12-11-52 PC Minutes _ - �
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Golden Valley Village Plann3ng Commission
Minutes oP A�e�ting of Deeember 11 , 1952
The regular meeting was n��scalled to order becauee there
wae no quorum; the commiasion met in executive session with
Graffunder, Loughland , Lynch, Fer�uson, Rydmark, and Borehert
pre s�nt.
. A�'r. �T. W. Snyder a�ked for a waiver of sideline setback
requirementa in order to add a second garage stall to the north
- �ide of his house at 832 �Ptah Avenue South (Lot 11 , Block 10,
Baldwin City Viewj which would reduce h3s north sideline elearance
to 7 feet on a lot whose tot�l width is 115 feet. He was advieed
that, the meobers present believed tha t his reguest would be
denied if it �rere pre�ented to the whole commisaion. ,
Nlr. Carl Olson, representin� L. Z. , the developer,
preaented the proposed pl�t of 2nd Addition to '�oodlawn. The
plat is recommended for accept�nce provided ,that all lots are
brought up to the st,�ndard minimum size. When questioned Nir.
(3�F�aon seemed certain that the low lots on the southeast corner
of the subdivision will be above the level of spring high water
in county ditch #18 during the epring runoff period.
P�r. Burton Waldron preaented a request from the American
Legion, Chester �irc�_ Post # 523, to rezone the poat' s 20-acre
tract on the east side of the Belt Line betweea the interaection
of Glenwood Avenue and Hy. 100 and tho MN. & S. Ry, from Open
Dev�lopment to Commercial. Mr. G�aldron eacpresaed the poat' s
plan to build a ciubhouse and playground on the south part of the
tract, allow a non-commercial buffer zo�e along the east side ,
and allow for possible Puture business use of the corner of the
property ad,joining Hy. 100 and the M. N. & S. trackage. RePerred �
to the zoning committee. � �
Mr. George Loughlarui submitted the report of the zoaing
committee reeommending rezoning to commercial or indu�trial
claasification several tracts ad3oining Wayzat� Blvd. west of
Winnetka Ave. and ad�oing the M. �T. & S. Ry, betweea �Tayzata
Blvd. and Olson Hy. The loeation and extent of the tracts is
indicated ir� a map prepared by the committee , copies on f ile with
the eecretary and with the village admin3�trative aseistant.
The recommendation wae submitted to the council with fi.he Pull
suppbrt oP the members of the zoning committee together with
other members oP the commission present at this meeting.
The request of the '�oungberg Fieating Company for a permit
to build a plumbin� and sheet meta.l shop on land presently
zoned for commerc ial purpoees in the 600 block on the west �aide
of Winnetka �,ve. 1V. was taken up. The group decided to recommend
to the council that this bub�lding permit be issued and the
r�ezon����;of this particular lot be accomplished i� the council
and villa ge attorney consider this rezoning necessary to issuance
of the permit.
The secretary was directed to contact Mr. George Mathews
advising him of the commission' s action taken concerning the
rezonin� of land south of Wayzata Blvd, and weet of �lisconsin
23� .
Ave nue.
�Ir. Rydmark reparted that the building code committee
is studying the Paeific Coast code �nd has found parts of it
commendable to use in Golden Va,lley , other parts not
applicable. The committee is continuing its study.
Borchert reported that the commias ion' s se�rage survey
queationna3re reached about 18fJ0 ho�e�; about 40f vP the
Porma have been returned; and a clerk �s now beginning tabulation
of the �a ta.
The secre�ry wae directed to sdvise the council tha.t
the commi�sion suggesta tha t all �resent members of the commisaion
whose terms expire December 31, 1952, be reappointed unless the
council has received requesta tha t spe cif ic new people be
appointed from the areas represented by the retiring members
or from areas of the village not now r�presented. Mr. Lynch
; expresa�d a deaire to be relieved of his plarining commission
dutie�--nvt to be reappointed. It was alao agreed to aubmit
the name of Mr. Cur°tis Green to fill the unexp3r�d term of
Mr. Hetland. �
The group ad�ourned until the regular January, 1953, meeting.
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