05-14-53 PC Minutes . • ; I �
R9INU�'ES OF MEETING OF MAY 1l�., 1953 �
..� .
.A re�al�r �eeting o� the Golde:a V�lle� Villa��e Pl�ntt3n�
Cor+�nission was e�lled to order on Thursdag, 1�a�r ].l�., :1953
' at 7:30 P.M. with the follow3ng members preseat: Erickson,
� Loughland, L�nch, Graffunder, Palmer, Rydmarl�, Borchert,
' Halla Mat�isoa, Fattersoa, Rau�lend, and Velz. -
Mr. Clarence Scherer �ppeared to get the Planning Comtnis-
- s3.oa� s opinion ca �he advisability of pls�ting and build-
' in� hcausas on land between the present �nd proposed r3�ht
° • oF wa� oP 19�h Avenue Nc�rth, between Glenwood Parkwa9 �ad
� tha �r��� Aorthera Tracks. $fter some disenssions Mattison
moved that tb.is question be referred to the Highway
Comm3.ttee for aetion aad report at �Me �vr�e meeting, Motion
s�conded by Hall. �
Piir. W.�. Ha�es, 127 �e Avent�e Nor'�h appeared for a group
og Jvne Ave�ue residents requesting th�t the name of the
street be cY.�nged to Ardmore Driee. Pa].auar said that this
is cowater to no post-office regulations and pointed out
' th�t the se�aeat nf J�ae Avenue im question is not eoat3.nuous
� � wlth par�s of June Averaue in Goldea Valley� Robbinsdale, or
St. Louis Far�, Falmer thea moved to recormnead that Jvne �
Avea�.e from the Minneapolis, ATorthf'ield and Sonthern Railw��
9outh � Gle�twood Avenue be re-named Ardmore Driv�, on the
� condit3an that the resic�ents will pay �he cos� of ne� street
' ssigns. Motion seconded bg Borcher�, carried.
A publie hearir� was theg opeaed cancern�ag the re-zonin�
of laad om the south side of Wa�Zata Boulevard wes� of
W3scor�sin Aeenue aad oa •the north s�.de of Wagzata Boulevard
ewest of Superior Golt Course. V3ggo� Rasumssen appeared to
repeat his request for �he re-zogir.�g on the �uth side of
� Wa�zata Boule�rard. 1Kr. R.L. L�rson appe�red to represeat
� a group oP F�ovr people ia the Arcrid�e Addition on the we�t
side of W3.nn��ka �,$eaue south of-W��zata Bou�evard. They
` c�lled the Corm�i�s3oa�s a��eatian to a deed restr3.ction
prohibit3� �omm�rcial zoa�iag in t�ie .�rcrfdge Additio� u�til
195?• Graffunder moved that the propoaed eo�nereiel re-
�onia� on the south side of Wa��ata Boulevard -be li�ted to
the l�nd west of the west boundary oP -the Arcridge Add3tior�
motion :seconded by Hall, carr3ed. No oae appeared to diseusa
� the new commercial area proposed on the north side of Wayzata
, Boule�ard. R�rdmark �hen moved that this area be recommended
for re-zoning to the Commereie�l elass3.fication. Mot3oa
s�coaded by Palmer� carr3.ed.
' .
. °
A r�ques� �as presented to re-zone the land south of the ,
Miane sota Western Railroad tracks betweea Wiane�ka A'e'�'ue
and Bassettts Creek to aa�omod�te the coastr�i�tioa of an � �
industr3al �a�t. Graffla.nder maeed this �ract 'ba re-zoged _
to Com�nerc�ial(light industri�l under the new �ou3.ng cstagor�r), •
Motion secouded bg Lynch, carried.
