06-11-53 PC Minutes �� GOLDEN Va&LE'Y P�ANNING COl�iISSION MINi1�'ES OF ME�TING OF JUNE ll, 1953 � The regu].ar mee�ing of the Golden Valleg Village Plannin� ComYaission was called to order at the �Tilla�e Hall at 7:30 P. M. Jur,�e 11, 1953 with the following members present: Laughland, ���rnch, Fer�uson, Palmer, Rydmark, Borchert, Hall, Pat�erson, Raugland, Amble, L�B3.saon�ere, Velz. � �, publie hearing, requested by the Village Cota.n.cil, was opened concerning the request to r�-zor�e to Commercial,� the parcel of land on t he Northwest cormer o� 19th ,A,eenue North and N'oble Avenue in Wes�u�ban Addition. Mr. Paul ' En�b.auser appeared in support of the request, brieflg rev3.ewed �he history of this re-zoning request, 'aad - preaented a pet3.tion. with the signatures of � m�3ority of the propert� owners and residents of �lesturban. Mr. En�hausar was unable to preaent details as to the total area of proposed store area �nd the total proposed � parking area. Mr. ]5udle�r Hall presented a map sho�ring the distribution " of s3gners"of-a'petition -respec�ing �he-re-zoriing -request. Tlie pe�itiori covered an area"w3tYiin a �ialf m31e radius of the p�oposed Commercisl -district. W�thin that' �rea Mr. HaSI ' . st�ted there were l63 homes aad th.at it included Westurban. Of those homes 63f opposed the re-zonin , 12� favored it, 0 10� were neutral and the remainder or l�� were not con- . tacted. �, number of residents of are�,s ad joining the 1�Testurban .A.dd�tion and two residents of the West�arban - Addi�iori appeared in oppos3.t3on to the request. �n their diseuss3on t heg raised tbree b�sic ques�ions: F'irst. They expressed the op3nion t hat proposed parking fa�3li�ies wcauld be inadequate for a�.successful ret�il development at this point and that street parkirig would ultimatel�r consti�Gu�e a nuisance in the ne3ghborhood. Secondly. The opinion was expressed that the Cen�er �nd the stores with 3t would be too small to compete successfully with mass marke�ing and supermarkets in other locat3ons not tob far distant. Third.. The opin3on was expressed that if the Commercial , developments were to be carried through theg would create � a traffic Yiazard a� the intersection of Noble �venue and Golden �Talls� Road. .Aftar much d3scussion9 Ferguson moved �hat the questioa o� re-zan.in� this parcel of land be �eferred to the �oning Co�3ttee for further invest3gation sad report to t he �� . . ��. Commission at the Ju.ly meeting. The motion was seconded � ' by L�ch. Patterson said the proposed improvemeats appeared to be advisable but though� the matter should be given further study. Rgclma.rk questioned whether a decis3.on in tl;�.is matter should be� dela�ed far ano�her month. �,f�er considerable discuasion the mot3on w�s re�jected by a vote of 6 to 5. Hall then moved that �he �Commission reco�arnend rejecting tY�e request to re-zone this pareel of land to Commercial on the basis that; l. The Planning Commission polic� to establish o�er-�11 Commercial zones as opposed to small spot re-zonin�. 2. The poss3.ble potential tr�ffie hazard, and ° 3. Neighborhood opposition. . Motion seconded b� Raugl�nd. Patterson reviewed the case � once more and stated that he would vote For Hallts motion. The motion �r�s finallg car"ried with dissenting votes from Fergu.son and Palmer� 'Y'.�, Nir. Jame.s RoyQltg �ppear�ed to ask waiver of sideline require- ments at 3025 Ma�or �,venue North.. He proposed to build � garage and breezeway whieh would reduce his sideline plan to 6 feet; his Nor�h s�deline plan is 15"feet" at preseri�:` "��nch • moved- �Eha�"-Mr: "�o�a1�Ey"be pernii��ed to� buizd td wi�hin In feet of' ti3:s ��ou.