�,r meetin� was called to order at the Vil].age Hall
at, 7:30 p.m. The foll�,ring members were present: Erickaon,
Germain, Loughland, Lyneh, Fergu�on, GraPfunder, Rydma�rk, Borchert,
Hall, Patteraon, Raugland, Amble. The village council was also preeent,
After fi�he minUtes of the regular September meeting and the
October executive meeting had been read and approved, President
Graffunder turned the meeting oee� to Mr. Patterson. Mr. Patterson
briefly reviewed the work of his ��,� committee in revising the
village zoning ordina.nce� and read a copy of the letter of trans-
mittal written by Mr. Louis Riegert, then secreta.ry oP the Planning
Commiseion, which aecompanied the revised ordin�nc� when it was
submitted to the council for adoption in December, 1951.
Copiea of the origlnal and revised zoning ordinance rvere in
the hands of thoee present at the meet,ing, a�r�d Ntr. Patterson
� initiat�ad the diseuesion of the changes whieh t,he committee
had recommended.
ln the course of thE discussion Councilman Putnam a�ked
whether Seetion 3-P of the revised ordinance should require that
a building be ao situated on its lot that a garage can be- added
in the future , if there ia none initially, without violating ,
�$etback regulation$. It was generallg agreed that the village
Bui�ding Ordinance should include such a requirement.
Councilman Pinch asked, in connection with Section 5-C,
. whe ther ther�e ahould be a d is t inc t ion be tween 1 ight and heavy
• indusLry in the the Industrial Zone category. It was pointed
out that in its motion recommending rezoning of the Golden
Valley The�tre building from "Cv�unity Stc�re" to "Commercial" ,
the Planning Co�niasion had recognized the deairability of a
"Light Industrial" category. There was aonsiderable diaeussion
of' this matter but no c�nclusion.
At the end of the cli seue�ion of t�Oe pr oposed change s, Mayor
Stasel expressed the appreciation of the Council to the Qr�in�nce
� Committee and asked Mr. Owens to plaee the revision on the agenda
of the next c ounc�.].��mee t ing fo r a.c tion. The c ouncil members then
l�ft the meeting.
Mr. Viggo Raamussen t�h�appeared in behalP of himself and
�lr. Geor�e Mathews .to request tba.t a pareel of land lying westward
Prom Wiacon�L n Avenue and south of Wayzata �lvd, be rezoned from
Open Development to Commereial classification (under terminology
of the reviaed zoning ordinance) for purpoaea of building a motel.
- . AP�er �ome d iscus sion La�ughland moved that Mr. Rasmussen' s request
be coneidered and that the queation of rezoning a11 land south of
Wayzata Blvd. and weat of Winnetka Avenue be stua3ea �y the zoning
cc�mmittee ancl ita recommer�dati ons reported at the n�ext regular
meeting. Motion seeorrl ed by Gera�ain, carried.
Nlr. John Clift renewed his request that he be permitted to
create a substandard lot by selling a strip 85 Peet wide from the
north side of his present fronta� at 36 �Tinnetka� Avenue.
23�` �
A motion by Patterson to deny the reque�t was secanded b�r Fergu�on,
Loughland moved ad�ournment, Germain seconcied the motimn,
and it was carried unanimously: .
3 re t,ary