P�rr. Paul Engha�,ser appeared in behalP of Mr. �. Lueas to -
request a waiver of sidelo� and front se�back requiremen�� �
oa a lot at the sou�hw�st corner of Tyrol Tra31 and Wa�za��
Boulevard. It was pointed ou� th�t t�.e lot is eer�r narrow
and �s a result has build3n� difficulties tha� run with the
land. Afte� soate discuss3on Hall moved that the requasted .
waibers be granted. Motion seconded b�r Lygeh and pas�ed
with a desenting vo�e from Mr. Graffuader on the grounds ' -
that the a�ighbors should be consulted. Mr. En��auser
re�urned l�t.er in the meeting to inform the Co�ssiom �hQt
in accordan�e with Mr. Graff'u�ader/��equeat he had Q plot
plan of the lot �nd proposed house wi�h the nei�hbors
concerned �or th�ir consideration. �
Mr. E. La�e�e presented a drawing of a tentatiee plat �
proposal for the �.rea so�tti�. of °new �.�.�� #� 55 �ffid west
of Jer�eg Aveaue. It was de��.ded th�t he must presen� ' ��
�his as a Pormal pla�. Mattisain moved r�Pere�l of the
qttestion to the plat comra�tt'ee for atudy and re�ommendations
at th e June meetin�. Mo�ion $eeoaded bg Gr�ffunder, passed.
Mr. Phillip Lysae appeared to request w83vers of setback . •
requirement�s to 18 �eet from Poplar Drive for a house to be
constructed on the northwest corner oP Poplar Drive aad
Archibald ,Aveaue� Pattersoa moeed that a sia�le ho�.se e
bttil� on lots 343 and 34l�, �lea�wood Add3�ioa bc� perm3'�ted � �
a minirnum �8 foct se�b�ek from Popl�r Driee and ba required
to conf'orm to th� zorsia� ordiaaaces ia a17. other respects.
Niotioa seconded by Graffunder, passed,
��. A. ClareaQe �heed appeared �o request re-zoning of �he
. ar�a betweea �3.ghw�� � 55, Ensign k,v�nue �nc1 the old Si�th .
Aveaue North, to build a g�soline sereice s�a�ion. Seeeral
propert�r o�ers pres�n�ed a petition �rona all residents in
Mol�.ent s Addition ob jecting �o the PB-zortiag. Pattersog`
poiated ou� t1�a� a �omo�er�ial buildimg could g�� be b�ilt ,
�.�an th3� piece oP �isnd i� csor�vrmaace �rith �he ordinamee �
acaordir�g �o I�'r. �heed�� s draw�n�s. i�attison moved that
the request be re�eated. Motioa seconded by R�dmark and �.
p��eed. Ia co�nec�ion r�'1.�h �.his G�aFPu�:der inquired what
setba�k is req�aired w� Higl�.wa� � � ftar Ce�ercial develop- ,
me�t. It �as po3mt�d out tha� it prob�bl� ahould be �;� _
lea�t as grea� .as on sigh�� # 55•
J,� request w�s pre ented from �he Northl�ad Gr��hound Lines
for re-zonig� to �dio �one of 18 �esres of t�.e NW� o� the
S� of Sec�ion 30, To�mship 118, Ragge 21 fo� purposes of
�oast�ueti�� a radio transmitter tower. The ezaEt location
I � �
, , and shape of the tract is shown on a ��p on f31e w�ith
- the Village A,dministrative Qssist�nt (�xhibit n.�n). Graf funder
o , moved t19.at this re-zoniag requ�s� be �ppro��d, _motioa
� secoaded b� Rydmark. Patterson ques��oned whether the
� Count� Sheriffts Office haa been informed of this propo�al
siace the site �n questioa is near the County Sheriff� s
Radio Transmitter. GraPfuader eaid the Sher3.ff� s oPP3ce
�ows of this 8nd h;as no objeetioa. Motion was-then passed.