�Ii lo� Iine and not � less �han 29 feet from the adjoinin� structure to the south. Motion seconded by � Hall. The moti.on was rgjected. Ntr. Tomcz�k appe�red for the Hennepin Count�r Highwa� Depart- ment to ask the Cor�mission to recon�ider the ques�ioa�,,,of setbac� waieers� from Mr. Max �3ector�s house on �evised Lot 20, Block 1, NicNair P�anor, in order to facilitate eouat�r acquisition of right-of-way for re-alignment of 19'��. �venue North. Mr. Hector had agreed to mo�re the exist3.n� fotandation . - fbr a house on Lot 20. �owever this wou.ld require � r�vision of Lot s 17, i8 and 19 and cause the houses proposed or urader eonstrue-�ion on those lo�s to be in violation of zonin� ordinances. It was pointed out further that this proposed revis3on of Hectorts development would still provide a mag3.mum 20' foot setback from. I9�h -Avenue I�orth for t�ae hoiise on�Lot �20.� Borchert moved tha�' the recoa�unendation for dispos3.tior� of the house on Lot 20, Block 1, McNair Manor made by �he Planning Co�.ssion at �:�s Ma�g 1953 meeting be re-affirmed. `Mo'�3.on aeconded by Palmer, carried. Mr. Don Moorhead asked approval of a plan to build a garage on his lot at 2940 Cherokee Place. He was advised to as- certain that his garage plan conform to the maater plan fvr � �, residential buildin�s and ��rages in h3s subdiv3s3oa and > �o reques�G a bu3ldin� permit if it does conform. � Mr. Eugene Thotland presented a proposed pl�t of. the Thotland Addition. Ferguson moved referral to the P�at Co�t�ee. Seconded by P�lmer, �arried. Mr. R. J. Musaatell, 3310 Kyle .Avenue, asked permiss3.on to bu31d a g�ra�e which will e�tend to within 1 foot of his sou�h sideline. Y,ynch moved that the request be �ranted because of a hardship �Ghat rurns with the land. Lyneh pointed out that this case had been reviewed care- full�r bg �he Plat Commi.�tee. Motion seconded by Hall and carried. Mr. A. C. �heedy appe.ared to renew his request for th.e re-zoning of � triangular tract� of land at �he inter- se�t3on of old 6th Avenue North, near �.ghW�.y� 55, and Ensign Avenue. He_�resented a registered survey which showed the relation of the proposed build3.ng to the highw�y ri�ht-of-wag. He also presentad � pet3tiora from local propert�r o�mers approv3a� the proposed re-zoning.� : �everal residents appeared in opposition and presented � new pet3�3on opposi.n� the re-zoning. Rydmark expressed the opinion of the Plat �o�n3.ttee that the parcel is ,too smal� '�o jt�sti�- re=tioning- i� -for-commerc��I�piirposes: T3yclmark`-theri move� re jection of tYi.e re-zoa3ng request. Motion seconded b�t Borchert, carr�ed. Mrs. �11ma Hultquist, �ppeared to request .action on her request for setback wai�ver on a �arage alread�r built in violat�on of setb�ck requ3rements. R�dmark reported the Plat Committeers op3n3.on that a hardship exists on the Lo� which runs w�.th the land and that there woul.d have to , be some �raiver made for an�r feasible garage on this �ot. � � ��nch mvved that the Council be adv3.sed that the �omm3.ssion considers that a hardship runs w ith the land� for purpos�s of cons�ruction of a garage on this property, and recom- mends that a buildin� permi� be issued for a detached garage with � setback of 17.3 feet from Knoll Street, but dependent upon written approval from ad�oinin� _ propert�r owners. Motion aeconded by �'er�uson and carr�ed. • � Mr. E. 2. LaSere appeared to discuas� his tract af land � on the �outhwest eorner of x�.gn�a� 55 and �'erse� Avenue. Mr. Rydmark expressed the opinion oP the Plat Corrrr�nittee in th3s c�se and moved that the �ommis�ion recorn�nead tha� �[r. LaSere be issued a bu.ilding perm3t for this tract. Mot3on s�conded by �augland, passed. Meeting �djourned at midnight. � �'.� � � . ,� �e��e 8r� res n � ADDEIVDU� TO MINUTES OF JU1VE 11, 1953 NiEETING OF THE �LDEN VAI,LEY PLAIVNING COP�iISSIO�T The portion of line 2, 3 , and 1�, page 14 of the book of N�inutes eontaining minutes of above meeting �hall be revised to read: - "Patterson said he h�d voted the zoning � on the original plat, but felt that additional evidence presented warranted further study on his part to enable him to make ar� intelligent decision." � ,