01-08-53 PC Minutes 237 i GOLDEN VALLEY VILLAGE PLANNING CONlMISSION MINUTEB OF N!E_�'TING OF Jl•iNUL�RY 8, 1953 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Village Planning Commiseion was called to order at 7:30 p.m. , January 8, 1953, at the village hall, with the following members present: Erickaon, �.ou�hland , Lyneh, Ferguson, Graffunder, Palmer, Rydmark, Borchert, Hall, Patterson, and Velz. � The follo�ving officers were elected for the �rear 1953: . - Geor�e Loughland , president; Car�l Graffunder, Vice President; John Borchert, secret�ry. Mr. Loughland assumed chairmanship of the mee t ing. The secret�ary read a let,ter from the administrative aesistant announcing the following ��pointmente to the commission by the village council: Mr. Robert LaBiasoniere to Pill the unexpired term of l�r. M. A. Hetland, re�ired; Mr. Harold Lynch, Mr. Ray Amble, Mr. Swan Erickaon, ar�3. Mr. Paul Velz to full th.ree- year term�. Mr. Loughland ttien expresaed the commissi�n' e appreciation to Mr. Geor�ge (�ermaib, for hi� eervice to th� village and to the com�ission during his term. Star,�in� committees of the planning commisaion were r�- constituted as follows: . (c�) Highways; Palmer�, Borchert, Hall, Mattiaon, Raugland. , � - ((.'r,) Zoning: Graf�uY_ dc�ra, Lynch, Ferguson, Rydmark, Mattison, � Patterson, Amble , Velz. . (c�) � �treet Names arYl Plats : Hall%, Yela, LaBissoniere, Rydmark, , Palmer, Lync�l, Erickao�. - (�i�) Ordinances: Rau�la�d, Amble , Patterson, Rydmark, Ferguson, Erickson, LaBissoniere, Graffunder. The commisaion then moved to a dlecussiou of rezoning problema arnl their impl3.cations to the development oP the village. Counc 31 members Stark� Foas, and Rahn a r�d f ormer counc il member Pinch were present for thie portion of the meeting. Pqr. Stark expre�sed the opinion that ma�or additions to the commercially- �nd industrially-zoned sections of the village , where this is fea s ible , must be made now iP the se chan�e� are to be of any value to the village in, the future. He was advis�d that the commisaion i� working on thie problem. Loughland re-read the report of the zoning committee recommend- ing the rezoning of certa�n tracte of land alon@� �layzata Blvd, � along the M. 1�. & S. Ry. north of Wayzata Blvd, and �n��ediately aouth of Highway 55 from op�n development to commercial or industrial. This report wae submitted ariginally at the December, 1952 meetin�. Much discussion followed. Mr. Hetlarnl apoke in �� ,; ��� opposition to the rezon3ng of the tract of land on thesouthwest side of the intersection o�' th� M. N. & S. ma3n-llne right-of-way and Hy. 55 (on the Jensen farm) ; he pointed out tha,t this is a emall tr�ct; it is separated by a �a,�or d�vide--Hy. 55�-from the industrial area between 6th and 19th �venues North; and it carriea industrial property up to the north bound�.r� of the Tralee aubdivision, �rhich is already considerably built up with �ood-qual�.ty reeidences. The queativn was also raised of ex�rting presaure upon the M. N. & S. � Ry. to encourage the development �of the industrially-zoned property on �Ghe southwest corner of the inter�ection af the M. IV. &. S. and Minneamta West ern R.R. tracks. �ounci.lman �tark agreed to ask the couneil to write a letter to the railway eflmpany point in� out the problems created by the company' s delay in disposing of this land and urging them to action. Palmer fin- allg moved that �11 of the Decembe.r report of the zoning committee be recommea�ded to tY�e counc3l for acEeptar�ce exeept .th�t part pertaining to larrt�d ad�oin� Hy. 55 a�nd lyin� north mf 4lenwood AHenue. Rydmark �eeonded the motion, atad it was passed unanimously. Loughlar�3 repc�rted that the zoning co�ittee had not yet studied tile request of the Amer�.can Legion which was pr�sented at - the December meetin�, and aetion on this matter aia8 deferred until the February meeting. Nir. Carl Oleon, representing L. Z. Carlson, pre�ented a re-drawn �lat ma p of the 2nd Addition to Woodlawn, proposed. Rydma.rk moved that t,he matter T�e deferred to the February meeting and returned to tY�s plat, committee for re�riew and formal report to the commission. Mo�ion was aeconded b� Vels, carri�d. � Mr. Clarence Scherer pr�sent�ed inf'ormally a plan for the revis ion of the plat of Delphian Hei�ght�s, in tho area extending from 2dth Av�. southward to Valley Vier� Drive , adn from Byrd and Crestview Avenues we�t,ward to the Great Northern Ry. He prapoeed t o buy the s tr ip of pa rk la nd al ong Byrd Ave nue f r om t he vi llage then re-divide the section inLo 100-Poot lots which would f�ce Byrd Ave, and Crestview �►ve. A�r. Floyd Arms presented opposition from property ownera east oP �yrd Avc�nue; after some discussion Mr. l�rma stated that if the plat revis3.on would resul�G in the creation o� bu�ldable , 100-foot lots along t�e west side of Byrd and Crestview rlves. , the oppo��t.i, on would probably vanish. Scherer was advised to get �n opinion from the village attarney regard3n� the legal feasibilitg of his purchasing the p�rk land ir� que stion and, iP the attorney' s opinior� were favorable , to submit an actual revised .plat to the comm�ssion. Patterson moved that the commi�sion ask the vil.l�ge attorney Por an opinion re� garding the le��zlity oP the villa.g�' s 9elling a parcel of land once it has .been derl3.cated for park purposee. Fer�uson seconded, motion pa s sed, A letter was read from Mr. J. E. P. Darrell of the Minnesot,a �°a� Highway Department concerning requeats which have been made ; for the installation of traffic li�hte at the B�lt Line and Dougl�� �lvenue , and at i�ayzata Blvd. and T'urner' e Cro$e Road. Niotion by Palmer to recommend tha t the village actively oppose inat�llatlon of trafPie lights at �ou�las �venue and Hy. 100 because this would tend t�o interrupt the continuous flow of traff ic �t a point w�re heavy expendituree have been made to Pacilita�e such flow, and becauae of the threat which development of a mm in inter�ection h.ere would conatituLe to the property of Mr. M. Denneson, on the �reat side oP Hy. 100 at that point. Motion seconded by Velz, passed Hall maved that the commiasion re�Bmmend re�ection of the signala at Hy. 12 ar�d Turner' s 8ross Rd, as propo�ed i.n the letter but t}aat the commission further r�commend that the council and commi�sion reconsider th�a installation if it is �ubmitted in con�unction ��c with a proposal for improvement , of the intersection of Hy. 12 ar,�ci 3'urner' s Cros� Road. Lynch , eecond�d the mot3on; carriad: '! The meeting was ad�ourned. , � I � i � e re tary � r � . ii��.�"� �^ �� . .I � Pre s ident ' I' � i � � ;, !i ' li i � , . I