Mrs. Pavl G. Frestga�rd appeared to review her request
' For permission to divide � lo� at 5l�.13 Gleawood Avenue. �
� The lot has 171 Peet of fronta�e on G3enw4od Aveaue and
161 f�et of'�ontage on Turnpike Ro�d. She has been
unable to s�ll this tract as one lot, Other lcets in tha �
aree a�re 8� feet in width. Al1 neighbors have si�ned
an a�reemea� tc peranit h�r to divide the lot. Palmer �
moved �ha� the owner be permit�ed to sell the tract of
� la�id b� ffietes aad bounds into 4 lots- 2 to be 8� and
� 86 f'ee� w3:de reape�tivel�r and 160 fee� deep on Glenwood
Avem�e a,r�d 2 lots �,�eh 81 fee�t wide and 15� feet deep
faciag Tvs�npike Road, and that the Village issue a build3ag
pe�mi� on these lots if they are so d iaided and provided
. �.that the houses er�eted on these lots be s�.ngle family
• . d�r�llings and do. not viol�te the zouitig mrdigances �nd
�etback reqvirements. Motioa secogded by Lg�teh, passed.
Lynch diseussed a request f'�om Tom DaCola to ereate 3
sub-standard lota oa the northwest ccrner of �'urneP�a
Cross Road aad Glenwood Aveat�e. y�,�h moved tla�►t �e8:o18
be permitted to sell thi.s proper�g in traet iadi�at�d on
a m.ap on file w3.th the Acimi�istrative .�ss3atant but �hat
' , � buildiag permit s be i ssued for onlg s3,agle f'amily dwellings
on these lots and that these dwellin�s mus� conform �`1.th �
zo�3.n� ordinanaea.�otion seconded by �a]mer� c�rried.
Mr. Bellma,n appeared for Mr. Max Heator to pr esent a new
request for waiver of side-lot clearance on revised Lot
� 2�, Blo�1� 1� Mc�air Manor. Falmer reao�eaded that $lis
lot be oondemned �nd purela.ased b�r �he Village because:
� (1) the �ressent f�uadation i� �he gro�d 3.s in viola�ion
of set-baok req�.rements. �2) the rev3sion A�r. Heatar
proposes. ta make in �he existing basement will st31i ,
. leave it 14 fee� from the 19th Aper�ue ri�h� of way. (�}
. A house 7.l�. feet from the righ� of way at thts iater-
se��ioa will �oastitute a serious visabilf.ty haz�rd to
traff3c. �almer moved after considerable discussioa that
the Couneil be ur�ently reeommended to cond�m thts revised
, ` lot 20, block 1, 1�cNair�, Maaor and discourage the o�l�
� alternative aceeptable�'L�'8 the developme�tt and use of this
, tract. �totion secsonded bg Hall, c�rried.
. ^
. . `
Mrs. A7�na Hultquist, 1l�.DO �rkla Drive appeared to request �
a w�iver it� �e�.t a detached garage whiah was built
w�.thout a bu3ldin� perm3t and is less t� 35 feet �rom the -
lc>t bo�andar�r. Graffunder moved th�t the quest3on be ref-
erred ta the Plat co�nittee for stndg and report at tl�e
.Tune mesting.
Palm�r moved that �he Cor�.tssion hold a public hearing
on the question of Commercial re-zon�.gg in Wes�urb�n a�
19th Aveaue Nor�h aad �'oble Avenue at its J�une meet�.ag. ,
Ntotion seconded by Rydmark ca�ried, Graffvnder moeed.
t�uat the �i�h�ay �ommit�Gee request th� the Minnesota �
Highwag D�partmeat furaish a set baek requiraffient rec-
o�nendation for Flighwa�12s 55r �nd l�� ia Golden Valle�,
second�d b� Lyr�.eh, passed.
Matti�ou reeom�nended that tl� zo,ning comm3.tt�►�e consider
the best procedure �o eomplg �ith the Kane request to
list al1 areas whieh i�. fact are residential but are not
plat�ed and report to the �ormmi�j�, �� 3ts _June meeting.
�ecomded bg Borchert.
Mee�3gg ad�ourr�ed.
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