03-12-53 PC Minutes �
The meeting of the Golden Valle�r Planning Coa�i�sion wa�
call�d to order b� a�ting ehairman Mr.R�dmark at 8:OV F.M._
March 12, 19,53• The roll was taken and the following were
' presen�: I+�essrs. �'er�uson, Hall, R�'dm�rk, Velz, Erick�on,
��ch, LaBissonei.r�e, Pat�eraoa, Rou�h.land, and Palm�r.
The mia�tea of the February meeting were re�d and ,approved. �
The �,tree� Li�Y�t Gommittee presented their report to �Y�e
� co�n�.ssion �ivin� their reco�.end�tions for the placemen.� •
of street lights with3.n the gilla�e for the ensu�ring year.
Nlr. Jerry Lohmar and Mr. D3ck Rudolph of NortY�,ern State.�
Po�er Compan�r diseussed this report and made cert�in �
sug�estions. The main 3t�m of di.scussion was whether or
not we should contintte with 10,000 l�en 13ghts along •
Gc�lden Valleg Ro�d o� use 1�,00� lumer� lights as proposed
'hy the committe�. It was moved b�r M�. Hall that we
continue with 1�,��� lume�n street lights alor�g Golden
. Valley Road. Seconded by Mr. Velz and e�rried. The Street
Light �ommit�ee was to eorrect �heir proposal b�fore
presentin� 3.t to the Village �ouncil for approval. I�
was f�urther praposed b�r Mr. Rndolph that a mas�er plan
for $treet li�hting be made for the villa�;e. The
eorrn�s.i.s�ion generally �greed th�� Northern States Power
shotald do this and hav� 3.t availeb��e for r�fereace �t �
�ny future d�te.
Mr. Johnsog and Dr. Boller again presented the3,r problei�
coneerning �he Thotland Road.:egtension to the commisaion.
Mr. Ge�e Thotland �nd Mr. Gaulke wer� present and entered
imto �he d3.seussion. I� was stated tha�G .�h� co�3.ssian
took the necessary action coneerning this at its Februar�
meetin� and further details �hould be r� rked ou-� bet�e�n
the two parties involved and thei� attoraeys. �
The report of the zonin� commi��ee was disduss�d. The '
�o�3n� co�ni�t�e reco�nend�d th t Mr. I�aul �aghauser�s
req�zest be granted. It also recormnended that ttie A�ner�c�n
Legion property be re-zoned to commut�.it� stor� but onl�
that por�Gion on which the club hous� will sit.
Mr. Paul Enghaus�r►s requests for a �raiver of the .se�baek
on the pr�operty at the northeast corner of HLghwag #l��
and Olson Memorial Hi.ghwa� was diseussed. Mr. Ro�ghland
moeed we reeommend �o the V3.11age Couneil tha.t the� reject
Mr. Enghauser�s request and cont3.nue with thepresent 30�
foot setbaek. Seconded by Ferguson and carried.
� The Ameriean Legion re-2oming reques't was discussed.
It was moved by Mr. Rmu�l�.nd �hat we recommend to the
Couaac3l� the reques� of the American Leg3on ta re-zone
the follow3.n� propertg.
"Tha� part of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of
Section 19, Totianship 29, North of Raa�e 24,
• f�e�t of 4th �rincipal Mer3di�n, described as `
- follows: Beginning at a point 1522.26 feet
East of a point in the West Line of said
Quar'�er Sectior�, which po3nt is 1089.95 feet
• north of the South liae of said quarter sect3on;
. thence West para11e1 with the South line of
, s�id qti,s�ter see�ion a d3stance of 264 fset;
thence 'South parallel w3th the West line of
said qua�ter sect3.oa 98.5 feet, more or less to
the Easterly right of way line of State Highwa y
#100; thence Northwesterl� along �he Easterly
. ' �i�h.t o�' wa9 liae of said State Hi�hway �100
a distance of 1219 feet more or less to the
Southerly ri�ht of wa� l�ne of the M3nneapolis,
� Northfield and Sou.thern Railroad a d,stance of
849.4 feet more or ].ess to a point 108�.95 feet
�outh of the RTorth line of the South�re�t Qt�.arter
(SW4) of said section; thenc� East Parallel w�.th
the, South line oF said Quarter section 27�.26 feet
�o thepo3nt of beginn�ng, accordin� to �overnment
Surve� theroP."
Prom open development� to �ormnuxtt�r store exeepting there-
from however:
Al1 that part of the above described property lying
west of a line drawn parallel to and two-hundred
(200) feet distant (in a� easterly direction) from
the East 13ne of the maia-tr�veled right of way of
State H3.gh.wa� #100 provided further, however, �hgt
no buildi.n� or structure or any part of any
building or struettia.re of the kiad permitted in an�l
b�r this Section (Section 4) or of the kind permitted
3n and by Section Five (5) hereof shall nro�ect into�
or be permitted,ereeted, or maintained within or
on that part of the above-deseribed tracts of land
ly3ng West of a 13ne dra�an parallel to and three-
hundred (300) feet distant (in an eesterl� direction)
� from the East line of the main-trave�].ed r3ght of
way of St at e H3 ghwa y #100.
Secoaded by Ferguson, carried.
Mr.� Andereon presented the preliminar,y plat for the
Be�mont Circle Addition. This was discu.ssed and NLr.
Roughland moved th3s plat be sent to the Flat Committee
for stud�. Seeonded by Hall and carried.
�Ir. Clarence �herer aga3n presented his problems
�concerning the remaia�.er of his plat of Delphian Heights.
This was discussed and the commission felt Mr. Sherer
should make a new la�rou� of hi s proposal aad present
it to the Coamnission at its next re�a.lar meeting.
A letter from Village A�torney-Rane was read and his
recommend�tioas concernin� the revised zon3ng ord3nanee
wer� discussed by Mr. r�tterson. It was agreed the
Kane recommendations be returnec� to h3m through Mr. Ro�ce
Owens with the remark th�t his (gane� s) work be continued
as fast as possible so the revised ord3.nance can be con-
sidered by the Vill��e Counc3l.
A let�er from Mr. John Borchert was read conce�n3.ng the ,
Sewer problem. This was briefly discussad. At the reques'c
of the 1�3.11age Council a �oiat meeti�g between them and
the Plannin� Corr�.n9.ssion was planned for Thursdsy evening,
March 19, 1953•
A letter announcing a seminar at th e '�niversity of Minneaota
concerning. municipal planning was read for the informat3on �
of t he commission members.
The meeting was ad�ou�ned at midnigh�.
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