04-09-53 PC Minutes � GULD�V VALLEY F�ANNING �OMMI�STON MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 9, 7.953 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Village Plan.s�.ing Comm3.ssion was called to order at the village hall at 7:30 P.M. �rith the following members present: Erickson, Loughland, �ynch, R�'dmark, Patterson, Amble, L�Bissoniere, Velz, Borchert, : This meet3ng was seheduled as a joint meeting with the vill�g� count�31 ,and councilman . Reiss was present. Mr. Harrg �am�.nan and Mr. Ray Zupan spoke for a grou.p of petitioners from the area of Meadowbrook Acres addition objecting to the re-zoning of the tract of ].and along the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad tracks northward from the present north liae of commere3.all� zo�ed land on the nor�Gh side of Wayzat� Blvd. After considerable discuss�.on Velz rrioved that Parcel #3 be � ; deleted from the re-zonin� reco��iidation submitted � at the January 8, 1953, �lanning Commission meeting and published in the North �ennepin Post February 19, 1953, � and that a public hearing be advertised for the May � , ,� Plan,ning Commission meet3ng concerning the remai�,der of i ' this re-zoning proposal. Motion seconded by R�rclmark, . passed. _ Mr. Arnold J. Ander�on appeared to d3scuas his plat proposal; and the pl�t committe� asked to d3.scuss his proposed plat an� �hat of Mr. _Fred Joaes �t the same t3.me. The two plats cover the �.rea from Douglas Avenue westward to the west lii�e of the 1�1a SE4 Section 29,Township 118, Range 21 and sou�hward from the Minnea�polis, Northfield and Southern Railway right-of-wa�r. Lynch moved acceptan.ce og the Anderson pl�t. Motion secoaded bg R�rdm�.rl�, earried. Lynch moved that th� action be dela�red on the Jones plat until a properly executed plat map is submitt,ed, and that t�.e plat cormnitte� be empowered to approve this plat when a sat3.�factory map is subm3.tted. Motioa seconded b�r LaBissonier�� carrie d. � Mr. Kane presented a request by Mr. Tom DeCola for a.pproval of a plat which inc:luded three lots of sub-standard width on the north side of Glenwood Avenue between Turner�s C�oss . Road and th.e Minneapolis, Northfi�ld and Southern Railroad, to�ether with a further req,uest fo� an expression of the comm�.ssionT s atti��de toward the constructian of dup3.�x houses on theae lots, Lynch moved to refer the matter „ to the plat comm3.ttee for study and report at the May rneeting. Motion seconded by Erickson, carried. : Mr. Kane distributed and di.scussed copies of' the • revised ������s���ir�ance, 3nPluding s�everal changes � whi.ch he e r vision com leted b the ordinPmce committee. Mr. Kane rev3.ewed the ma�or changes which he was suggesting and requested th.at m�mbers of �he commission call his attention to any mistakes �hey mi ght • discove� 3n the draft. After considerable discussion Mr. Patterson reported t hat he an d several other members of -the corrunission had reviewed and accepted Mr. Kane� s d�af� of t he ordinance �nd that the� would report an� errors they m3.ght find upon fur�her read3ng of the . docwnent. Mr. Patterson then moved that sub�ect t� those m�nor changes, this report be recommend�d to .th.e • Council for adoption and further moved that Mr. Kane . � be co�ended for his efforts in completing the revision � of the ordinance. AZotion seconded by Borchert, passed. Mr.'Kane then asked that in the near future the co�.ission list areas which �r� residential in fact but are not accepted plats in order that these areas cara be added • to the l�.st of platted areas under �ection !� of the revised zonin� ordinar�ce. • , Mrs. Paul G. Prestgaard �ploea�ed to request perrri3ssion to divide a parcel of property with 161 feet �' frontage " on Turnpike Road into two lots each 802 feet wide b� 160 feet deep. Her request was referred by the , president to the plat commit�ee for study and repart �t the May meeting. � � Mr. Karl Nqstrom and Mr. F.K. 1�Iicheel.son, Homeland, Inc. , presented a request for approval of a propoaed plat betwsen Wayzata Blvd and Jessents A ddition an d from Baldwin City View addition westward to Su.perior Go1f Courae. Lgnch moved referral to the plat co�nittee. Motion seconded by Erickson and carried. Mr. Fr�d Jo�ies appeared with a revision of his proposed plat. It was given provisional approval bg the plat��: comrnittee, subject to fu�ther slight revision oi roads . ' shown on the plat. � " Mr. Harr� Mayerot� of the G.M. Orr Engineering Co. then appeared to revie�r the Qrr Compan�� s recommendations for the cons ction of trunk lines of -a sanitary sewer system for �he vi lage and to answer any questions from the commission concerning the Orr repor�. �,uestions dealt w3.th the ultimate cos-� of sanitary sewer connections to � the individual home owner and with the relative ad�z�.ntages which �roLZld accrue to �rystal and to Golden Valley if the two villa�es ,join in th.e construction of the propos�d "Joint Trunk". The meet 3ng a d j ourne d at �u:�dnigh�. ��` �� --�� Secre r _,._ � ����.