02-13-53 PC Minutes � � GO�DEN V�.LLEY iIILLAGE P�ANNSNG COMMI��ION " MINtTTES OF P!t��TSNG OF' F'EBRUARY 13, 1953- , The �egular rrj.eeting of the G�lden Valleg Village Planning Corr�n.ission was called to order at the eillage hall at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Loughland, Z,ynch , Graffunder, Palmer, Rgdmark, Hall, Matt3.son, Patterson, Raugland, ,�mble, LaBissoniere, Velz, and Borchert. The minutes o#' the January meeting were read and approved. Village Attorr�ey Kane took up a series of ehaages which he recomrn.ended for the revised village zoning ardinance. Mr. Kane recommended the fol]�owing specific chan�es: (1) elixrzination of �ec. 38;� (2) re-wording of Paragraph 3, Section 3, to rn.ake it clear that the building inspector -� � may still 3ss�� rout�ne building permits for an open- � develoPment area; (3) that items 8, 9, and 12 among the 17 items permitted under Sec. 3a be c].�rified to �ean def- ini�ely non-commercial activities. Mr.Kane also made some more general recommendations. (1) He recommended 'that the oldzonin� o�dinance be repealed and tY�.e new one adop�ed in its entirety. (2) He pointed out th.at the categorg, �'open devebpment�' as it is �enerall� used refers to an area which - is sub�eet to subsequent chan�e to any other cla�sification and that "residentialf� is a separate categor�. Mattison moved that this point be referred to the zoning committee for s�udy and repo_rt to the commission at the March rneeting. � Motion seconded by Borchert, carried. (3) Kane suggested � th.at the present proh3.b3tion of mul�iple housing 3n residenti�l or open develapment are�s probably would not stand up in a . court. He suggested that it be permit�od in an open develop- � ; ment c��egor�r �.nd asked the zoning committee to cons3.der th�t � matter alsa. l�r. Kan,e was a�ked �'or his comtnents o� the • adv3.sabil.i�y of a. zoning distinctior� between 13ght and. he�vy industrg. He said that such distinct�.on 3.s eamm.onl� made an.d o�'fer�ed to prov3de the corr�n.iss3.on wit�i a cop� of several exis�3.ng ordinance distinct3ons hetween light andheavy industry. Mr. Kane also presented his opin3on concerning Mre Clarence Scherer��s request to acquire from the village the strip of paz�k land along the west side of Byrd and Crestview Avenues in Delphian Heigl�ts. A piece of land is dedicated as park in perpetuity. 'If the land is not used for park purposes it must revert .to the original dedicator. The villa�e cannot sell it or giee it away. � Mr. Faul Enghauser appeared with a req,uest that the 300-foot setback requ.irement for commercial buildings along the Be1t � � Line be waived to permit construction of a� o#'fice building , � 160 feet from the edge of the pavem�nt, at the �outheast % corner of t he intersection o�' the Belt I�ine and th.e Nlinnesota 1nTestern Railway right-of-wag. Borchert �.aved that this question and all of its impli�ations be referred to the � �oning and ordinance corr�.nittees, �ointl�, Por tY�eir study and report to the commission at its Mar ch meetin�. �otion seconded hg Mattison, carried. � Mr Floyd Arr�.s appeared for nine property owners in D�lphian Heights requestin� vacation of Glen Lane to allow developmer�� of a tree plan�ation b� a group of ne3.ghborin� propert�r owners. Mr. Kane obssrved that a street could �.ot be vacated without agreement of the �o�ner� of 51f of the frontage. At tY�.is point the request �ras vacated bg Mr. Arms. Mr. Vincent Johnaon anpeared for Dr. Robert Boller and Mr. J.J. O�s to request that �he latter two men b� Permitted to build a 200 foot e�tension of Thotland Road eastward to Sweeney Lake frontage which tre�r own and receive assurance that if �hey develvp the road it will be aceepted aad maintained by the v3.l.lage. Graffu.nder moved that the plan,nin� co�nm.isaion that the vill�ge accept this extension �Go Sweeney Lake if it is built b� Dr. Boller and meeta standards which wi7.l be acceptable to the village, �.nd that a future plat wh.icl�. i nclud.es Thotl�nd Road must make Thotl�.nd Roa d co�.forxn to re�:uired village road axid right-of-w�.y standards at that time. Motion seconded bg Hall, carried. � Mr. L.E. Gottstein appeared to ob�ect to eonstruc�ion by Mr. IIe�en Rackner of a garage which would be set back less than the required 30-foot m3.numum on Rackerts lot at 1948 Xerxes Avenue. Gottstein was assured th�.t � permit for such garage could not be issued without waiver of setback r�quirement, wh3.ch would have to be granted by the commission. Mr. Furton i��ldron appeared to hear the report of the zoning � eommittee on the American Legion re-zo�a.in� requeat. He was informed that no report would be made until the March meeting. Mr. Ben Farr, 7624 Plgmouth Avenue, appear.ed. to request that part of a 2-aere plot on the west side of Gle�wood �,venue betwaen g�.�h,�a� 55 and Harold Aver�ue be re-zoned �o perm3.t conatruction of a plumbing shop. Hall moved tha� the request be re�ected and taken up by the zoning committee when it � considers the over- all problem of eommercial development along _ ��gn�a� 55• Motion aeconded by Borchert, carrie d. Mr. Orville �rosbg appeared coneerning four lot,� 162, 163, lbl�, and 165, which he o�rns on �fnTinsdale �,venue in the Belmont Su�adivision. Thesd are fifty-foot lats. He used lot 162 - plus the ad�dini.ng 11 feet of lot 16� far his �o�m residence. He requested that he be per�m�tted to dieide lots 164 and 165 plus the remaining 39 feet of 163 and divide to tot�l f'ror�ta.ge i.nta two bts each 692 feet wide. Sorne members o� the eomm.ission thought that he eou.ld sell portions o�' �hese various lots in �ng wa� he wished without a�k3:rig permission of the cc�rnnission, or of the council. �ever�al other members and M�. Owens thou�ht that such � procgdure could be in fact a means of circumventing zon.ing ordinances. Raugland moved that the villa�e �.ttorney be requested to furnish an op3.aion . � re�arding th� legally proper procudure to be followed in a case such as this. Motion seconded by L�'r�.cn, carried. L�nch reported for the I�lat cormnit�ee o�. the proposed plat of L.-Z.� CarZson� s 2nd Add3tion to '�Toodlawn. I3o moved that ' the corruaission reeommend re�ection of the plat until solution to the drain�.�e problem is clearl� outlined �nd vntil the � developer submits a].1 pla� material 3n accord�nce with v311age requ�3.rements. Seeonded b� Rgdmark, mot3.on carried. � Owens requested study of the street naming probelem ereated by new xigh��y 55. Fa7xa,er moved to refer �he problem to the �treet Names a nd Flats committee for studg. Mot�on seconded by Hall, carr�ed. The aneetin� ad,�o�a.rned. .- i . � ���� .-cl . ,� - ., �e c e a r� `.�-`��-_'�-- � �"� � �,, ;��./��;m�� � O� �� � _ } �- Presi en y ,